Foto del docente

Giuliano Galimberti

Full Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: STAT-01/A Statistics

Curriculum vitae


  • Professor in Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna (Since February 10th, 2020).

Previous positions

  • Associate Professor in Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna (December 1st, 2014 - February 9th, 2020).
  • Assistant Professor in Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna (October 1st, 2002 - November 30th, 2014).
  • Visiting Scholar at the  School of Physical Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane (AUS). Supervisor: Prof. Geoffrey McLachlan (November 15th, 2008 - January 18th, 2009).
  • Visiting Scholar at the Department of Statistics, Stanford University (CA, USA). Supervisor: prof. Jerome H. Friedman (June 20th, 2002 – September 20th, 2002).
  • Research Fellow at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna. Project: “Modelli di durata a tempo discreto con covariate tempo-dipendenti (Discrete-time duration models with time-dependent covariates)”. Supervisor: prof. Angela Montanari (August 1st, 2001 – September 30th, 2002).

University education

  •  Ph. D. in Metodologia Statistica per la Ricerca Scientifica (Statistical Methodology for Scientific Research) at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna. Advisor: prof. Paola Monari. Title of the dissertation: “Nonparametric hazard regression with time-dependent covariates” (February 18th, 2002).
  • Graduated in Scienze Statistiche, Demografiche e Sociali (Statistical, Demographic and Social Sciences) at the Faculty of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna (vote: 110/110 cum laude). Advisors: prof. Angela Montanari, prof. Aurora Angeli, dott. Gabriele Soffritti. Title of the dissertation: “Variabili intermedie della fecondità e biografie correlate: una analisi con modelli di durata” (July 13th, 1998).

Individual and shared awards and honors

  • Montana Award (Montana Alimentari S.P.A. - Cremonini Group) for the best research project on food and nutrition, Second Edition, 2007/2008. Title of the research project: “Identificazione di biomarcatori per la valutazione della qualità della carne: un approccio innovativo” (Identification of Biomarker fot meat quality evaluation: an innovative approach). Joint  project with Dott. Daniela Giovanna Calò (Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Bologna) and Dott. Luca Fontanesi (Dipartimento di Protezione e Valorizzazione Agroalimentare, Università di Bologna).
  • Rotary Club Award (section of Bologna) as best student of the Faculty of Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna in academic year 1997/1998.

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