Foto del docente

Giuseppe Lepore

Associate Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/D Classical Archaeology

Head of Advanced School of Studies on the city and region (SSCT)

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum studiorum

- Degree in Humanities at the University of Bologna

- Post-graduate degree at the School of Specialization in Archaeology at the University of Bologna

- PhD in ARCHAEOLOGY (Late and Medieval Archaeology) at the University of Bologna

- Post-doctorate scholarship at the University of Bologna

- Since 2002, Researcher in Archeology and History of Greek and Roman Art (L. ANT/07) at the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna (Campus of Ravenna)

- Since 2014, Associate Professor in Archeology and History of Greek and Roman Art (L. ANT/07)

- In 2020 he received the qualification for Full Professor in Classical Archeology

- from 2021 afferent to the Department of Cultural Heritage - Ravenna Campus


Main research activities

THE SHAPES OF DWELLING IN GREEK SICILY: The research is connected to a new agreement signed in 2016 with the Archaeological Park "Valley of the Temples" in Agrigento. The Project ("Agrigento. Insula III") after having investigated with the most modern technologies the living structures of insula III of the so-called. Hellenistic-Roman quarter, it is now proceeding with the systematic excavation of a coherent context. In this regard, it has chosen to investigate House III M, which represents an excellent example of a 'pastas' house built between the end of the 3rd century and the beginning of the 2nd century B.C., precisely at the beginning of Rome's rule on the island.

PARIETAL PAINTINGS OF THE HELLENIC AND ROMAN AGES: The research is connected with two archaeological excavations conducted by the lecturer, the first in Suasa, in the Marche region, and the second in Agrigento, within the Archaeological and Landscape Park 'Valley of the Temples' in Agrigento. The excavation in Suasa began in 1988 inside the domus dei Coiedii, and has yielded an enormous amount of wall plaster and stucco work, spanning from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD. Then, in 2017, a second excavation was initiated inside a dwelling in the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter of Agrigento, which returned a further nucleus of painted plasterwork and moulded stucco. An integrated research has emerged, which refers to the main problems related to the stylistic and formal aspects of painting technique, installation technology, recovery methodology and graphic recomposition, restoration and exhibition problems. Some of the recovered and restored materials have been exhibited in the 'A. Casagrande' Archaeological Museum in Castelleone di Suasa (An) and in the 'Pietro Griffo' Regional Museum in Agrigento.

EXCAVATIONS, RESEARCH AND RESTORATIONS IN THE CITY OF PHOINIKE (CAONIA - EPIRUS): the project was initiated in 2000 as a continuation of the excavations conducted by LUigi Maria Ugolini between 1926 and 1927 on the Phoinike hill in Caonia, the northernmost region of ancient Epirus (today in southern Albania). The investigations took place in different areas of the ancient city, in order to investigate the origin and development of this important urban centre, where, among other things, the famous peace that ended the First Macedonian War was signed. Since the first year, the excavations, co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic, have been accompanied by an important action of conservation and restoration of the monuments and archaeological materials, as well as by an equally important training activity for Italian and Albanian students. Go to the site.

: The research is connected with the excavation and study of the Hellenistic-Roman city necropolis of Phoinike (Albania), which began in 2001 and is still ongoing. The research, conducted through the analysis and study of the main technical and symbolic aspects of ancient ritual related to death, has resulted in a monograph (Lepore, Muka 2018) and an International Congress, held in Tirana in 2019 (Lepore, Muka 2020). Visit the website.

: this research complements and completes the knowledge of the context in which the Roman city of Suasa (between the provinces of Pesaro and Ancona) arose. This study, extended to the late antique and early medieval phases of the territory, has led to an archaeological investigation, conducted by the writer, in the church of the Madonna del Piano (formerly S. Maria in Portuno) in Corinaldo (AN). The archaeological investigations were conducted for 10 consecutive years (2001-2011). Visit the website.

ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE PROVINCE: This research completes the investigations begun in the Balkan area (Albania) with a series of studies conducted in the Croatian area. In fact, it concerns the study and publication of the pictorial decoration of the Augusteum in Narona (Croatia) and the paintings of the Late Antique site of Bare (Croatia), as part of an international work project in collaboration with the Museum of Split. Also in Croatia, the 'Burnum Project' was initiated in 2005 in cooperation with the University of Zadar and the Archaeological Museum of Drns, with the aim of applying non-intrusive archaeological investigations to an ancient site (the Roman castrum of Burnum) before proceeding with the actual excavation. Completing the 'Mediterranean' framework of research is the joint mission (2001 and 2002) between the Universities of Bologna and Lecce to research, study and survey the Hellenistic Roman site of Soknopaiounesos (Fayyum, Egypt).

ROMANISATION OF THE AGER GALLICUS: The new research topic is connected to the multi-year project 'Urban Archaeology in Senigallia', which was signed in 2010 and provides for an agreement between the Municipality of Senigallia, the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of the Marche Region and the Department of Archaeology of the University of Bologna (now Disci). All research activities are based not only on traditional archaeological research methods (archive surveys, cellar reconnaissance, updating of the Archaeological Map and Potential Map), but also on the systematic application of non-intrusive geophysical surveys, thanks to the contribution of the Disci Geophysics Laboratory of the University of Bologna.

Main archaeological excavations

- SUASA (AN): "domus dei Coiedii" (1988-2000) and roman urban seattlement

- PILASTRI DI BONDENO (FE): Bronze Age settlement

- S. AGATA BOLOGNESE (BO): Medieval settlement

- CASALECCHIO DI RENO (BO): road and Etruscan-Celtic channel

- BASILICANOVA (PR): Renaissance castle moat

- GALEATA (FO): excavation in the so-called “Palazzo di Teodorico”

- BOLOGNA (building of S. Giovanni in Monte): surveys and excavations in the courtyard

- PHOINIKE (ALBANIA): excavation in the Greek and Roman city (from 2000 - Direction from 2017)

- CORINALDO (S. Maria in Portuno): excavation in the early Medieval church and the surrounding areas (2001-2008)

- SOKNOPAIOU NESOS (Fayyum, Egypt): survey of the Hellenistic and Roman city

- CLASSE (RA): excavation of the Roman city walls

- BURNUM (CROATIA): excavation of the Basilica of the Roman castrum

- SENIGALLIA: project of Urban Archaeology (from 2010)

- AGRIGENTO: study and excavation of the Insula III in the "Quartiere ellenistico-romano" (from 2016)


Institutional activities and academic positions

- since 2009 he is responsible for Student-Orientation for the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage

- from 2010 to 2012 he was a member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in "Archeology and History of Art" at the University of Bologna

- since 2014 he is in charge of the Ravenna Campus of University of Bologna (Casa Traversari)

- 2016-2017: he is scientific manager within the Ravenna Campus of the "European Researchers' Night" (European project SOCIETY In Search of Certainty - Interactive Event To inspire Young people, under Horizon 2020- Grant agreement n. 722963 )

- since 2017: directs the Italian Archaeological Mission in Albania ("Phoinike excavations"), financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic

- since 2017 he is a member of the Doctoral College in “Historical and archaeological sciences. Memory, civilization and heritage ”of Disci - Bologna


Membership in scientific and editorial committees

- Since 2016 he has participated in the Scientific Committee of the Byrsa magazine. Writings on the ancient Mediterranean East (ISSN 1721-8071) Agorà & Co. Lugano; Scientific director: Anna Chiara Fariselli (Class A Jpurnal for macro-sector 10 / N1)

- from 2018 to 2021: participates in the scientific committee of the Hesperìa Journal (Studies on Western Greece), edited by Alessandra Coppola and Maria Chiara Monaco

- from 2018:  participates in the scientific committee of Collana “Insulae Diomedeae” by Giuliano Volpe

- since 2019: directs the "Agrigentini Studies" series

- from 2020: participates in the Scientific Committee of the International Conferences "Dialogues on the Archeology of Magna Graecia and the Mediterranean" (Annual Review of Studies, Research and News of Discoveries organized by the "Paestum Foundation" of Emanuele Greco)

- from 2021 directs the "Scuola Superiore di studi sulla città e il territorio" in the Ravenna Campus

