Foto del docente

Giulio Ecchia

Full Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics


Keywords: Social innovation Non profit firms Regulation Social entrepreneurship Corporate governance

1.Ecchia,G., G.Marandola, R.Orsini and Savorelli,L. (2019), “Recognition and reciprocity in a cooperative firm: a field experiment” (mimeo).

2.Ecchia, G., R.Orsini and L.Savorelli (2016), “Bottom-up rules and recognition in the workplace: a natural field experiment”, Working paper, grant SIRE (submitted).

3. Ecchia, G. and P.Pasotti, (2015), “Governance and Regulation of Cooperative Firms”, paper presented at the 5th EMES International research conference, Helsinki, July 2015 (new version presented at the 31st EAEPE conference, Warsaw, September 2019).

4. Tasquier, G., O.Levrini and G.Ecchia; (2020), "Science education and its multifaceted relationship with RRI: reflections from empirical studies", mimeo.

5.José J. Domínguez & Giulio Ecchia & Natalia Montinari & Raimondello Orsini, 2023,"When Workplace Democracy Backfires. Lab Evidence on Honesty and Cooperation,"ThE Papers 23/02, Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Granada.

6.G.Bonaga, G.Ecchia, S.Rago and P.Venturi, (2023), Social Investment Readiness: percorsi di Capacity Building per le imprese sociali, pp.165-82, in G.Bonaga, G.Ecchia, R.Prandini and P.Venturi (eds), Finanza di Impatto sociale, Milano, Franco Angeli (in Italian).

7. Ecchia, G. and L.Zirulia, (2024), “Social innovation as community provision of public goods”, paper presented at the ISIRC International research conference, Sheffield, September 2020,at the 8th EMES International research conference, Zaragoza, October 2021), now AICCON WP 202.

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