Foto del docente

Giulio Cesare Sarti

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Curriculum vitae

POSITION:                                        Professor of  Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Bologna


ADDRESS:                                         Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica

                                                            Mineraria e delle Tecnologie Ambientali (DICMA)

                                                            Università degli Studi di Bologna

                                                            Via Terracini 28, 40131 BOLOGNA  (Italy)


TELEPHONE                                     +39-051- 2090251 (direct)

TELEFAX:                                          +39-051- 2090247



PRIVATE ADDRESS:                          via L. Toso Montanari 5

                                                           40138 BOLOGNA - Italy

PRIVATE TELEPHONE:                   home:  +39-051-345527;  

                                                           Cell.:    +39 320-7795806

DATE OF BIRTH :                             January 17, 1947.

CITIZANSHIP                                      Italian

MARITAL STATUS                             Married with Carla, since 1972;

                                                            two sons: Stefano and Marco


DEGREE:                                           Laurea in Ingegneria Chimica,

                                                            magna cum laude, University of Bologna, July 1971.



-    present status:  Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Bologna

-    Visiting professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Fall 2007.

-    Visiting professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Texas-Austin, TX, Fall 2006;

-    Associate Dean for undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering, University of Bologna, (nov. 1994-oct 2003);

-    Coordinator of the PhD program in Chemical Engineering, Environment and Safety- University of  Bologna since 1991 to date;

-    Chairman, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Bologna, 1989-1994;

-    Chairman, Istituto di Impianti Chimici, School of Engineering, University of Bologna, 1986-1988;

-    Professor, Chemical Engineering,  University of Bologna, 1986-to date

-    Associate professor, University of  Bologna, Italy, 1980-85;

-    Visiting professor, Chemical Engineering-University of California, Davis, CA, Fall 1981;

-    Visiting professor, Chemical Engineering-North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Fall 1978;

-    Associate professor, University of  Naples, Italy, 1975-1979;

-    Assistant Professor, University of  Naples, Italy, 1971-74; supervisor G. Astarita.


Laurea  Chemical Engineering, magna cum laude,  University of Bologna; July 1971.







Associate dean: (School of Engineering, University of Bologna) for undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering, (1994 –2003); for undergraduate studies in Food Engineering (2003-2006).

Responsibilities include supervision of undergraduate curriculum, organisation and co-ordination of courses, periodic revisions of undergraduate curricula.


Co-ordinator of graduate studies in Chemical, Environmental and Safety Engineering,  from 1991 to present. Responsibilities include supervision and organisation of the graduate curriculum.


Chairman  of the Istituto di Impianti Chimici (Institute of Chemical Plants, School of Engineering, University of Bologna), from 1986 to 1988.


Chairman  of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo (Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Bologna, presently DICMA) from 1988 to 1994. Main achievement to notice is the realisation of new research laboratories from the initial 200 m 2 to the actual new laboratories, over 2000 m 2.





Teaching experience has been  achieved in the following areas:


Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, undergraduate  (University of Bologna from 1991 to 2006; University of Naples from 1975 to 1978; University of Texas at Austin Fall 2006);

Transport Phenomena and  Advanced Transport Phenomena  (University of Bologna: Chemical Engineering from 1979 to 1994, from 2003 to present; Biomedical Engineering from 2002 to 2005);

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, graduate  (University of California at Davis, Ca, 1981; North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 1978);

Polymer Rheology, graduate (University of California at Davis, Ca, 1981);

Water Treatment and Water Reuse, undergraduate (University of Bologna, from 1997 to 2005; 2008);

Biochemical separations, undergraduate  (University of Bologna, 2004-06, 2007-present) and graduate (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Fall 2007).



Member  of the National Consulting Committee for Industrial Engineering;  in charge of funding research projects of national interest, 1984-1987.

Member  of the  Consulting Committee for Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna,  in charge of funding research projects, 1988-1994.

Member of the Editorial board  of Separations and Purifications Methods, Dekker,   1998-2005;

President of GRICU (Italian Group of University Researchers and Professors of Chemical Engineering), 1997-1999.

Member of the Scientific Committee of ICOM 2002, Toulouse, July 2002.

Member of the Scientific Committee of Euromembrane 2009, Montpellier, 6-10 Sep. 2009.

Topic leader of Thermodynamics  for the 7th World Congress in Chemical Engineering, Glagow 2005

Serves as referee for several reviews as J. Membrane Science, A.I.Ch.E. J, Ind. &Eng.Chem. research, Macromolecules.

Served as external opponent for the evaluation of PhD theses  for several Institutions among which EPFL-Lausanne (CH), University of Montpellier (F), ENSIC-Toulouse (F), KTH-Stockholm (S), University of Twente (NL), Universidad de Salamanca (E).

Referee for the evaluation of applied and innovative technological research projects by appointment of Italian Ministry of Research, Veneto Innovazione (2007) and Cariverona SpA (2006).



Williams DOOLITTLE award from the PMSE Division of ACS, 2001.


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