Exhibitions and museums

- "La città romana di Suasa", Castelleone di Suasa (Ancona), July-August 1991

-  "L'Alma Mater e l'Antico. Scavi dell'Istituto di Archeologia di Bologna", Bologna (Galleria dell'Archiginnasio), November 1991

- "Pesaro e l'archeologia. Scavi dell'Istituto di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna e progetti di intervento nel territorio pesarese", Pesaro (Palazzo Ducale), October 13 - November 10, 1992

- "I temi figurativi nella pittura parietale antica (IV sec. a.C. - IV sec. d.C.)", Bologna (Archiginnasio) 20-23 September 1995

- "Scavi e ricerche del Dipartimento di Archeologia" (Photographical exibition, Bologna, October-November 1997)

- Collaboration to the creation of the Archaeological Museum "A. Casagrande" of Castelleone di Suasa (AN), Palazzo Della Rovere, and the Museum of the Territory of S. Lorenzo in Campo (PU) (June 2000)

- Antiquarium "S. Maria in Portuno", Chiesa della Madonna del Piano (Corinaldo, AN), and its educational pathways (July 2005)

- “Scrivere in tutti i sensi” presso i Musei di Castelleone di Suasa, S. Lorenzo in Campo e S. Maria in Portuno, July 2010

- "Antiche città e paesaggi di Albania. Un secolo di ricerche archeologiche italo-albanesi" Tirana, 12 April 2016 (cura la Mostra e il Catalogo)

- "I colori di Agrigento. Le pitture delle case del Quartiere ellenistico-romano", Agrigento Museo Archeologico Regionale "Pietro Griffo", 1 December 2019 - 8 March 2020 (cura la Mostra e il Catalogo)


Meetings and conferences

- ARCEVIA (AN): V National Congress of Archaeology of Arcevia (AN): "L'entroterra marchigiano nell'antichità: ricerche e scavi",  Arcevia 16-17 November 1991: he presents a speech entitled The documentation of Roman wall painting in Adriatic area

- AMSTERDAM: Fifth International Congress on Ancient Wall Painting: "Functional and spatial analysis of wall painting", Amsterdam 8-12 September 1992: he presents a poster entitled Situations of discovery and methodologies of documentation and recovery of the wall paintings of the domus of Coiedii in Suasa (Ancona)

- ARCEVIA (AN): VI National Congress of Archeology of Arcevia (AN): "Attività economiche nelle Marche in epoca romana", Arcevia 7-8 November 1992: he presents a speech entitled The organization of the work in the ateliers of painters in the Roman age: the new documentation of the "domus of the Coiedii"of Suasa (An)

- CHARTRES: 13° Séminaire de peintures murales antiques, Chartres 25-26 September 1993: he presents an update on the ongoing studies on the wall paintings of the atruim B of the "domus dei Coiedii" of Suasa

- ARCEVIA (AN): VII National Congress of Archeology of Arcevia (AN): "Archeologia tra Marche e Abruzzo", Arcevia 17-19 November 1994: he presents a speech entitled Testimonianze di scultura "colta" di ambito marchigiano: copie e rielaborazioni da modelli classici (V e IV sec. a.C.)

- BOLOGNA: VI International Conference on Ancient wall paintings: "I temi figurativi nella pittura parietale antica (IV sec. a.C. - IV sec. d.C.)", Bologna 20-23 September 1995: he presents two posters entitled New wall paintings from Suasa and a recomposed pictorial fragment from the atrium B of the domus of the Coiedii

- VIENNA: VII Colloque de l'Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique: "La peinture funeraire antique", Saint Romain en Gal (Vienne) 6-10 October 1998: he presents a poster entitled A grave with a first style painted decoration at Osimo (Ancona)

- TRENTO: Conference  Incontri di Restauro. 3. Consolidanti e protettivi in uso sui materiali inorganici porosi di interesse artistico ed archeologico (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Beni Culturali), Trento 25-27 February 1999: he presents a poster entitled The recovery and restoration of Roman wall paintings: the experience of Suasa (Ancona)

