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Giuliano Vitali is an Agro-physicist. It deals with the study of surface hydrological systems, agricultural land (runoff, erosion, contamination), soil-plant-atmosphere systems, irrigation, plant physiology and ecological systems (mycology and entomology), production systems (sustainability ), and agro-industrial. Recently he has been working on precision agriculture (field sensors and image analysis). Giuliano Vitali follows theses and doctorates, and has held courses in Statistics and Computer Science, Soil Physics, Agrometeorology and Agricultural Ecology in various degree courses, as well as modeling and simulation seminars for the doctoral school. Giuliano Vitali took part in numerous ministerial and regional research projects and was responsible for the U.O. in PRIN, H2020, EIT-FOOD projects, and collaborates with companies for the development of technologies applied to agriculture. He has contributed to patents and startup creation.
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