Foto del docente

Giulia Guazzaloca

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: HIST-03/A Contemporary History

Director of First Cycle Degree in Political, Social and International Sciences

Curriculum vitae

  • Education and Academic Positions

1995: Degree in Italian Literature, University of Bologna

2002: Ph.D. in Contemporary History, University of Bologna

2002-2005: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna

2005-2014: Tenure-tracked full researcher (Ricercatrice) in Contemporary History (19th and 20th Centuries), School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna

2014-now: Associate Professor in Contemporary History (19th and 20th Centuries), School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna

2006-2013: Member of Ph.D. Progamme "Political History of the Contemporary Age in the 19th and 20th Centuries Federico Chabod", University of Bologna

2011-2016: Member of Ph.D. Programme "Politics, Institutions, History", University of Bologna

2014-2018: Member of Ph.D. Programme “Global and International Studies”, University of Bologna.


  • Professional Activities

May 1999, January-February 2000, November 2000: Visiting Student at the Robinson College in Cambridge (tutor: prof. E.F. Biagini).

2005-now: member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal «Ricerche di Storia Politica» (Il Mulino, Bologna).

2005-2013: Researcher at the Centro Studi per il Progetto Europeo, directed by Paolo Pombeni and created by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in cooperation with the University of Bologna.

2013-2018: Referent for the guidance and tutoring services for the incoming students at the School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna.


  • Organisation of Scientific Meetings

2001-2002 - Organization of the International Congress "La costituzione del consenso. Ordine, legittimità e resistenza nei sistemi politici europei sec. XIX e XX", 13-14 September 2002, Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of Bologna.

2004 - Organization of the International Congress "Governare la televisione? Politica e televisione in Europa - Governing television? Politics and Tv in Europe", 14 e 15 May 2004, Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of Bologna.

2006 - Organization of the International Conference “Pierre Rosanvallon Lecture”, for the 20th anniversary of the academic journal “Ricerche di Storia Politica”, 9 June 2006, Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of Bologna.

2007 - Organization of the International Congress "Monarchia e legittimazione politica in Europa tra Otto e Novecento", 22, 23, 24 November 2007, Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of Bologna.

2010-2011 - Organization of the Conferences on "Luigi Albertini nella storia d'Italia, 1871-1941": Fondazione Corriere della Sera, Ancona Municipality, University of Bologna, University of Rome La Sapienza (9 February 2011; 9 June 2011; 17 November 2011).

2005-2013 - Organization of the Conferences and Seminars held by Centro Studi per il Progetto Europeo.

2014 - Organization of the Conference "Why War? Parole e Figure", Department of Political and Social Sciences, Bologna and Forlì, 10-14 November 2014.

2016-2017 - Organization of the Conference "Why Revolution? Parole e Figure", Department of Political and Social Sciences, Bologna and Forlì, 15-16 and 22-23 November 2017.

2018: Organization of the Conference “Democrazia governante e Costituzione. In ricordo di Roberto Ruffilli', Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna, 13 April 2018.


  • Participation in scientific research projects

1) National Research Program COFIN ex 40%, e.f. 1998, "Crisi e legittimazione nella trasformazione dei regimi politici", national coordinator Paolo Pombeni (1999-2000).

2) Three-year Research Project "Consenso e legittimazione nella trasformazione dei sistemi politici" at the Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of Bologna, coordinator Raffaella Gherardi (2000-2002).

3) Three-year Research Project "L'immaginazione dell'Occidente" at the Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of Bologna (2003-2004) .

4) National Research Program MIUR-PRIN, year 2003, "La costruzione e la crisi del discorso politico sull'Occidente nel Novecento", national coordinator Paolo Pombeni (2004-2005).

5) National Research Program MIUR-PRIN, year 2010-11, "Pratiche, linguaggi e teorie della delegittimazione politica nell'Europa contemporanea", national coordinator Paolo Pombeni, Fulvio Cammarano (2013-2015).