Foto del docente

Giulio Malorgio

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Position: Professor, University of Bologna

Key qualifications: Firm management, Food economics, Aquaculture and fishery economics, Agrifood marketing, Regional Economics  in Mediterranean  Area

Language skills : French and English 

 Schools and Degrees:

B.S. in Agricultural Sciences, From  november 1976 to July 1981. Institution: University of Bologna -  Italy

Master of Science in  Economic Development and Agricultural Policy. From  november 1984 to July 1986. Institution: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute - Montpellier  (France)

Ph.D.  in Agricultural  Economics. From november 1983 to february 1987. Institution: University of Bologna – Italy

From  July  1987 to January  1988, as winner of  CNR-NATO grant fellowship , carries out a research  period at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Washington State University, USA.

Membership and Academic Tasks:

- From 2020 is President of Italian Agricultural Economist Association (SIDEA)

- From 2019 to 2023 is member of Advisory Board del Centre International des Hautes Etudes Agronomique (CIHEAM) Parigi.

- He is member of Accademia dei Georgofili

- He is memberof Accademia della Vite e del vino

From 2020 to 2024 is member of Scientific Committee of NOMISMA

From 2002 to present - Managing Editor of the International Review NEW MEDIT: Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Evironment in Mediterranean Countries, Publisher  Dedalo  Edizioni, Bari, Italy

From 2009 to now he is national expert on Economics and market Committee at Office International de la Vigne du Vine, Paris.

Form 2015 to 2018 Vice President of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Scholol, University of Bologna

From 2016 to 2020 he is member of the Board of Italian Agricultural Economists Society

From 2019 he is memeber of Advisory Board of CIHEAM Paris

Member of the Italian Society of Agricultural Economists

Member of the Italian Journalist Society

Member of the European Society of Agricultural Economists

Member of the Association Internationale Economists Agro-alimentaire

Member of Delta Po Park Scientific Committee from 2004 to 2012.

Member of Managing Board of Soc. Coop. Conserve Italia. 2006-2009

Member of Managing Board of Soc. Coop. Apofruit. 2008-2011 

Research and project Experiences :

From 1999 (to present) Member of  the  International  research  team for economic analysis on  “Development  and  agrifood policies in the Mediterranean  Region”, by Ciheam, Paris.

From 2002 to 2011 he is Coordinator of team  reseach  of “Osservatorio Permanente  sul  Sistema  Agroalimentare  dei  Paesi  del  Mediterraneo” by  ISMEA e IAMB and financed  by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policy. 

From 2012 to 2016 he is responsible of WP of the project "SAFEMED- Food safety regulation, market access and international competition". A ARIMNET-ERANET project financed by 7 FP UE.

From 2009 to 2012 he carried out the study on  “Rappresentazione e caratterizzazione strutturale e tipologica delle unità vitivinicole nelle regioni italiane”, in the project “Atlante del Vino Italiano” organized  Enoteca Italiana e financed by MIPAAF.

- 2011-2012 He is responsible for economics aspects of "Study for the identification of additional tools for sustainable development of the Italian fishing following the entry into force of Reg. EC 1967/2006 and the application of national management plans ". Developped by Federcoopesca and financed by MIPAAF.

- In 2010-2011 he is member of research team of project on "Strategies for promotion and commercialization of Adriatic small pelagic fish". Granted by MIPAAF, Rome.

  From January 2010 he is Leader project of a study concerning “European market Observatory for fishery and aquaculture products” - EUMOFA. Financed by DG Mare European Commission. CONTRACT NO MARE/2009/06. SI2.555597

- 2010 – 2011 He is coordinator of Unit Research of project on “Energy recovery of waste and by-products of agro-forestry and food in Italy and Argentina” , financed by Consorzio Interuniversitario Italiano per l'Argentina - CUIA. Partner: University of Padova, University of Teramo, University of Bologna, University of Bari, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Universidad del Norte Santo Tomas de Aquino (Tucumàn), Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidad Nacional de Litoral (Santa Fe).

Between 2009-2010 according to agreement between Dipartimento di Economia e Ingegneria Agrarie and Federvini, real izes and organizes a project: "Analisi strutturale e organizzativa della filiera vitivinicola nel Triveneto". 

In 2008 set up a research agreement between the Dipartimento di Economia e Ingegneria Agraria and Regione Emilia Romagna for realizing a project on “ Strategic evaluation ofFinalcial instruments of orienttion of fishery in Emilia Romagna period 2000-2006” fianced by Regione Emilia Romagna. It is an evaluation and control ex-post of activities regarding programmino and execution of  DOCUP-SFOP.

2007-2008- He is Responsible for Emilia Romagna Region of Project CORIN (Coordinating Regional Primary Sector Policies for Boosting Innovation). Project co-funded by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Program. The general goal of the project is to increase the effectiveness of Regional Primary Sector interventions and impact on RTD investments. Partner: Veneto Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia Regione, Euris srl, National Agency of Fisheries and Aquaculture Istrian Development Agency, Regional Development Agency Porin, University Incubator of Primorska, Ltd. Macedonia Research Centre

2007 He is responsabile of research project on “Management and governance aspects of fruit and vegetable cooperative”. Financed by Soc. Coop a .r.l. Conserve Italia. Bologna

He is Member of the Research Team  of  UE project  DG JRC/JPTS on “Food supply chain dynamics and quality certification”. DEIAGRA Bologna

2004-05. He is Coordinator of research project on “Caracterization of fish product in ADRI.FISH area” in PIC INTERREG IIIB CADSES ADRI.FISH project finalised to realize a Fish Socio- Economic Observatory in High Adriatic Area. Granted by: Regione Emilia Romagna.

1999 – He is Coordinator of the economic aspects of the research project about Technological innovation in the mussels rearing. Organization: Italian Agricultural Policy Ministry; IV Fish and acquaculture Plan. Project responsible: MARE s.c. r.l., Cattolica.

1998    He  accomplish a Study on: The organizational, structural and economics aspects of the beet-sugar industry in some PECO Countries (Bulgaria, Romania e Slovenia). Organization: ERSUC Paris.

1997    He carries out a Study on : “Italian Sugar Beet chain and the Conditions of Market Dominance in the Sugar Beet Seed Market”. Organization: Antitrust Authority for Market and Competition. Roma.

1995/96 – He is Coordinator of the research project: Agricultural Producers' Association in the organization of fruit and vegetables market in Italy. Organization: National Research Council, Rome.

Teaching  experience :

From  2013 – Course: Agrifood Marketing, master course in Food Sciences and Technology. University of BolognaUniversity of Bologna

From 2003 to 2012- Course in Fishery economics, Faculty of  Medicina Veterinaria, University of  Bologna.

From 2013 to now. Course in Economics in Viticulture and Enology. Couse in Viticulture and Enology. University of Bologna.