- RAVENNA: International Congress "L'archeologia dell'Adriatico dalla preistoria al medioevo", Ravenna 7-9 June 2001 (Center of Studies for the Archeology of the adriatic Sea) he presents, with prof. S. De Maria and dr. E. Giorgi, six posters on the city of Phoinike (Albania)

- CORINALDO (AN): Congress "L'Appennino in età romana e nel primo medioevo. Viabilità e popolamento tra Marche e Umbria: approfondimenti e confronti", Corinaldo (AN) 28-30 June 2001: he presents a speech entitled: Il tessuto connettivo cristiano di un territorio: pievi e monasteri nella valle del Cesano

- RAVENNA: Workshop “Nuove ricerche e scavi nell'area del “Palazzo di Teodorico” a Galeata”, Ravenna, Casa Traversari, 26 March 2002; he presents a speech entitled: The Roman stage

- GRENOBLE, Fourth Colloque The International L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Epire dans l'Antiquité, Grenoble 10-12 October 2002 (edited by P. Cabanes and J.L. Lamboley) he presents, with E. Giorgi, a speech entitled The Phoinike system: problems of survey and documentation

- TIRANA: Simpozium Nderkombetar Viti Arkeologjik 2002, Tirana 6-7 December 2002: inside the "Phoinike Project" he presents a speech titled The necropolis of Phoinike (excavations 2002)

- TIRANA: Academy of Sciences, 19 April 2004: presentation of the volumes Phoinike I. Preliminary report on the campaign of excavations and research 2000, Florence 2002 and Phoinike II. Preliminary report on the campaign of excavation and research 2001, Bologna 2003; in that occasion, he presents a speech entitled: New data from the excavation of the necropolis

- GJROKASTRO (ALBANIA): International Conference of Gjrokastro La Caonia nell'Antichità, April 2005; he presents, with E. Giorgi, a speech on the  necropolis of Phoinike

- ACQUAVIVA PICENA (AP): 27 May 2006: International Workshop L'Adriatico: un ponte d'acqua

- ACQUAVIVA-PICENA (AP): 23-25 November 2006: International Seminar Nuove ricerche archeologiche nell'Albania meridionale a ottanta anni dai primi scavi di Phoinike (1926-2006), he presents a speech on the necropolis

- BOLOGNA: 15-17 May 2008: Archaia. Training Seminars on Research Planning, Characterisation, Conservation and Management in Archaeological Sites ( Case Study: The Management and Enhancement of the archaeological Heritage in Croatia (with Igor Borzic, Alessandro Campedelli, Miroslav Glavicic, Zeljko Miletic, Josko Zaninovic)

- GRENOBLE: 8-11 October 2008: Fifth International Colloque L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Epire dans l'Antiquité (edited by P. Cabanes and J.L. Lamboley), he presents a speech entitled: The Southern necropolis of Phoinike: the new monumental area

ACQUAVIVA PICENA (AP) 21 May 2009: Round Table on: Formazione e sviluppo del modello urbano nell'Epiro settentrionale (ed. S. De Maria); he presents a speach entitled: Le fasi più antiche della necropoli meridionale

- SPLIT: 27-30 September 2009: International Scholarly Conference Funerary Sculture of the Western Illyricum and Neighbouring Regions of the Roman Empire; he presents a speach entitled: La necropoli monumentale di Phoinike (Albania) in età romana

- MACERATA 10-11 December 2009: Convegno Archeologico I processi formativi ed evolutivi della città in area adriatica; he presents a speach entitled: La formazione del centro urbano di Phoinike  in Epiro

- RAVENNA: 27 October 2010. Ciclo di lezioni Tessere di storia: dai mosaici di Pella alla Basilica di S. Vitale a cura del Centro Studi per l'Archeologia dell'Adriatico;he presents a speach entitled: “I ciottoli e l'origine del mosaico

- MONDOLFO (PU): 11 December 2010. Convegno Mondolfo e Corinaldo: due storie parallele; he presents a speach entitled: “S. Maria in Portuno e S. Gervasio di Bulgaria: due storie parallele?

