Foto del docente

Giulio Dondi

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-03/A Roads, Railways and Airports

Curriculum vitae

Studies and qualifications
- Degree in Civil-Hydraulic Engineering, University of Bologna, 1980.
Actual position
(from November, 2000) Full Professor in “Construction of Roads, Railways and Airports”
Academic career:
(july, 1980) MS Degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulics section
(february, 1983) University Researcher - SSD H03X
(november, 1998) Associate Professor
(november – 2000) Full Professor.
Current institutional appointments:
Scientific person in charge of Road Constructions Laboratory
Membership of Scientific Committee
-Member of the “Commissione di Studio per le Norme Tecniche relative ai Materiali Stradali, alla Progettazione, Costruzione e Manutenzione delle Infrastrutture stradali”, belonging to CNR.
-Italian member, designed by ISSMFE (International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering), of the European Committee ERTC 11: “Geotechnical aspects in pavement design and construction”.
- Member of two UNI committees (Road materials and Geosynthetics).
-(1996-1999) Member and coordinator of the working group “Flexible pavements with synthetic interlayers”, of the Committee C8 – “Flexible pavements” of AIPCR.
-(2000-2003) Member of the working group “Pavements for minor Roads”, of the AIPCR Committee C7/8 “Road pavements”.
- Member of the Italian Geotechnical Association (AGI);
- Member of International Geosynthetics Soc. (IGS)
- Member of the Non Destructive Testing Association (AIPND)

Chairman of Congress Session
(2006) Bike Expo, International conference: “Designing Roads safety”, 20-22 January, Padova.
Invited technical presentations/seminars
(2003) Speaker – National congress “Asphaltica” on: “La sigillatura delle lesioni e dei giunti stradali”, Padova.
(2004) Speaker – International Congress VIATEC, Bolzano, September
(2005) Speaker – XVIII National congress on: “Geosintetici nelle costruzioni di terra: Infrastrutture stradali e ferroviarie”, 12 October 2005, Bologna.
(2005-2006) Speaker CESCAM Congress “Tecniche per la sicurezza in ambito urbano” IX e X sui temi: – Interventi per incentivare la mobilità non motorizzata ed Intersezioni a raso”, October 2005 and 2006 , Desenzano del Garda.
Best Paper of session A (Road and Airport Infrastructures - Pavements) - IV International SIIV Congress, Palermo, Italy, 2007
Teaching Courses:
(since 2007) Roads, Railways and Airports Construction (12 CFU) (University of Bologna - First Level Degree (3 years) course - Civil Eng. 
Research Fields of interest
Geotechnics and roads: safety performance evaluation of highway features: force-deflection characteristics of guardrail posts, analytical and experimental tools.
Road pavement materials: Crumb rubber, Light aggregates, Geosynthetics, Grouted macadam. Developments in asphalt pavement materials.
Bituminous and concrete road pavements.
Retaining walls: design by computational mechanics.
Road safety analysis: road-driver interaction, safety barriers for powered two wheelers.
Traffic induced vibrations: analysis and damping methods.
- Author or co-author of over 180 scientific papers, some of which are presented at International Congresses on Soil Mechanics, Road Infrastructures, Soil Consolidation and Geosynthetics.
Research projects
(MIUR) Ministry of Education, University and Research and University of Bologna - Research Project FIRB 2001 - Study of innovative asphalt mixtures in order to decrease road noise and vibrations: design requirements and production inspections (2004-2005);
(2007) NTEC University of Nottingham - Dynamic characterisation of bituminous mixtures with non destrucitve testing;
(2007) NTEC University of Nottingham - Experimental characterisation of unbound courses with geogrids;
(2007) TU Delft - Fatigue characterisation of asphalt concretes with 4PB tests.
Doctorate Membership Courses
Former Member of the college board for the School of Research Doctorate in Transportation Engineering, Civil engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna.
Tutors activities
Katya Biasuzzi – Studio dell’efficacia degli interventi di ingegneria della sicurezza nella riqualificazione di infrastrutture stradali – Ciclo XVII
Valeria Vignali – Impiego di metodi numerici avanzati nello studio delle opere di sostegno delle terre – Ciclo XVIII;
Margherita Marinelli – Criteri progettuali ed analisi del rischio nell’ottimizzazione dei tracciati stradali per i veicoli a due ruote – Ciclo XIX;
Andrea Cocurullo – Caratterizzazione meccanica avanzata dei conglomerati bituminosi: valutazione del modulo e test a fatica a trazione indiretta ed a flessione, prove con ultrasuoni - Ciclo XX
Raffaele Spilla – Tecniche numeriche di studio della sicurezza stradale in riferimento alle ultime indicazioni normative - Ciclo XXI
Gian Paolo Dezi - Logistica ed Infomobilità di persone e merci – Ciclo XXII
Claudio Lantieri - Trattamento delle terre per sottofondi e fondazioni: studio sperimentale sulle metodologie di progetto e di controllo – Ciclo XXII
Matteo Pettinari – Caratterizzazione a fatica dei conglomerati bituminosi mediante prove dinamiche - Ciclo XXIII