Foto del docente

Giovanni Martinelli

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-09/B Blood Diseases

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae

1. Personal Data

First name: Giovanni
Last name: Martinelli
Date of Birth: 30/05/1960 Sex: Male
Title: Associate Professor in Hematology
Name of Istitution: Department of Hematology and Sciences Oncology –
Institute of Haematology "L. and A. Seràgnoli" S. Orsola - University Hospital in Bologna Address of Institution: Via Massarenti, 9 – Bologna
(Street, City, Zip code, Country): 40138 Italy

2. Office 

cell 3487704650


3. Education (Laurea or other professional education, include post doctoral training)

First Degree: Graduated in Medicine
Name of Institution: University of Verona Medical School City, Country: Verona, Italy
Date: 1985

Registration medical register (Verona Italy): year 1986, n° 4900.

20 July 2001

Suitable to the role of Associate University Professor, scientific field disciplinary F07G – Malattie del Sangue, on the Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano.

Research and/or professional experience

List, in chronological order, present and previous employment, experience, certifications, and honors. Include present membership on any Governmental or Advisory Committee/Boards.

January 1984-1988

Research and clinical training as Resident Physician, Institute of Medical Pathology (Division of Hematology, University of Verona Medical School). The main scientific interest regarded the field of hematological malignancies, in particular

Name of Institution

City, Country



University of Verona

Verona, Italy

in 1988


University of Verona

Verona, Italy

in 1992

Medical Genetics


leukemias and lymphomas. During this period he learned patient management and diagnosis, the monitoring of infections and therapy in immunocompromised patients. He performed and monitored autologous bone marrow transplantation in neoplastic patients, immunotyped bone marrow cells with monoclonal antibodies, and determined levels of interferon and interleukins in patients samples.

June 1988-November 1988

Specialist in Hematology, U.S.L. 31, District of Mantova City, Italy, and U.S.L. 29, District of Volta Mantovana, Italy.


Specialist in General Hematology, U.S.L. 47, Mantova, Italy. 1990-1991

Research and clinical training, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Verona.


Research and clinical training, Institute of Hematology and Oncology “Seràgnoli”, University of Bologna.

January 1993 - 2005

Medical Doctor for Prof. Sante Tura and Prof. Michele Baccarani, Institute of Hematology "L. e A. Seràgnoli", University of Bologna Medical School. Responsible of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Main fields of research: acute leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia: research of target therapies in the major haematological syndromes: therapy of acute leukemias, therapy of chronic myeloid leukemias Ph+ and not Ph+, and therapy of Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES).

From 1st March 2005 to present

Associate Professor in Hematology – Department of Hematology/Oncology, University of Bologna. Responsible of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Institute of Hematology “L. and A. Seràgnoli”.
Main fields of research: acute leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia: research of target therapies in the major haematological syndromes: therapy of acute leukemias, therapy of chronic myeloid leukemias Ph+ and not Ph+, and therapy of Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES).

Association Membership

  • -  Società Italiana di Ematologia Sperimentale (SIES) Member and Vice President of the Consiglio Direttivo SIES

  • -  Società Italiana di Ematologia (SIE)

  • -  American Society of Haematology (ASH)

  • -  American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS)

  • -  American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

  • -  European Haematology Association (EHA)

  • -  American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

  • -  European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)

  • -  European LeukemiaNet (Progetto Europeo VI PQ)

  • -  Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell'Adulto (GIMEMA)

    Working Party Leucemie Acute

  • -  COST Action BM0801 (EuGESMA)


Reviewing Activities

  • -  Haematologica

  • -  Leukemia

  • -  Blood

  • -  American Journal of Hematology

  • -  Clinical Leukemia

  • -  Cancer

  • -  Hematological Oncology

  • -  Neoplasia

  • -  Annals of Hematology

  • -  Editor-in-Chief: Hematology Reviews 4. Projects

    Co-operator in the following Research projects MURST - COFIN 2001 – 2002 – 2003; Ricerca fondamentale orientata 2002 – 2003; Principal proposed in the RFO60% 2007 and 2008 ; FIRB 2001 – 2003 projects. Scientific Responsible in the FIRB 2006 project. Principal Investigator AIRC Grant Proposal 2004, AIRC 2007, AIRC 2010.

    Responsible for Research Unit of PRIN 2008 project; Scientific Responsibleoftwo projects on Bando Ministero Salute 2009, and one project on Bando Ministero Salute Ricerca Finalizzata 2009.

    5. Publications

    Total of n. more than 400 papers and reviews in the major scientific publications with Referees. Total IMPACT FACTOR last 5 years 879,738 – Average Impact Factor 7.6. H index 60.5.