- SENIGALLIA: 20 May 2011. Convegno PEI MUSE (Promoting European Identity by Museums): European Museums-Museum for Europe; he presents a speach entitled: Senigallia: Urban Archaeological Project

- CHIETI: 13 April 2012. Workshop Archaeology, Identity and War; he presents a speach entitled: Le Missioni Archeologiche Italiane in Albania nel XX secolo

- BOLOGNA: 13 June 2012. 7th Eurogeo -European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartohraphy and Information Systems-. he presents a speach in the GIT (“Geology and Information Technology”) entitled: Sistemi informative geografici e modellazione tridimensionale per la Geo-archeologia a Senigallia: nuove scoperte e nuove ipotesi

- VIENNA: 5-7 November 2012. 17 C.H.N.T. (Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies); he presents, with Michele Silani, a speach entitled: Senigallia Urban Achaeology Project: new strategies of researchand urban planning; with Federica Boschi and Francesco Belfiori presents a poster entitled:  Senigallia Urban Achaeology Project: discovery, protection and musealization of a Sanctuary of the first Roman Colonist during urban work in progress

- PARIGI : 28 January 2015. Collège de France: Workshop on Cult places of Senigallia (by invitation of prof. John Scheid)

- ROMA: 16-19 March 2016 (Sapienza - Università di Roma). Roman Archaeology Conference, 12. He presents a paper entitled: Settlement systems: structures hierarchies and territories (a cura di Michel Tarpin)

- BOLOGNA: 18-21 April 2017. KAINUA 2017 – International Conference on Knowledge, Analysis and INnovative methods for the study and dissemination of ancient Urban Areas (speaker)

- MACERATA: 18-20 Maj 2017. Convegno Internazionale Roma e il mondo adriatico. Dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio (speaker)

-AGRIGENTO: 2-3 December 2017., in XI Giornate Gregoriane: Theaomai. Teatro e società in età ellenistica" (speaker: I teatri della Caonia: spettacolo, culto o luogo di riunione?)

-TARANTO: 11 April 2018 (Museo Nazionale). Speaker "Dall’Epiro a Taranto. Rapporti culturali tra le due sponde attraverso il rituale funerario"

- BONN: 22-26 May 2018: XIXth International Congress of Classical Archaeology "Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World". Speaker on Panel 8.2: "Living and produce. The Insula III of the Hellenistic-roman Quarter of Agrigento"

- SARANDA (Albania), 22 giugno 2018: Convegno Internazionale “70 vjet Arkeologji Shqiptare – 70 Years of Studies in the Field of Antiquity: Overview and Perspectives” (invited speaker: La citta’ di Phoinike: prospettive di ricerca per i prossimi 20 anni di lavori)

- PORTO RECANATI-TREIA: 12-14 September 2018; International Workshop "Space, movement and the economy in Roman cities in Italy and beyond". Speaker, with Michele Silani, "The roman colony of Sena Gallica: urban space and economic activities"

- PAESTUM: 15-18 November 2018; Identità/Senso di appartenenza. Modelli interpretativi a confronto ("Dialoghi sull'Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo"). Speaker: Identità e mondo globalizzato: contesti funerari tra Epiro, Magna Grecia e Sicilia in età ellenistica

- VENEZIA: 27 Noevmber 2018; presentation of the volume Venezia prima di Venezia: dalle "regine" dell'Adriatico alla Serenissima (Lezioni Marciane anni 2015 e 2016)

- AGRIGENTO: 1-3 December 2018; XII Giornate Gregoriane "Le forme dell'acqua. Approvvigionamento, raccolta e smaltimento nella città antica" (speaker: En Límnais: note sulla gestione e sui miti delle "città d'acqua" del mondo antico)

- ROMA: 26-27 June 2019, Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome: "Diverging Trajectories: approaches to italian urbanism in the era of roman conquest" (speaker, with Michele Silani: The urban plan of the first roman colony on the adriatic coast: Sena Gallica)

- PADOVA: 17-18 October 2019: "I Greci in Occidente: aggiornamenti, revisioni, nuove prospettive" (invited speaker: Da Akragas ad Agrigentum: le forme dell'abitare alla luce delle più recenti ricerche)

