Foto del docente

Giorgio Davico

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IBIO-01/A Bioengineering

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 373KB )

As of September 2023, I am a non-tenure track Researcher (lecturer) at the University of Bologna, where I do research on the development and personalization of neuro-musculoskeletal (NMS) models to investigate muscular disorders. I am currently involved in the NRRP Heal-Italia, and I have some residual roles in two European projects in which I am involved since my arrival in Bologna in 2019: the Mobilise-D project ( that aims to qualify and to regulate the use of wearable sensors to extract digital mobility outcomes, and the In Silico World project, which aims to lower down the barriers slowing down the adoption of in silico methods (digital twins and in silico trials).


In March 2014, after a period of study abroad (within the Erasmus project scheme) at the Université de Technologie de Compiegne (Compiegne, France), I got my MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino. After a one-year long working experience as Clinical Product Specialist, I left Italy and flew to Australia to start a PhD programme at Griffith University (Gold Coast, Australia) on the development and personalization of NMS models of children with cerebral palsy and typically developing paediatric populations, under the supervision of Prof. David Lloyd. In January 2020, I was awarded with a PhD degree in Musculoskeletal modelling.

Research activity

During my PhD and PostDoc years, I had the opportunity to show my work at several international conferences: European Socitety of Biomechanics Congress (ESB2021, online; ESB2022, Porto, Portugal; ESB2023, Maastricht, the Netehrlands), HealthXL Global Gathering Meeting (Gothenburg, Sweden), Australasian Biomechanics Conference (ABC10, Melbourne, Australia. 2016), International Society of Biomechanics Congress (ISB2017, Brisbane, Australia; ISB-ASB 2019, Calgary, Canada), World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB2018, Dublin, Ireland). In addition, I am a reviewer for indexed and peer-reviewed scientific journals. and I have been involved as instructor in few workshops (at international events and conferences).


David Winter Young Investigator Award Finalist (ISB, Calgary), 2019

Teaching and mentoring experience

As a PhD candidate I had the chance to teach. I have been Academic Tutor for the Bioinstrumentation, Introductory Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Biomechanics courses. I have also supervised few Masters' students during their thesis work. Since my arrival at the Univerity of Bologna, I have assisted prof. Viceconti in the Biomechanics of Motor Function and Computational Biomechanics courses, and prof. Sancisi for the course of Analysis and Synthesis of Biomechanical Systems. From September 2024, I am co-chair for the Biomechanics of Motor Function course. Over the years I have supervised over ten Master students and two PhD students throughout their studies.

Other activities

After graduating, I worked as Clinical Product Specialist at Sanitex SPA, where I was in charge of providing clinical and technical support on diagnostic and interventional tools in the catheterization laboratories of the major hospitals in Piemonte, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta.

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