Foto del docente

Gilberto Antonelli

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Department of Legal Studies

Adjunct professor

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae

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1. Main academic positions

2017-2024 Guest professor of “Innovation, Institutional Change and Economic Growth” (in 2019 of “Globalization, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights”), Summer School, China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL), July, Beijing (in partnership with P. Fariselli).

2023- Effective Academic Fellow (Socio Accademico Effettivo) of the Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna Institute, Class of Moral Sciences.

2020 - 2023 National Expert in the European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI), European Commission and ECORYS.

2021- Professor Emeritus of Political Economy, Department of Law Studies, University of Bologna.

2012 - Partner of the Research Network on Inequality led by Boike Rehbein, Humboldt University, Berlin, a network of 70 researchers around the world (funding by IPEA, Brazil; BMBF, DAAD and DFG, Germany; Thai Research Fund; UGC India).

2007 - National coordinator in the research and teaching network Global Studies Programme (GSP) launched at the global scale (Europe, Argentina, Brasil, India, Sout Africa, Thailand) first by the Freiburg University and later by the Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany).

2001 - Member of the Teaching Council of the first level inter-faculty course in Development and International Cooperation (SVIC), University of Bologna; over the years lecturer in Economics, Economics of Labour, Economics of Innovation, Laboratory of Economics.

1999 - Chairman of the School of Development, Innovation and Change (SDIC) which, while carrying out international research, laid the foundation of different courses at the University of Bologna: MiDIC (in English), SVIC, COSLI, COSDI, SLEG.

1993 - Member of the Teaching Council of the Postgraduate School in Public Administration Studies (SPISA), School of Law, University of Bologna; lecturer in Economic Policy.

1978 - Lecturer in Economics of Labour, First at the Faculty of Political Science, then at the Department of Economics and Managemaent and finally at the Department of Statistical Science, University of Bologna (with a break between 1990 and 1997).

2. Other academic positions

2023 Resource person at the Asian Development Bank, Manila (July).

2022 - Chairman of the Board of Auditors, Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna Institute.

2018 - Member of the Comitato Guida Industria 4.0, Associazione Italiana Cultura Qualità (AICQ, Milano).

2011 - Chairman of the Scientific Committee of HerAcademy, Corporate University of the Hera Group, Bologna (from December).

1998 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the Research Center for Economic Analysis and International Economic Development (CRANEC), Catholic University of Milano.

3. Past positions

2017 - 2023 Member of the research team of the Bologna University unit in the PRIN project on “Where is Europe going? Paths and perspectives of the European federalizing process”, Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR).

2010-2023 Correspondent Academic Fellow (Socio Accademico Corrispondente Residente) of the Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna Institute, Class of Moral Sciences.

2018-2021 Chairman of the Committee for the National Scientific Qualification (ASN), Italian Ministry of University and Research, academic recruitment field 13/A1 Economics.

2019 Contribution with two lectures available online (the first on SDG 8 "Decent work and economic growth" and the second on SDG 10 "Reduced inequalities in international economic development"), Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on "Higher education for Sustainable Development Goals", jointly organized by the Bologna University and Politecnic University of Milan.

2018-2020 Member of the Commission Expert Group on Graduate Tracking, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission, Bruxelles.

Appointment as Guest Professor from China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL), Beijing.

Nomination as Professor of Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna University (from Novembre).

2017-2018 Coordinator and teacher in the research project and Summer School on “Innovation, Institutional Change and Intellectual Property Rights”, in cooperation with China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), September, Bologna.

Member of the Department Council, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna.

2007-2018 Chair of the Scientific Committee of the AlmaLaurea Inter-University Consortium till 2012 and from 2012 to 2018 President of Scientific-Strategic Committee.

1983-2018 Member of the Teaching Committee of the Doctoral Research Programme started in 1983 with the title Structure and Economic Behaviour, changed in Economics and Institutions in 1994, Law and Economics in 2000 and European Law and Economics in 2010, University of Bologna.

2014-2018 Board member in the Postgraduate School in Public Administration Studies (SPISA), Research and Education Center on the Public Sector (CRIFSP), University of Bologna; lecturer of Economic Policy.

1993-2018 Full Professor of Economics (SECS-P/01), Faculty and School of Law, University of Bologna.

Member of the Teaching Council, Faculty and School of Law, University of Bologna.

1997-2018 Member of the Scientific Committee of Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario sui Servizi di Pubblica Utilità alla Persona (CRISP), University of Milano Bicocca.

2003-2018 Lecturer of Economics of Local Systems in the Master course started in 2003 with the title Cooperation and Local and International Development (COSLI), changed in International Cooperation, Development and Human Rights (COSDI) in 2008, changed again in Local and Global Development (SLEG) in 2013, School of Political Science, University of Bologna; over the years lecturer in Laboratory of Economics.

