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Giulia Marsili

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/E Christian, Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 588KB )


  • 2023-2026: Junior assistant professor (fixed-term), L-ANT/08;
  • 2022-2033: National Scientific Qualification as an Associate Professor (ASN 2022), scientific sector 10/A1 (archaeology);

    Previous positions:

    • 2023: Adjunct Professor of Late Antique and Early Byzantine archaeology at University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures;
  • 2022-2023: Research fellow at Gerda Henkel Foundation (Düsseldorf);
  • 2014-2021: Research Fellow at the University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures.

National and international projects:

  • 2023-2026: member of the national competitive project PE5 – CHANGES, “Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Next-Gen Sustainable Society”, Spoke 4, “Virtual Technologies for Museums and Art Collections” (code PE0000020). Research case study “Digital strategies for enhancing cultural heritage: the Villa del Casale of Piazza Armerina, from the late Antique building site to the museum collection” (PNRR funds, call PE).
  • 2020-to date: member of the international project “Insular Episcopate. Church, Maritime Environment, and Economic Life in the Eastern Aegean Islands (AD 300 – 800 ca.)”, funded by Gerda Henkel Stiftung, PI prof. S. Cosentino (activities: survey of archaeological evidence relating to island ecclesiastical structures and elaboration of a GIS; survey of stone marks and building site evidence; application of architectural energetics methodologies and quantitative inverse calculation for quantitative analyses on building sites);
  • 2016-to date: member of the project “Ravenna, via d’Azeglio”, University of Bologna in collaboration with Archaeological Superintendence of Emilia-Romagna (activities: analysis of stone architectural decoration and revetments; pottery study);
  • 2022-2023: member of the EU funded project “ARCHLabs. Archaeological heritage in Late Antique and Byzantine Sicily” (Erasmus Plus, Blended Intensive Programme), International Summer School at the Villa del Casale of Piazza Armerina, with excavation activity, documentation of materials, 3D modelling, 3D survey, aerophotogrammetry, digital archiving. Role: organising committee and field supervisor. Institutions involved: CNR, ISPC; I.LS. Leonardo da Vinci, Piazza Armerina; Archaeological Park of Morgantina and the Villa Romana del Casale; Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. of Enna; Jagiellonian University, Krakow; Open University, Cyprus; Stockholm University; University of Athens; University 'Kore' of Enna; University of Oviedo; University of Peloponnese; University of Sevilla Pablo e Olavide; University of South Florida; Wroclaw University.
  • 2020-2021: member of the interdisciplinary project “DIG-ITAL-PEN. Scan&matching for Cultural Heritage”, funded by UNIBO-Spin-Off projects;
  • 2020-2021: member of the international project “Europeana Storytelling Task Force” ( ), research, recommendations and best practices on the topic of digital storytelling for the valorisation of cultural heritage (scientific referee: Beth Daley, Europeana Foundation);
  • 2020-2021: responsible for the national project DIG-ITAL-PEN. Scan&matching for Cultural Heritage – competition StartCupER, start up and spin-off (spin-off about the implementation of a technological device for the automated scanning, digitisation, modelling and recognition of archaeological artefacts);
  • 2019-2020: member of the international project “Europeana Archaeology”, UNIBO local unit (EU funded by Connecting Europe Facility, Action n° 2018-EU-IA-0030);
  • 2017-2020: co-director of the national project: “Il potere dell’immagine e della parola. Elementi distintivi dell’aristocrazia femminile tra età tardoantica e bizantina”, funded by AlmaIdea grant, University of Bologna, in collaboration with prof. B. Girotti, dr. M. E. Pomero;
  • 2017-2019: technical coordinator of the international project “Byzart project – Byzantine Art and Archaeology on Europeana” (EU funded by Connecting Europe Facility-Europeana Generic Services, Action n°2016-EU-IA-0094, ), scientific coordinator: Prof. I. Baldini), consortium: Ionian University of Cyprus, National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens), Open University of Cyprus, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Museum of Ravenna-International Mosaic Documentation Centre-Classense Library, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Role in project activities: digitisation of more than 75,000 documents related to Byzantine art and archaeology from 29 multinational archives, creation of a digital collection linked to the Europeana portal, customisation of EDM metadata sets, verification of IPR issues, semantic enrichment through Linked Open Data resources and controlled vocabularies, numerous dissemination activities including the creation of a web-exhibition;
  • 2014-2016: responsible for the national project “Lasersoft for Cultural Heritage. Progettazione e sviluppo di un software per la gestione, lo studio e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-archeologico”, in collaboration with Lasersoft s.r.l., Rimini, funded by Camera di Commercio di Rimini (activities: design and development of a web-database for the management, study and valorisation of historical and archaeological heritage);
  • 2014-2016: responsible for the national project “Sculture tardoantiche nella Raccolta Lercaro di Bologna”, funded by Fondazione Cardinale Giacomo Lercaro, Bologna;
  • 2010-2014: responsible for the project “Ricerche sui santi dell’Apostoleion di Costantinopoli e sulla traslazione delle reliquie in Occidente (dalla tradizione letteraria ai dati storici e archeologici)”, local unit University of Bologna, funded by CEI, coordinated by CNR Roma, PI prof. L. Bianchi;
  • 2014: collaboration with UNIPD, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica, within the project “Gortyna 2011” for the analysis of material culture from Gortyn excavation, resp. prof. J. Bonetto;
  • 2013: collaboration project with Vatican Museum, for the analysis of Early-Middle Ages stone materials from Museo Pio Cristiano collection;
  • 2010-2011: participation in the international project “JEWELRY in CONTEXT” (Dipartimento di Archeologia, Università di Bologna; Aredat - Associació per la Recerca Estudi i Difusió en Antiguitat Tardana, Barcelona -; Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz);
  • 2010: Participation to the national project “Le vie del commercio: produzioni, merci, insediamenti tra Romania e Langobardia”, PI prof. P. Galetti, funded by Italian Ministry for University and Research (PRIN, 2007).

