Foto del docente

Giovanni Luchetti

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-15/A Roman Law and Foundations of European Law

Curriculum vitae

Professor Giovanni Luchetti, born in Foligno, Perugia, on January 26th, 1961, graduated in Law from the University of Bologna on October 29th, 1985, magna cum laude with a thesis in Roman Law about "Il matrimonio cum scriptis e sine scriptis in diritto giustinianeo e nei suoi precedenti postclassici". He began his academic career with illustrious professors on Roman Law in Bologna (particularity with his mentor, professor Roberto Bonini) starting from 1985/86 and soon he was awarded a scholarship to complete a PhD in "Diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità", ranking first among winning candidates. At the same time he began his research activities, focusing, on one side, on particular issues connected with the hystory of Roman Law and, on the other side, on deepening the understanding of specific aspects of Roman law in the Later Roman Empire and in Justinian Era. Specifically, he developed a monography La legittimazione dei figli naturali nelle fonti tardo imperiali e giustinianee, Pubblicazioni del Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna, Milano, Giuffrè, 1990, which was widely cited and contributed in granting him, on October 31st, 1990, the title of PhD in Roman Law.
Soon after being awarded a post-doc fellowship by the University of Bologna, he won a state examination to become full-time researcher at the University of Bologna, starting December 28th, 1991. In the following years, professor Luchetti attended several national and international symposia, and deepened his research interests publishing several papers in well-known journals of Roman Law. His next monograph paper was published in 1996 (La legislazione imperiale nelle Istituzioni di Giustiniano, Pubblicazioni del Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna, Milano, Giuffrè, 1996). In the meantime, professor Luchetti started teaching (from 1995/1996) the course in Institutes of Roman law at the Department of Law of the University of Bologna. He became professor after being positively reviewed by a national committee in 1998/1999. He also taught for three years the course of Roman Public Law. Thanks to his next monograph research paper (Nuove ricerche sulle Istituzioni di Giustiniano, Bologna, 2000, now available in Pubblicazioni del Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna, Milano, Giuffrè, 2004)), professor Luchetti won the national contest for full-time professor, a role which he has been covering at the Department of Law of the University of Bologna since November 1st, 2001. Considering his deep knowledge in banks and bank contracts in Roman Law, in the same period he was responsible for teaching in Ravenna the course in commercial roman law. Since 2004/2005 professor Luchetti has been chair of the courses in Institutes of Roman law and European contract law at the Department of Law of the University of Bologna and, for the second one, also in Ravenna. For a few years he also taught the course in History of Roman Law in Ravenna. Moreover, he published two new monograph papers: Materiali per un Corso di Storia del diritto romano, III, Il dominato, Bologna, Patron, 2004 and Contributi di diritto Giustinianeo, Milano, Giuffrè, 2004. Professor Luchetti is member of the Board of Professor at the Graduate School of Law in Pavia and he is involved in several research projects both nationally and internationally. His research topics vary from Roman Law to Principles of European Law, with particular focus on Principles of European contract law (Commission on European contract law: chairman Ole Lando), and on the Draft Common Frame of Reference. One this topic he published "Fondamenti di diritto contrattuale europeo. Dalle radici romane al progetto dei Principles of European Contract Law della Commissione Lando”, together with A. Petrucci, Bologna, Pàtron, 2006; “Fondamenti di diritto contrattuale europeo. II. Dalle radici romane al Draft Common Frame of Reference”, together with A. Petrucci, Bologna, Pàtron, 2010; “Fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo. I. Le obbligazioni e i contratti dalle radici romane al Draft Common Frame of Reference”, together with A. Petrucci, Bologna, Pàtron, 2010. In addition to his research activities, professor Luchetti is chairman of the series of books “Parerga historiae et iuris. Approfondimenti di storia del diritto, della cultura e della società” and is author of several articles in both national and international journals.
In July 2010, he was elected Dean Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna a position he held until March 2018. He was member of the Commission for national scientific enabling (Competition sector 12/H1). Currently he is member of the Senate of the University of Bologna.