Lecturer of Economics of Human Resources, Master course in Politics Administration and Organization (PAO) , School of Political Science, University of Bologna.

2011-2018 Member of the Commission of the Statistical Information Users (CUIS), ISTAT, Roma.

2016-2017 Invited Professor of “Theories of Globalization”, Master of Global Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin.

1993-2017 Member of the Department Council, Department of Economics, University of Bologna.

2015-2016 Invited Professor of “Economic Inequality and Beyond”, Master of Global Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin.

2013-2016 Member of the Commission for University, Research and Evaluation of the Italian Society of Economists (SIE).

2015 Member of the evaluation panel on “Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage”, National Research Council, Roma.

2012-2015 Member of the School Council, School of Law, University of Bologna.

2011-2014 Coordinator of the Master degree courses in International Cooperation, Development and Human Rights (COSDI) – inter-Faculty degree (since April) and Local and Global Development (SLEG), School of Political Science, University of Bologna.

2006-2014 Member of the Steering Committee for Scientific Research and Innovation (CTS), Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento.

2005-2014 Lecturer in Labour Analysis and Design for Health and Work Security, Master in Health and Work Security, School of Law, University of Bologna.

2013 Member of the Scientific Committee of the XI National Conference of Statistics (ISTAT).

2012- 2013 Scientific advisor for the EU Partnership Agreement and programmes for the period 2014-2020 in the Emilia-Romagna Region.

2010-2013 Vice-Chairman of the Italian Economic Society (SIE) and Chair of the Commission for University and Research.

2007-2013 Partner through the Doctoral programme and the International Master in Development Innovation and Change (MiDIC) in the cooperation agreement with the Center for Law and Economics and the China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL), Beijing (China).

1999-2013 Chairman of the Teaching Council of the Master course in English with the title Master in Development Innovation and Change (MiDIC), changed in International Master in Development Innovation and Change (MiDIC) from 2008; lecturer in Population, Human Capital and Labour Markets, University of Bologna.

2010-2012 Member of the Dean Council, School of Law, University of Bologna.

Chairman of the Commission for International and External Relations, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna.

2008-2012 Coordinator of the research project on “Per una fondazione teorica delle politiche di sviluppo economico delle aree montane: unioni territoriali tra fallimenti di mercato e fallimenti sistemici”, School of Development Innovation and Change, Bologna.

2010-2011 Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on “Human Capital and Employment in the European and Mediterranean Area”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 10-11 March 2011).

Lecturer in Economics of Education, Master course in Direction and Management of Schooling Organizations, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna, Cesena Campus.

2008-2011 Participant in the two-year national research project (PRIN) of the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) on “Regional emerging powers and local systems of production: New threats and opportunities?, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (national coordinator: Riccardo Leoncini).

2005-2010 Coordinator of the research project on “Ex-ante, in itinere, ex-post evaluation of the development projects for the Bologna Province mountain”, School of Development Innovation and Change, Bologna.

Chairman of the Commission for International Relations, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna.

2009 Supervisor of the research project on “Corporate university e firm training programmes”, CRISP-HERA.

2008-2009 Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on “Les jeunes, l’Europe, la Méditerranée: Territoires, identités, politiques”, 4èmes rencontres Jeunes & Societes en Europe et autour de la Méditerranée, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus, March 26-28 2009).

2005-2008 Participant in the two-year national research project (PRIN) of the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) on “Fragmentation and local development: interpretative models and policy scenarios”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (national coordinator: Riccardo Leoncini).

2005-2007 Member of the working group on “Study programme of the vulnerability and risk in coastal territories subject to anthropic subsidence”, AGIP-CIRSA, University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus.

1996-2007 Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Centro per le Transizioni al Lavoro e nel Lavoro”, Forlì-Cesena Campus.

2006 Member of the evaluation panel for Economic and Statistic Sciences, Research projects of primary national concern (PRIN) of the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR), Roma.

2004-2005 Member of the working group for the evaluation of the national higher education system, CNVSU-AlmaLaurea, Bologna.

2003-2005 Participant in of the two-year national research project (PRIN) of the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) on “Dynamic capabilities: firm organization and local production systems”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (national coordinator: Riccardo Leoncini).

2001-2005 Lecturer of Economics and industrial accountancy, “Postgraduate School for Legal Professions”, School of Law, University of Bologna.

2000-2005 Member of the Committee for the Supervision and Evaluation of Research (CIVR), Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento.

2001-2004 Member of the Guarantee Commission, Research projects of primary national concern (PRIN), Italian Ministry for Education, University and University (MIUR), Roma.

Member of the Presidential Council and Chairman of the Commission for Scientific Research of the Italian Economic Society (SIE).

2004 Lecturer of Economics of Education, “Master in Management of Educational Institutions” (MIE), Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna.

