Foto del docente

Giorgio Aicardi

Full Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: BIOS-06/A Physiology

Short Bio

The scientific activity initially ranged in different areas of Neurophysiology, in particular the visual system, motor control, and neuronal ion channels; in recent years it is focused on the neural basis of memory formation, and on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the nervous system.

He obtained funding for these researches from various Institutions, including the European Union, the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR; FIRB and PRIN projects) and the Italian National Research Council.

He currently coordinates the Research Unit of the University of Bologna of the projects:

GOLIAT (5G exposure, causal effects and perception of risk through the involvement of citizens) funded by the European Union (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02; 1 June 2022 - 31 May 2027);

5G:SMILE (5G technology: bridging in vitro and in Silico Models to Investigate the interaction mechanisms at cellular LEvel) funded by MUR (PRIN 2022; 28 september 2023 - 27 september 2025).


Go to the Curriculum vitae



Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita
Corso D'Augusto 237, Rimini - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

On Wednesdays from 4 to 6 pm (or on other days and times), always by appointment agreed by e-mail (