    Archaeological projects and excavations:

  • 2006, 2011-2015, 2017-2018, 2021-2023: member of the archaeological mission in Gortyn, Crete, Mitropolis cathedral (University of Bologna, Italian Archaeological School in Athens, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities, Crete), funded by University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, . Research activity co-financed with a contribution from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Role: field supervisor; excavation; drone aerophotography; analysis of stone materials for architectural and liturgical furnishings, opus sectile, amphoras; quantitative analyses applied to the study of the building site;
  • 2021-2022: member of the archaeological mission in Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG), coordinated by the University of Bologna, in collaboration with Superintendence of Ragusa, social cooperative “Nostra Signora di Gulfi”, funded by University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Role: supervision of excavation and survey activities; drone aerophotography; analysis of amphoras;
  • 2021-2023, July: member of the archaeological mission in Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina, in collaboration with Parco archeologico di Morgantina e della Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina and CISEM (Centro interuniversitario di studi sull'edilizia abitativa tardoantica del Mediterraneo), resp. prof. I. Baldini, C. Sfameni, P. Barresi (for 2022-2023 campaign, see above ARCHLabs project);
  • 2022, May, 2023, April: member of the archaeological mission (field study) in the Dodecanese, Samos and Cyclades in the framework of “Insular Episcopates” project, funded by Gerda Henkel Foundation (see above for the project);
  • 2013-2018: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, St. Stephan ecclesiastical complex (University of Bologna, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese), funded by University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, . Role: supervision and coordination of excavation and survey activities; analysis of stone materials; ancient building site analysis;
  • 2013-2014: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, Kastro, catalogue of architectural marble items (University of Bologna, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese), funded by University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 2011-2013: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, Western Bath district-Episcopal Complex (University of Bologna, Polytechnic of Bari, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese), funded by University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Role: supervision and co-ordination of excavation and survey activities, analysis of wall stratigraphy, study of the ancient building site and masons’ marks;
  • 2007-2010: member of the archaeological mission in Gortyn, Crete, Praetorium (La Sapienza University of Rome, University of Bologna, Polytechnic of Bari, Italian Archaeological School in Athens), funded by University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 2007-2008: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, S. Gabriel Basilica (University of Bologna, Polytechnic of Bari, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese), funded by University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 2006: Bologna, urban archaeology (Archaeological Superintendence Emilia-Romagna);
  • 2005: member of the archaeological mission in Herculaneum, DHER (Domus Herculanensis Rationes project, University of Bologna).

Scientific affiliations:

  • ‐2020-to date: Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del mosaico (AISCOM);
  • ‐2019-to date: Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA);
  • ‐2019-to date: Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull’Edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo (CISEM);
  • ‐2014-to date: Associazione Internazionale di Studi Bizantini (AISB);


  • ‐2021: Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Prix Gustave Schlumberger for the book “Archeologia del cantiere protobizantino Cave, maestranze e committenti attraverso i marchi dei marmorari” (Bologne, Bononia University Press, 2019, 560 pp.);
  • ‐2021: International Medieval Congress-University of Leeds, grant for participation as a speaker;
  • ‐2016: first ranked in the contest “Premio Rotary Cultura e Patrimonio (distretto 2072)” with the project “App&GO!”, digital application for Byzantine archaeology;
  • ‐2015: granted by the Chamber of Commerce of Rimini for research project collaboration between University and SME aimed at the creation of a web database for archaeological research;
  • ‐2011-2014: doctoral scholarship awarded by CEI for the project “La nuova Roma: come Roma fondata sugli apostoli. Fonti e dati per la conoscenza dell’Apostoleion di Bisanzio da Costantino a Costanzo I”, in cooperation with CNR, Rome;
  • ‐July 2013: École Française d’Athènes, doctoral fellowship;
  • ‐March-June 2013: Collège de France, Paris, Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, doctoral fellowship;
  • ‐2012: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Centre for Byzantine Research of Thessaloniki, doctoral fellowship;
  • ‐2011: 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, grant for participation;
  • ‐2009: Centre d’études byzantines neo-helleniques et sud-est européennes, Écoles des hautes études en science socials; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer School scholarship;
  • ‐2009: University of Bologna, Italian Archaeological School in Athens: scholarship for MA thesis abroad;
  • ‐2007: University of Bologna, Italian Archaeological School in Athens: scholarship for BA thesis abroad.

For more details, collaborations, congresses and publications: see CV


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