2001-2003 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Research Institute on the Dynamics of Economic Systems (IDSE), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Milano.

1996-2003 Member of the Teaching Council and Lecturer in Economics of Labour, Master course in Economics of Cooperation (MUEC), Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna.

2000-2002 Lecturer of Economics in the degree course in “Operatore Giuridico di Impresa”, University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus.

Participant in the two-year national research project (PRIN) of the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) on “Infrastructures, competitiveness and levels of governance: knowledge and development of the New Economy”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (national coordinator: Paolo Pini).

2000-2001 National coordinator of the reserch project on “Social security, labour markets and labour policies: New economy and benchmarking policies”, in the framework of the Strategic Project of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) on “Italy in Europe: Governance and policies for economic and social development”, Roma.

Local coordinator of the research project on “Policies for the implementation of an integrated system: Economics of the new educational markets and organizations”, in the framework of the national research project (PRIN) of the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific and Technological Research (MURST) on “Policies for the implementation of an integrated system: organizational models, human resources, financial implications”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (national coordinator: Luisa Ribolzi).

1999-2002 Member of the Academic Senate and of the Budget Commission of the University of Bologna, Bologna.

1999-2001 Member of the Academic Committe of EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme, European Commission, Renmin University, Beijing.

1995-2000 Coordinator of the Doctoral Research Programme in “Economics and Institutions”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna.

1991-2000 Director of the Research Institute on the Dynamics of Economic Systems (IDSE), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Milano.

1998-2000 National and Local Coordinator of the research project on “Infrastrutture, competitività, livelli di governo: Dall’economia italiana all’economia europea”, Projects of primary national concern (PRIN), Italian Ministry for University and Scientific and Technological Research (MURST), Department of Economics, University of Bologna.

1998-1999 National coordinator of the research project on “Social security, labour markets and labour policies”, in the framework of the Strategic Project of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) “Italy towards Europe: Governance and policies for economic and social development”, Roma.

1997-1999 Honorary Visiting professor to ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition, University of Manchester, UK.

1997-1998 Lecturer in Local Economic Development, “Master in Regional and Local Government”, “Postgraduate School in Public Administration Studies” (SPISA), School of Law, University of Bologna.

Lecturer in General Principles of Economics: Human capital and Labour markets, Advanced course for Consultants of Career and Professional Counselling, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna, Cesena Campus.

1996-1997 National Coordinator of the research project on “Unemployment and the low rate of activity in Italy: Deteminants and policies”, Strategic Project of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Rome.

Lecturer in the training course “Legal and managerial characteristics of banking foundations”, “Postgraduate School in Public Administration Studies” (SPISA), School of Law, University of Bologna.

Lecturer in Labour Economics, “Postgraduate School for Education and Career Counselling”, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna, Cesena Campus.

1995-1997 Chairman of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL).

Member of the Teaching Council of the “Postgraduate School of International Cooperation and Implementation Policies in LDC's” and lecturer in Development Economics, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna.

1993-1996 Scientific coordinator of the research unit IDSE-CNR (Milano) on “System’s competitiveness, structural and evolutionary dynamics and endogenous growth”, in the framework of the “Human Capital and Mobility” project, European Commission, CompEcs “The economic analysis of institutional and structural change as an integrated dynamic process”.

1994-1995 Lecturer in Industrial Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna.

1985-1995 Local Coordinator of the research project on “Technological systems and structural dynamics”, 40% quota, Italian Ministry for University and Scientific and Technological Research (MURST), first at the University of Bologna and subsequently at the I.U.N. (Napoli), at the University of Verona and again at the University of Bologna.

1993-1994 Italian Scientific Coordinator of the French-Italian research project “Programme Europe” (CNRS-CNR) on “Production’s dynamics”.

1992-1994 Scientific coordinator of the research unit of the Research Institute on the Dynamics of Economic Systems (IDSE), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Milano, on “System’s competitiveness and technological change”, in the framework of the CNR Strategic Project on “Technological Change and industrial development”.

1990-1993 Full Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Verona and substitute teacher of Economics, Law Faculty, Università di Bologna.

1989-1991 Scientific coordinator of the research unit IDSE-CNR (Milano) on “Product, process and materials innovation in the process of the technological change”, in the framework of the “Stimulating Plan for Economic Science” (SPES), European Commission, “The dynamics of industrial structural change and international integration in the European Comunity”.

1988-1991 Research fellow at the Research Institute on the Dynamics of Economic System (IDSE – CNR), Milano.

1984-1990 Senior Adviser on Science and Technology, Representative of the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific and Technological Research, at the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), United Nations, Geneva.

1988-1990 Research fellow at the Research Institute on the Tertiary Activities (IRAT – CNR), Napoli.

