Foto del docente

Giulio Cesare Sarti

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


J. Catalano; M. Giacinti Baschetti; G.C. Sarti, Hydrogen permeation in palladium-based membranes in the presence of carbon monoxide, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2010, 362, pp. 221 - 233 [Scientific article]

Galizia M.; Puccini I; Messori M; De Angelis MG; Sarti GC, Mass Transport in Nanocomposite Materials for Membrane Separations, in: 6th International ECNP Conference on Nanostructured Polymers & Nanocomposites - Book of Abstracts, MADRID, CSIC, 2010, pp. 26 - 26 (atti di: 6th International ECNP Conference on Nanostructured Polymers & Nanocomposites, Madrid, 28-30 Aprile 2010) [Abstract]

M. Galizia; I. Puccini; M. Messori; M. G. De Angelis; G. C. Sarti, Mass Transport in Nanocomposite Materials for Membrane Separations, in: V INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TIMES OF POLYMERS (TOP) AND COMPOSITES, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2010, pp. 218 - 220 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (ISSN:0094-243X)) [Chapter or essay]

De Angelis M.G.; Olivieri L.; Sarti G.C., Modeling VOC Sorption and Transport in Glassy Polymeric Membranes, in: V INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TIMES OF POLYMERS (TOP) AND COMPOSITES, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2010, pp. 392 - 394 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (ISSN:0094-243X)) [Chapter or essay]

S. Dimartino; C. Boi; M. O. Herigstad; G.C. Sarti, New insights in the mathematical modelling of membrane affinity chromatography, in: Proceedings of ESBES - ISPPP - BIOTHERMODYNAMICS 2010, FRANKFURT, Dechema, 2010, pp. s.n. - s.n. (atti di: 30 th International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides (ISPPP), Bologna, Italy, 5-9 Oct 2010) [Abstract]

Hallinan DT; De Angelis MG; Giacinti Baschetti M; Sarti GC; Elabd Yossef A., Non-Fickian Diffusion of Water in Nafion, «MACROMOLECULES», 2010, 43, pp. 4667 - 4678 [Scientific article]

Catalano J.; Myezwa T.; De Angelis M.G.; Giacinti Baschetti M.; Sarti G.C., The effect of relative humidity on the gas permeability in PFSI membranes, in: XII International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes - Book of Abstracts, s.l, In. Soc. Electrochem. ISE, Int. Ass. Hyd. En. IAHE, 2010, pp. 227 - 227 (atti di: XII International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes, Padova, 29 Agosto- 3 settembre 2010) [Abstract]

De Angelis M.G.; Giacinti Baschetti M.; Sarti G.C., The methanol transport properties of a PFSI membrane for proton exchange fuel cells (PEM FCs), in: CHISA 2010 (19th Int. Cong. of Chemical and Process Engineering) -ECCE 7 (7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering) - CD ROM of Full Texts, PRAGA, CSCHI Česká společnost chemického inženýrství, 2010, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: CHISA 2010 (19th Int. Cong. of Chemical and Process Engineering) -ECCE 7 (7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering) - CD ROM of Full Texts, Praga, 28 Agosto- 1 Settembre 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

De Angelis M.G.; Giacinti Baschetti M.; Sarti G.C., The methanol transport properties of a PFSI membrane for Proton Exchange Membranes Fuel Cells (PEM FCs), in: CHISA 2010- ECCE 7 Summaries 2: Separation processes, PRAGA, CSCHI Česká společnost chemického inženýrství, 2010, pp. 309 - 310 (atti di: 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 7) and 19th In. Cong. of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2010), Praga, 28 Agosto- 1 Settembre 2010) [Abstract]

M. C. Ferrari; M. Galizia; M. G. De Angelis; G. C. Sarti, VAPOR SORPTION AND DIFFUSION IN MIXED MATRICES BASED ON TEFLON® AF 2400, in: Membrane Gas Separation, NEW YORK, Wiley-VCH, 2010, pp. 125 - 142 [Chapter or essay]

Galizia M.; Puccini I.; Messori M.; De Angelis M.G.; Sarti G.C., Vapor Transport in Silica-Based Hybrid and Mixed Matrix Glassy Membranes, in: S.N., 2010 AIChE Fall Annual Meeting CD, MADISON, Omnipress, 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: 2010 AIChE Fall Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 7-12 Nov 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Michele Galizia; Ilaria Puccini; Massimo Messori; Maria Grazia De Angelis; Giulio C. Sarti, Vapor transport in silica-based hybrid and mixed matrix glassy membranes, in: Conference Program and Abstracts, s.l, NAMS, 2010, pp. 289 - 290 (atti di: NAMS (North American Membrane Society) meeting, 2010, Washington DC, July 17-22, 2010) [Abstract]

D. Hallinan; M.G. De Angelis; M. Giacinti Baschetti; G.C. Sarti; Y. Elabd, Water Transport in Proton Exchange Membranes: Insights from Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy, «ECS TRANSACTIONS», 2010, 33, pp. 1029 - 1033 [Scientific article]

S. Dimartino; C. Boi; G. Sarti, A mathematical model for the simulation of affinity membrane chromatography process, in: 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase Conference Proceedings on CD, NEW YORK, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, Nov. 8-13, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

S. Dimartino; C. Boi; G. Sarti, A simulation model for membrane affinity chromatography processes, in: EUROMEMBRANE 2009, s.l, European Membrane Society, 2009, pp. 64 - 64 (atti di: EUROMEMBRANE 2009 - The EMS conference, Montpellier, France, 6-10 September 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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