Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Mandibular advancement device
Temporomandibular disorders
Low-level laser therapy
The main research topics concern the study of sleep-related respiratory disorders through a in-depth analysis of the physiopathology, diagnosis and therapeutic strategies of dental competence.
Also the study of orofacial pain finds a particular use in correlation to sleep disorders with the purpose of investigating any comorbidities and understanding the cause.
This activity has contributed to the realization of research protocols aimed at phenotyping the adult patient with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and setting individualized therapeutic pathways supported by the best scientific evidence regarding the type of intraoral device used, the methods of use, anagement and, if possible, prevention of side effects.
There are also research protocols aimed at developing guidelines for the identification and management of the pediatric patient affected by OSAS, with particular attention to the use of reliable screening methods supported by the best scientific evidence (questionnaires, pulse oximeter) .
A further research topic concerns the low level laser therapy and is aimed, after in vitro evaluation of its effects on bone remodeling, at the identification of optimal clinical application parameters in order to be able to influence the speed of orthodontic movement and the perception of pain.