Schiavo G.; Bertolini F.; Bovo S.; Galimberti G.; Munoz M.; Bozzi R.; Candek-Potokar M.; Ovilo C.; Fontanesi L., Identification of population-informative markers from high-density genotyping data through combined feature selection and machine learning algorithms: Application to European autochthonous and cosmopolitan pig breeds, «ANIMAL GENETICS», 2024, 00, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access
Berrettini, Marco; Galimberti, Giuliano; Ranciati, Saverio; Murphy, Thomas Brendan, Identifying Brexit voting patterns in the British house of commons: an analysis based on Bayesian mixture models with flexible concomitant covariate effects, «JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STATISTICS», 2024, 73, pp. 621 - 638 [Scientific article]
Bonino G.; Galimberti G.; Masina S.; McAdam R.; Clementi E., Machine learning methods to predict sea surface temperature and marine heatwave occurrence: a case study of the Mediterranean Sea, «OCEAN SCIENCE», 2024, 20, pp. 417 - 432 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ranciati, Saverio; Vinciotti, Veronica; Wit, Ernst C.; Galimberti, Giuliano, Mixtures of Probit Regression Models with Overlapping Clusters, «BAYESIAN ANALYSIS», 2024, 19, pp. 843 - 867 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bovo, Samuele; Schiavo, Giuseppina; Galimberti, Giuliano; Fanelli, Flaminia; Bertolini, Francesca; Dall'Olio, Stefania; Pagotto, Uberto; Fontanesi, Luca, Comparative targeted metabolomic profiles of porcine plasma and serum, «ANIMAL», 2023, 17, Article number: 101029 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access
Berrettini, Marco; Galimberti, Giuliano; Brendan Murphy, Thomas; Ranciati, Saverio, Modelling soccer players field position via mixture of Gaussians with flexible weights, in: CLADAG 2023 Book of abstracts and short papers, Pearson, 2023, pp. 351 - 354 (atti di: CLADAG 2023 - 14th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Salerno, 11-13 settembre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Berrettini, M; Galimberti, G; Ranciati, S, Semiparametric finite mixture of regression models with Bayesian P-splines, «ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION», 2023, 17, pp. 745 - 775 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bonino G.; Masina S.; Galimberti G.; Moretti M., Southern Europe and western Asian marine heatwaves (SEWA-MHWs): A dataset based on macroevents, «EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA», 2023, 15, pp. 1269 - 1285 [Scientific article]Open Access
Cecilia Diani; Giuliano Galimberti; Gabriele Soffritti, Multivariate cluster-weighted models based on seemingly unrelated linear regression, «COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS», 2022, 171, Article number: 107451 , pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]Open Access
Galimberti G.; Nuzzi L.; Soffritti G., Covariance matrix estimation of the maximum likelihood estimator in multivariate clusterwise linear regression, «STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS», 2021, 30, pp. 235 - 268 [Scientific article]Open Access
Marco Berrettini;
Giuliano Galimberti;
Saverio Ranciati, Semiparametric finite mixture of regression models with Bayesian P-splines, in: CLADAG 2021 Book of Abstracts and Short Papers, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2021, pp. 268 - 271 (atti di: CLADAG 2021 13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group, Firenze, 9-11 Settembre 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Schiavo G.; Bertolini F.; Galimberti G.; Bovo S.; Dall'olio S.; Nanni Costa L.; Gallo M.; Fontanesi L., A machine learning approach for the identification of population-informative markers from high-throughput genotyping data: Application to several pig breeds, «ANIMAL», 2020, 14, pp. 223 - 232 [Scientific article]Open Access
Galimberti G; Soffritti G, A note on the consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator under multivariate linear cluster-weighted models, «STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS», 2020, 157, Article number: 108630 , pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]Open Access
Giuliano Galimberti; Gabriele Soffritti, Seemingly unrelated clusterwise linear regression, «ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION», 2020, 14, pp. 235 - 260 [Scientific article]Open Access
Luise, D.; Bovo, S.; Bosi, P.; Fanelli, F.; Pagotto, U.; Galimberti, G.; Mazzoni, G.; Dall'Olio, S.; Fontanesi, L., Targeted metabolomic profiles of piglet plasma reveal physiological changes over the suckling period, «LIVESTOCK SCIENCE», 2020, 231, Article number: 103890 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access