Foto del docente

Giuseppe Levi

Assistant professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-01/A Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications

Curriculum vitae

1990: Graduates with full marks (110/110) at the University of Perugia. Dissertation title: Muon spectrometer project and development of a new detector for the study of fundamental interactions up to the TeV scale.

1991: Awarded one of 25 “National Institute for Nuclear Physics” (INFN) scholarships for recent graduates; second highest score on a national basis.
Contributes for about six months to the “Borexino” project for the development of a solar neutrino detector at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories.

1992-95: Ph.D. student at the University of Bologna. Visiting Student at the Hamburg DESY Laboratories in view of his dissertation; contributes to the ZEUS experiment.

1995: Awarded Ph.D. Dissertation title: “Installing the ‘Wall' detector and identification of forward J/psy's at ZEUS”.

1996: Affiliated to the Bologna chapter of the INFN where he joins the AMS experiment group for an orbital space spectrometer, working both in R & D and as a systems analyst. Teaches lab classes (Laboratorio 2) to 4th-year students and is part of the examination board.

1997-98: Awarded 2-year post-doctoral fellowship by the U. of Bologna.

1999: As of Oct. 1st, 1999, Assistant Prof. in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (tenure track position awarded by public contest) at the U. of Bologna.

2000-06 Assistant Prof. ( Ricercatore ) at the U. of Bologna; takes part in the AMS2 experiment, and teaches classes as part of the “Experimentation in Physics 1” and “Laboratory 4” courses.

2001: Holds exercise classes in “Physics II” at the Cesena campus, Degree Course in Information Sciences.

2002-07: permanent tenure as Assistant Professor conferred.
Courses & classes taught:
- Full course: Complex Systems Physics (Cesena Campus course in Information Science) for Academic Years 2002-2003 to 2004-2005.
- Lab course (Esercitazioni di Laboratorio III), Degree Course in Physics (Bologna Campus). 
- Classes in Nuclear and Sub-Nuclear Physics, Advanced School for Health Physics, 1st year.
Co-referee to various dissertations, and referee for one dissertation in the Degree Course in Information Sciences.

2007 to present: Continues his research within the AMS while also pursuing other lines of fundamental and applied research in Physics.
In charge of the AMS02 Montecarlo production for Bologna.
In charge of the DASIPM Bologna group for the development of silicon photo-multipliers (position held up to 2009 under the DASIPM2 program). 
In 2010 he initiates his collaboration with Prof. Casali's group, porting the tomographic reconstruction algorithm to parallel processing on a Microsoft HPC cluster. The case was selected by Microsoft and published on the MS site. Results were published.
Using a cluster installed by himself in Bologna, he works at a genetic classification project with Prof. Daniel Remondini.
In the course of Academic Years 2010-11 and 2011-12 he has been teaching Parallel Programming and Distributed Systems for the Degree Course in Information Sciences and Technology in Cesena. 
In 2011 he has also been working in the field of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
In this field of research is also interested in gamma ray and radiation production in lightning.

He continues his collaboration with AMS2 until 2015. Since 2017 he has been collaborating with the KM2NET neutrino research experiment.

His teaching activity at the Cesena site is still going on.