Religious and cultural history of the Middle Ages
Heresy, inquisition and religious dissent
Avignon Papacy
East/West relations in the Middle Ages
Irene Bueno focuses on the religious and cultural history of the Middle Ages. Her research interests are the history of heresies and inquisition, especially in France, the history of the papacy, and the history of East/West relations in the late Middle Ages. She has focused on the theories and practices of anti-heretical repression in the early fourteenth century, by investigating the relations between the juridical, theological, and political elements involved in the process leading to the identification of heretics. The interactions between the Latin Christendom and the Christian and non Christian East is another key area of her research activity. Her current projects investigate the diplomatic relations between the papacy and the East and the circulation of texts and information about the Oriental regions at the papal court of Avignon and the transmission of this knowledge from the papal court to other regions in the latin West.