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Giulio Cesare Sarti

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


Toni, Enrico; Giacinti Baschetti, Marco; Lorenzetti, Cesare; Fayet, Pierre; Sarti, Giulio C., Effects of random defect distributions in the barrier coating on the gas permeability of multilayer films, «SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY», 2016, 302, pp. 65 - 74 [Scientific article]

Dimartino, S; Herigstad, M.O.; Boi, C.; Lalli, E.; Sarti, G, Experimental and theoretical analysis to assess the use of monolithic columns in process chromatography, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2016, 49, pp. 25 - 30 [Scientific article]

Olivieri, Luca; Tena, Alberto; De Angelis, Maria Grazia; Giménez, Antonio Hernández; Lozano, Angel E.; Sarti, Giulio Cesare, Sorption and transport of CO2 in copolymers containing soft (PEO, PPO) and hard (BKDA-ODA and BPDA-ODA) segments at different temperatures: Experimental data and modeling, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2016, 520, pp. 187 - 200 [Scientific article]

Boi, Cristiana; Zarrillo, Federica; Sarti, Giulio C., Affinity membranes for the purification of autologous plasmin from serum, in: Euromembrane 2015 Book of abstracts, 2015, pp. 50 - 50 (atti di: Euromembrane 2015, Aachen, Germany, 6-10 Sept 2015) [Abstract]

L. Ansaloni;M. Minelli;M. Giacinti Baschetti;G.C. Sarti, Effects of Thermal Treatment and Physical Aging on the Gas Transport Properties in Matrimid®, «OIL & GAS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY», 2015, 70, pp. 367 - 379 [Scientific article]Open Access

M. Minelli; M.G. De Angelis; M. Giacinti Baschetti; F. Doghieri; G. C. Sarti; C. P. Ribeiro; B. D. Freeman, Equation of State Modeling of the Solubility of CO2/C2H6 Mixtures in 2 Cross-Linked Poly(ethylene oxide), «INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH», 2015, 54, pp. 1142 - 1152 [Scientific article]

Herigstad, M.O.; Dimartino, S.; Boi, C.; Sarti, G.C., Experimental characterization of the transport phenomena, adsorption, and elution in a protein A affinity monolithic medium, «JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A», 2015, 1407, pp. 130 - 138 [Scientific article]

Cristiana Boi;Claudia Castro;Giulio C. Sarti, Plasminogen purification from serum through affinity membranes, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2015, 475, pp. 71 - 79 [Scientific article]

Boi, C.; Zarrillo, F.; Sarti, G.C., Recovery of Autologous Plasmin from Serum with Affinity Membranes, in: 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2015, pp. 299c - 299c (atti di: 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 8-13 Nov 2015) [Abstract]

Simone Dimartino;Cristiana Boi;Giulio C. Sarti, Scale-up of affinity membrane modules: comparison between lumped and physical models, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR RECOGNITION», 2015, 28, pp. 180 - 190 [Scientific article]

Matteo Minelli; Giulio C. Sarti, Thermodynamic basis for vapor permeability in Ethyl Cellulose, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2015, 473, pp. 137 - 145 [Scientific article]

Minelli, M.; Sarti, G.C., Thermodynamic model for the permeability of light gases in glassy polymers, «AICHE JOURNAL», 2015, 61, pp. 2776 - 2788 [Scientific article]

L. Ansaloni;M. Minelli;M. Giacinti Baschetti;G.C. Sarti, Effect of relative humidity and temperature on gas transport in Matrimid®: Experimental study and modeling, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2014, 471, pp. 392 - 401 [Scientific article]

Aweke Elias Gemeda; Maria Grazia De Angelis; Michael D. Guiver; Giulio Cesare Sarti, Effect of thermal treatment on the CO2 and CH4 sorption and diffusion in PIM-1 and TZ-PIM membranes, in: NAMS Book of abstracts, 2014, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: NAMS Meeting 2014, Houston, Texas, 31 Maggio-4 Giugno 2014) [Abstract]

Elisa Pavesi; Matteo Minelli; Maria Grazia De Angelis; Michael D. Guiver; Giulio Sarti, Gas Permeability in a Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1): Effect of Time and Heat Treatments, in: AICHE PROCEEDINGS, New York, AIChE, 2014, pp. 419ai - 419ai (atti di: AICHE ANNUAL MEETING 2014, ATLANTA, 15-21 NOVEMBRE 2014) [Abstract]

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