1988, Degree in Agricultural Sciences (Viticulture), University
of Bologna
1989-1993, Research Fellow at the Dipartment of Fruit Tree and
Woody Plant Sciences, University of Bologna
1998- Ph.D. in Fruit Tree and Woody Plant Sciences, University
of Bologna
2000 -Present: Researcher, Viticulture, University of
2000- present . Responsibility in teaching Viticulture in
several integrated courses offered by the College of Agriculture
General Viticulture (6 ECTS) in the first level degree
course in Viticulture and Enology
Advances techniques applied to grape (5 ECTS) in the second
level degree course of International Horticultural
2007- 2012. Chair of the Viticultural Section of the
Interdipartmental Centre for Viticulture and Enology Research,
University of Bologna
2003-present: Member, Italian Academy of Vines and Wines
2009- present Scientific Committee Member of "Italian Vistis