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Giulio Malorgio

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGRI-01/A Economia agraria, alimentare ed estimo rurale


Mulazzani Luca; Trevisi Roberta; Manrique Rosa; Malorgio Giulio, Blue Growth and the relationship between ecosystem services and human activities: The Salento artisanal fisheries case study, «OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT», 2016, 134, pp. 120 - 128 [articolo]

Giulio, Malorgio; Biondi, Beatrice; Perito Maria Angela, Strategic behaviour of Italian fruit and vegetables importers from South Mediterranean Countries faced with food safety standards, «NEW MEDIT», 2016, 15, pp. 29 - 36 [articolo]Open Access

Hamade K.; Malorgio G.; Midmore P., Contrasting Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Rural Development Analysis: The Case of Agricultural Intensification in Lebanon, «JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS», 2015, 66, pp. 492 - 518 [articolo]

Mulazzani L ; Manrique R ; Trevisan G ; Malorgio G, Fish market integration and demand analysis: a Mediterranean case study, «AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS», 2015, 46, pp. 39 - 52 [articolo]

Ait Hou M.; Grazia C.; Malorgio G., Food safety standards and international supply chain organization: Acase study of the Moroccan fruit and vegetable exports, «FOOD CONTROL», 2015, 55, pp. 190 - 199 [articolo]

Luca Camanzi; Azra Alikadić; Giulio Malorgio; Luigi Vannini, Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU agri-food system: empirical assessment, economic evaluation and policy implications, in: CAP 2014-2020: Scenarios for European Agri-Food and Rural Systems, Mantova, Universitas Studiorum srl, 2015, pp. 53 - 60 (atti di: The Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020: scenarios for the European agricultural and rural systems, Benevento (IT), 18-20 September 2014) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Mulazzani L ; Malorgio G, Is there coherence in the European Union's strategy to guarantee the supply of fish products from abroad?, «MARINE POLICY», 2015, 52, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

Mulazzani L.; Manrique R.; Trevisan G.; Piccinetti C.; Malorgio G., The relationship among catch, fishing effort, and measures of fish stock abundance: implications in the Adriatic Sea, «CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES», 2015, 72, pp. 410 - 421 [articolo]

Mulazzani L; Malorgio G., The external and commercial dimensions of the EU fisheries policy: An institutional approach applied to the whitefish case, «MARINE POLICY», 2014, 46, pp. 123 - 131 [articolo]

Malorgio G.; Felice A., Trade and logistics: the fruit and vegetables industry, in: Logistics and Agro-food trade. A challenge for the Mediterranean, Paris, Presse de SciencePo, 2014, pp. 149 - 171 [capitolo di libro]

Pollini L.; Bucelli P.; Calò A; Costantini E.A.C.; L’Abate G.; Lorenzetti R.; Lisanti M.T.; Malorgio G.; Moio L.; Pomarici E.; Storchi P.; Tomasi D., Atlante dei territori del vino italiano, Siena, Enoteca Italiana, 2013, pp. 864 . [libro]

Mulazzani L.; Malorgio G., Bioeconomic equilibrium and supply regime for a multi-species multi-fleet fishery: an analysis in the Mediterranean Sea, «NEW MEDIT», 2013, 12, pp. 38 - 47 [articolo]Open Access

Malorgio G.; Grazia C.; Caracciolo F.; De Rosa C., Determinants of Wine Bottling Strategic Decisions: Empirical Evidences from the Italian Wine Industry, in: Wine Economics. Quantitative Studies and Empirical Applications, New York, PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2013, pp. 266 - 296 [capitolo di libro]

Malorgio G.; Grazia C., Diversità e complementarietà delle strutture vitivinicole italiane, «L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO», 2013, n.12, pp. 14 - 20 [articolo]

Malorgio G.; Grazia C., La performance della filiera ortofrutticola di esportazione dei Paesi Terzi del Mediterraneo nel mercato europeo: tra concorrenza e cooperazione, «ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE», 2013, XV, pp. 73 - 101 [articolo]