- PAESTUM: 15-17 November 2019: "Fenomenologia e interpretazioni del rito" (invited speaker: "Rituali per il viaggio verso l'aldilà")

- AGRIGENTO: 29 November - 1 December 2019: "Animum pictura pascit (Verg. Aen. I, 464). Abitare con le pitture nel Mediterraneo antico" (organizer and speaker: "Tra ellenismo e romanizzazione: le pitture della Casa III M del Quartiere ellenistico-romano di Agrigento")

- PAVIA: 18 February 2020 Collegio Ghislieri (Aula Goldoniana): “Architettura domestica e propaganda: scavi recenti dell’Università di Bologna nel Quartiere Ellenistico-romano di Agrigento” (by invitation of M. E. Gorrini e M. Harari)

- PADOVA, 9-10 febbraio 2021: “Andres gar poleis (Thuc. VII, 7.7): partecipazione civica e produzione nelle città greche d’Occidente”; invited speaker: “I luoghi della partecipazione civica nelle poleis Caonia (Epiro)

- PADOVA, 3-5 giugno 2021: “Terra, legno e materiali deperibili nell’architettura antica”; invited speaker: “Città di pietra e di terra cruda. Il caso dell’Epiro in età ellenistica

- URBINO, 17-19 giugno 2021: IV Convegno Internazionale AIRPA “Pittura, luce, colore”; invited speaker: “Senza luce: tombe a cassa con decorazione in “stile strutturale

- PAESTUM: 1-3 ottobre 2021: VI Convegno Internazionale di Studi “Architettura e società delle colonie greche”; invited speaker: “Lo spazio domestico ad Agrigento: una visione diacronica

- RAVENNA, 24-25 gennaio 2022: “Archeologia delle acque. Uomini, navigazione commerce e paesaggi costieri tra Oriente e Occidente”; comitato scientifico e relatore su invito: “Archeologia della palude: sistemi di bonifica antichi e miti ambientati nelle zone umide

- PALERMO, 19-21 maggio 2022: “La Sicilia fra le Guerre Civili e l’epoca Giulio-Claudia; relatore su invito: “Architettura domestica e rappresentazione sociale: il caso del quartiere ellenistico-romano di Agrigento in età, augustea

- PAESTUM, 27-29 ottobre 2022, Convegno “L’eterna contemporaneità dell’antico: passato e presente, un dialogo inevitabile” (VII Convegno Internazionale, Dialoghi sull’Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo). Relatore: “Gli dei dentro casa”: rituali per la protezione e la manutenzione delle abitazioni antiche

- CAGLIARI, 10-12 novembre 2022: Convegno Internazionale “What can terracottas tell us. Coroplastic polysemy in the ancient Mediterranean”; relatore (con Anna Chiara Fariselli): A proposito del cosiddetto “Bes” di Agrigento

- GHENT, 17 novembre 2022: Workshop Internazionale “Between Italic tribesmen and Roman colonist. Recent archaeological research in Central Adriatic Italy”. Relatore su invite (con Michele Silani): “Before Senigallia: pre-existence and overlaps in the first Roman Colony on the Adriatic coast and its territory

- AGRIGENTO, 25-27 novembre 2022: Ktiseis. Fondazioni d’Occidente. Intrecci culturali tra Gela, Agrigento, Creta e Rodi (XIV Giornate Gregoriane); relatore su invito: “Spazio abitativo e programmazione urbanistica: il caso del Quartiere ellenistico-romano di Agrigento

- NAPOLI, 17 febbraio 2023, Seminari della Scuola Superiore Meridionale: “Lo spazio domestico dall’età arcaica alla «romanizzazione». Il caso di Agrigento”

- REGGIO CALABRIA, 4-5 luglio 2023, Convegno Internazionale di Studi Paradeigmata. Cantieri, tecniche e restauri nel mondo greco d’Occidente; relatore: “Pietra, argilla, legno: tecniche costruttive e pratiche di cantiere nelle case di Agrigento” con Paolo Baronio

- AGRIGENTO, 6-8 luglio 2023: VI Convegno AIRPA Pictura parietum. Connessioni mediterranee in età ellenistica e romana (organizzatore insieme a Velentina Caminneci); relatore: “La casa come spazio semantico: il Quartiere ellenistico-romano di Agrigento

