Foto del docente

Ines Peta

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: STAA-01/L Arabic Language and Literature

Curriculum vitae

Ines Peta is Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Bologna, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (LILEC).


- Ines Peta graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (2005) and held a PhD in Philosophy, Sciences and Culture in Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and Humanistic Age from the University of Salerno and in Lettres-philosophie from Saint-Joseph University in Beirut (2010).

- She has carried out several studies and researches in Arab countries:

  • 2004: she carried out a research on her Master’s degree thesis and attended a course of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian colloquial dialect at the “Département d’Enseignement de l’Arabe Contemporain” (DEAC) in Cairo;
  • 2005: after obtaining a scholarship provided by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she attended courses of Modern Standard Arabic at the “Institute of Arabic language for non-native speakers” in Damascus;
  • 2008: following an agreement between the University of Salerno and the Saint-Joseph University, she carried out researches for her doctoral thesis and attended a course of Literary Arabic at the “Centre de Recherches et d’Études Arabes” (CREA) of Beirut;
  • 2009: after obtaining a post-graduate scholarship provided by the University of Salerno, she completed her researches on the doctoral thesis at the “Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Arabes Chrétiennes” (CEDRAC) of Beirut.

- In the language teaching field, she attended a teacher training course at the Dante Alighieri Institute of Milan in 2011.

Teaching activity and Academic career

- From 2010 to 2011 she was adjunct professor of Arabic Language and Translation and Arabic Philology at the University of Palermo, from 2011 to 2019 she was adjunct professor of Arabic Language at Catholic University of Milan and from 2017 to 2019 she was Arabic Language Instructor at IULM University and at the Institute of Higher Education Carlo Bo in Milan.

- In 2018 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification to function as associate professor.

- From October 2019 to October 2022 she was Senior assistant professor in Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Bologna. Since October 2022 she is Associate Professor.

  Scientific activity

- She participated in several research projects in teams:

  • 2014: Muslim immigrants in Milan: Challenges, resources, and relationships, project promoted by the Oasis International Foundation and conducted by the Family Studies and Research Centre of the Catholic University of Milan and the ISMU Foundation.
  • 2014-2015: Understanding Hybridization, Governing Change, project promoted by the Oasis International Foundation and realized with the contribution of Cariplo Foundation.
  • 2017: In Search of a Leader. Authority in Contemporary Islam, project promoted by the Oasis International Foundation and realized with the contribution of Cariplo Foundation.

- She is currently Bologna's team PI of the EU-granted project (NextGenerationEU — PRIN 2022) Environmental Anomalies & Political Legitimacy in Global Eurasia, 12th-14th century. The project results from an inter-university collaboration between the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, "L’ Orientale" University of Naples and the University of Calabria. PI (National Level): Antonella Guida, L’Orientale University of Naples; PI (Local Unit):  Ines Peta, University of Bologna; PI (Local Unit): Luca Parisoli, University of Calabria.

- She parteciped as speaker in several conferences, seminars and International Congresses.

- From 2019 to 2022 she was a member of CeSLiC Reasearch Center. Since 2019 she is a member of the scientific committee of the FIMIM Research Center (Philology and Indo-Mediterranean Medieval Studies). Since 2023 she is a member od the TAURI Research Center (Translation, self-translation and retranslation).

Organization and Coordination activity

- She was a member of the organizing committee of the International Conference La production littéraire des Melkites avant l’ère ottoman (750-1516 AD), organized by CEDRAC, in agreement with the Faculté des sciences religieuses of the Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, 25-26 January 2008.

- She was coordinator and instructor of the Arabic Language Seminar for PhD students in Philosophy, Sciences and Culture in Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and Humanistic Ages of the University of Salerno, academic year 2010-2011.

- She was a member of the organizing committee and coordinator of the translation activities of the following editions of the International Festival of Arabic Language and Culture at the Catholic University of Milan:

  • L’arabo veicolo di cultura, strumento di incontro (Arabic as vehicle of culture, and meeting tool), 4-5 March 2016.
  • Gli arabi e l’Europa: intrecci di lingue e culture (Arabs and Europe: interweaving of languages and cultures), 9-11 March 2017.

She was a member of the translation committee of the following edition of the International Festival of Arabic Language and Culture at the Catholic University of Milan:

  • Shahrazad fuori dal palazzo. La donna nello spazio pubblico e il suo apporto alla lingua e alla cultura araba (Shahrazad outside the palace. The woman in public space and her contribution to the Arabic language and culture), 28-30 March 2019.

She was coordinator and instructor of the following seminars for the students of the “Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi”:

  • Oltre lo stereotipo: il mondo arabo e l’Europa (Beyond the stereotype: the Arab world and Europe) academic year 2017-2018.
  • Introduzione alla lingua araba (Introduction to the Arabic language), academic year 2017-2018.
  • I paesi del Golfo: culla di civiltà, terra di conflitti (The Arab States of the Gulf: cradle of civilization, land of conflicts), academic year 2018-2019.
  • Emirati Arabi Uniti: storia, cultura, società (United Arab Emirates: history, culture, society), academic year 2021-2022.

- Since 2019 she is co-coordinator of the FIMIM Research Center (Philology and Indo-Mediterranean Medieval Studies) of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (LILEC) of the University of Bologna.

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