Foto del docente

Giovanni Ottoboni

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/A General Psychology

Curriculum vitae


After I graduated in Clinical Experimental Psychology in 2001 at the University of Padua, I obtained my PhD in Psychological Sciences in 2006 at the University of Urbino (Pesaro-Urbino), and a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy at the Body Functional School of Padua in 2010.

Academic career

I was adjunct professor in Psycho-biology and Cognitive Sports Psychology in the Motor Sciences master degree, Department of Quality of Life Sciences, University of Bologna, and in the Sports Sciences master degree, Department of Medical and Biological Sciences - University of Udine, from 2013 to 2017.

Scientific activity

I took part in numerous national and international research programs with executive responsibilities (e.g., The ROSSI Project, FT7; The MOTION Project, AAL 2015; The MEETINGDEM project, JPND).

From October 2018, I am co-coordinating the SiDeCar, an European project focused in delivering timely HE curricula in Psycho-social care in Dementia. The project is supported by K2A E+ Program.

Institutional activities and academic assignments

From late 2022, I am a member of the Ethical Committee operating within the Department of Psychology of UNIBO

Membership of scientific and editorial committees

From 2018 I am serving as Academic Editor for "Plos-One" journal and Frontiers. 

From 2010 I am acting as referee for national and international journals in Cognitive Sciences and Clinical Psychology.

Other activities

From December 2013, I am serving as Member in the Council of the Order of Psychologists of the FVG Italian Region.

Between 2016 and 2017, I represented the Council of FVG Psychologists within the Regional Board for the Definition of Continuing Medical Education.

From 2018, I was an active member within the Commission for ethics and profession of the Order of Psychologists; from 2020 I am in charge to direct the same Commission.  

From 2022, I represent CNOP in developing the Italian Guidelines for Dementia.