- PAESTUM, 19-21 ottobre 2023: VIII Convegno “Dialoghi di Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo” Gli spazi della città. Istituzioni, forme, funzioni; relatore: “Phoinike in Epiro: archeologia di una città ellenistica

- ROMA, 7 novembre 2023: Architetture in stucco: la nuova documentazione dalle abitazioni della costa meridionale della Sicilia (con Michael Benfatti); Seminario Internazionale a cura di A. Pizzo, F. De Stefano, Apparati architettonici stuccati di età ellenistica in Italia: contesti, modelli, tecniche, Escuela Española de Hystoria y Arquelogia

- RENDE (CS), 19-22 novembre 2023: Tombe di Corciresi sulla terraferma: i rapporti tra l’isola e la perea in età ellenistica; Convegno Internazionale Fra storia e archeologia: Corcira e l’epeiros. Nuovi dati e prospettive di ricerca, Università della Calabria (a cura di Maria Intrieri)

- AGRIGENTO, 4-5 dicembre 2023: XV Giornate Gregoriane Primordia rerum (Lucr. I, 712). La città antica e il suo ambiente naturale; relatore: “Pietra, argilla, legno. L’ambiente naturale di Akragas e la programmazione urbanistica”

- PADOVA, 14-15 dicembre 2023: Convegno Internazionale Architetture e sistemi costruttivi dei teatri e degli anfiteatri antichi in area adriatica; relatore, con Belisa Muka e Vittorio Mirto: “Il teatro di Phoinike”

- AGRIGENTO, 14-17 dicembre 2023: L’isola dei tesori. Ricerca archeologica e nuove acquisizioni (Convegno Internazionale, Museo Archeologico Regionale “P. Griffo”); relatore: “Abitare lungo la costa meridionale della Sicilia: edilizia domestica tra Agrigento e Heraclea Minoa

Summer Schools

- 2001-2008: Summer School in Albania: "Methods and techniques of excavation, documentation, restoration, protection and valorization of the archaeological sites"

-2007: International Summer School ""Seeing beneath the soil – non intrusive investigation methodologies and diagnostics for Archaeology"; theoretical lessons in the Center for the Studies of Archeology of the Adriatic Sea in Acquaviva Picena (AP), May 28-June 2 2007, practical activities in the archaeological site of Burnum (Croatia), 4-9 June 2007; responsible for the Working Group: Introduction to diagnostics for archaeological restoration (with its Laboratory in collaboration with Dr. Michele Ricciardone )

-2008: IInd edition of the International Summer School "Seeing beneath the soil – non intrusive investigation methodologies and diagnostics for Archaeology", Ravenna-Marzabotto 5-15 June 2008

-2009: International Summer School "Seeing beneath the soil – not intrusive investigation methodologies and diagnostics for Archaeology", Ravenna-Suasa-Corinaldo 1-7 July 2009

-2010: International Summer School “Mediterraneo: archeologia e civiltà del vino. Produzione, scambi, barche, traffici”, Cattolica 12-17 Maj 2010; intervento su “Il ritorno di Dioniso: riti e miti della civiltà del vino nel Mediterraneo

-2011: International Summer School: “The Baltic and Mediterranean. A cultural Bridge between northern and southern Europe”, Cattolica 25-30 Maj 2011; intervento su: “Il Mediterraneo oltre le Alpi: merci e commerci verso i mercati del nord nel mondo antico

- 2013: International Summer School: "Preventive Archaeology. Urban sites and landscape”, Ravenna-Classe (programma Erasmus IP) (teacher)

- 2014: International Summer School "Preventive Archaeology. Evaluating sites and landscape", Ravenna-Senigallia (programma Erasmus IP) (docente)

- 2018: I International Field School "Pittura ellenistica dalla Macedonia alla Sicilia. Il caso di Agrigento" - Agrigento 3-28 October 2018 (organizer and teacher)

- 2019: II International Field School "Le forme dell'abitare nel Mediterraneo. Il caso di Agrigento" - Agrigento 20 September - 13 october 2019 (organizer and teacher)