Foto del docente

Giulio Alessandri Bonetti

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-16/A Oral Diseases and Dentistry



Alessandri-Bonetti, Giulio; Incerti-Parenti, Serena; Garulli, Giulia; Gatto, Maria Rosaria; Visconti, Luca; Paganelli, Corrado, Maxillary first premolar inclination in 8- to 11-year-old children: An observational cross-sectional study on panoramic radiographs, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS», 2016, 149, pp. 657 - 665 [Scientific article]

Incerti-Parenti, Serena; Checchi, Vittorio; Ippolito, Daniela Rita; Gracco, Antonio; Alessandri-Bonetti, Giulio, Periodontal status after surgical-orthodontic treatment of labially impacted canines with different surgical techniques: A systematic review, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS», 2016, 149, pp. 463 - 472 [Scientific article]

Bartolucci, Maria Lavinia; Bortolotti, Francesco; Raffaelli, Eugenia; D’Antò, Vincenzo; Michelotti, Ambra; Alessandri Bonetti, Giulio, The effectiveness of different mandibular advancement amounts in OSA patients: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis, «SLEEP & BREATHING», 2016, 20, pp. 911 - 919 [Scientific article]

Alessandri-Bonetti, Giulio; Bortolotti, Francesco; Bartolucci, Maria Lavinia; Marini, Ida; D'Antò, Vincenzo; Michelotti, Ambra, The effects of mandibular advancement device on pressure pain threshold of masticatory muscles: A prospective controlled cohort study, «JOURNAL OF ORAL & FACIAL PAIN AND HEADACHE», 2016, 30, pp. 234 - 240 [Scientific article]

Alessandri-Bonetti, Giulio; Ippolito, Daniela Rita; Bartolucci, Maria Lavinia; D’Antò, Vincenzo; Incerti-Parenti, Serena, Cephalometric predictors of treatment outcome with mandibular advancement devices in adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review, «THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS», 2015, 45, pp. 308 - 321 [Scientific article]

Rongo, Roberto; Valleta, Rosa; Bucci, Rosaria; Alessandri Bonetti, Giulio; Michelotti, Ambrosina; D'Antò, Vincenzo, Does clinical experience affect the reproducibility of cervical vertebrae maturation method?, «ANGLE ORTHODONTIST», 2015, 85, pp. 841 - 847 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marini, Ida; Alessandri Bonetti, Giulio; Bortolotti, Francesco; Bartolucci, Maria Lavinia; Gatto, Maria Rosaria; Michelotti, Ambra, Effects of experimental insoles on body posture, mandibular kinematics and masticatory muscles activity. A pilot study in healthy volunteers, «JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY», 2015, 25, pp. 531 - 539 [Scientific article]

Paganelli, Corrado; Zanarini, Matteo; Pazzi, Elisabetta; Marchionni, Silvia; Visconti, Luca; Alessandri Bonetti, Giulio, Interproximal enamel reduction: An in vivo study, «SCANNING», 2015, 37, pp. 73 - 81 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cirulli, N; Ballini, A; Cantore, S; Farronato, D; Inchingolo, F; Dipalma, G; Gatto, Mr; Alessandri Bonetti, G, MIXED DENTITION SPACE ANALYSIS OF A SOUTHERN ITALIAN POPULATION: NEW REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR UNERUPTED TEETH., «JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL REGULATORS & HOMEOSTATIC AGENTS», 2015, 29, pp. 515 - 520 [Scientific article]

Gracco, Antonio; Perri, Alessandro; Siviero, Laura; Alessandri Bonetti, Giulio; Cocilovo, Francesco; Stellini, Edoardo, Multidisciplinary correction of anterior open bite relapse and upper airway obstruction, «THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS», 2015, 45, pp. 47 - 56 [Scientific article]

Incerti-Parenti, Serena; Checchi, Vittorio; Molinari, Camilla; Alessandri-Bonetti, Giulio, Periodontal Side Effect During Orthopedic Face Mask Therapy, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS», 2015, 26, pp. 49 - 51 [Scientific article]

Gracco, Antonio; Lattuca, Monica; Marchionni, Silvia; Siciliani, Giuseppe; Alessandri Bonetti, Giulio, SEM-Evaluation of enamel surfaces after orthodontic debonding: A 6 and 12-month follow-up in vivo study, «SCANNING», 2015, 37, pp. 322 - 326 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marini I; Bartolucci ML; Bortolotti F; Innocenti G; Gatto MR; Alessandri Bonetti G., The effect of diode superpulsed low-level laser therapy on experimental orthodontic pain caused by elastomeric separators: a randomized controlled clinical trial., «LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE», 2015, 30, pp. 35 - 41 [Scientific article]

Marini I; Bortolotti F; Incerti Parenti S; Gatto MR; Alessandri Bonetti G, Combined effects of repeated oral hygiene motivation and type of toothbrush on orthodontic patients:A blind randomized clinical trial, «ANGLE ORTHODONTIST», 2014, 84, pp. 896 - 901 [Scientific article]Open Access

Alessandri Bonetti G; Incerti Parenti S; Ippolito DR; Gatto MR; Checchi L, Effects of ultrasonic instrumentation with different scaler-tip angulations on the shear bond strength and bond failure mode of metallic orthodontic brackets, «THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS», 2014, 44, pp. 44 - 49 [Scientific article]

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