1987-1990 Full Professor of Economic Policy, Faculty of Economics of Transport and International Trade, Institute for Economic Studies, Istituto Universitario Navale (IUN), Napoli.

1988-1989 Lecturer in Cost-Benefit Analysis and Environmental Economics, “High School of Public Administration”, Roma.

1983-1987 Member of the University of Bologna research unity on “Italian technological policies in international relations”, in the framework of the Oriented Project of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) on “Struttura ed evoluzione dell’economia italiana”, Subproject “Italy in the international economy”, (national coordinator: Alberto Quadrio Curzio).

1982-1984 Lecturer and Associate Professor in Labour Economics, Postgraduate School of Industrial Relations, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna.

Member of the Teaching Council of the Advanced Cource in Industrial Relations.

1977-1983 Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Trento.

1974-1975 Tutor of Economic Analysis, Institute of Economic Science, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna.

4. Education

1980 Visiting fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economics (UK).

1975-1977 Research student, London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economics (UK).

1975-1977 Italian National Research Council (CNR) scholarship for studies at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Department of Economics (UK).

1973-1974 First honours degree, Faculty of Political Science, Curriculum in Economics, University of Bologna.

1966-1967 Higher Secondary School-leaving certificate, Classical Lyceum "Dante Alighieri", Ravenna.

5. Main research fields

Economic analysis of ‘broad production factors’ (labour - human resources, capital - technology, natural - environmental resources); Innovation, structural change, economic growth theories; Employment and unemployment theories; Labour policies; Economics of education, human capital; Local and global economic development; International cooperation; Subsidiarity principle and transferability of economic institutions; Economic theory in retrospect; Public policy evaluation; Multi-dimensional inequality.

6. Main publications

"Investments and innovation in different stages of markets globalization", in Wimmer C. and Rieder T. (eds.), Global inequality, Leiden, Brill BV, "Studies in Critical Social Sciences" (forthcoming).

“Economic development and markets globalisation after the Second World War”, SDIC Paper, August, 2024.

“Education and inequality”, in Rehbein B. and Jodhka S.S. (eds.), Global Handbook of Inequality, Cham, Springer Nature (with F. Civilini) (forthcoming).

“Labour markets and inequality”, in Rehbein B. and Jodhka S.S. (eds.), Global Handbook of Inequality, Cham, Springer Nature (forthcoming).

“Economists and sociologists: How two rather different research and academic backgrounds got entangled for twenty years” in Souza J., Sommer I and Wimmer C. (eds.), Für eine menschliche Welt. Zum Werk von Boike Rehbein / For a human world. About the work of Boike Rehbein, Weinheim, Beltz Juventa, 2024, pp. 26-37.

“Economia politica e studi giuridici all’Università di Bologna”, in De Vegottini G. and Zanobetti A. (eds.), La vocazione di formare giuristi. Maestri e insegnamenti della Facoltà giuridica bolognese, Collana Mens Agitat - Colloquia, Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna, Bologna University Press, 2024, pp. 215-233 (with R. Leoncini).

Economia, Torino, Giappichelli, 2024, 6th edition (with N. De Liso, G. Guidetti and G. Vittucci Marzetti).

“Il salario minimo di cui ha bisogno l’Italia”, Formiche, N. 194, August/September, 2023, pp. 22-23.

“Tracking graduates and their mobility: Applied and theoretical issues in conceptualizing and monitoring the transformation of higher education systems”, paper prepared for the seminar at ADB (Manila, 17 July 2023).

“La riforma del MES: una critica economica e giuridica. Editoriale”,, N. 34, December 16th 2020, pp. iv – xxiii (with A. Morrone).

“Dal contenimento della crisi ad una innovazione strutturale per l’Europa unita”,, Focus - I dieci anni del Trattato di Lisbona, N. 19, Part V, June 17th 2020, pp. 462-480.

Economia, Torino, Giappichelli, 2019, 5rth edition (with N. De Liso, G. Guidetti, R. Leoncini, G. Vittucci Marzetti and L. Zamparini).

“Introduction”, in G. Antonelli and B. Rehbein (eds.), Inequality in economics and sociology: New perspectives, London, Routledge, 2018, pp. 1-4. (with B. Rehbein).

“Inequality in income and wealth distribution, globalization and models of capitalism”, in G. Antonelli and B. Rehbein (eds.), Inequality in economics and sociology: New perspectives, London, Routledge, 2018, pp. 33-56.

Economia, Torino, Giappichelli, 2018, 4rth edition (with N. De Liso, G. Guidetti, R. Leoncini, G. Vittucci Marzetti and L. Zamparini).

“Institutions, models of capitalism and inequality in income distribution. An empirical investigation”, Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 17, N. 3, 2017, pp. 651-685 (with P. P. Calia and G. Guidetti).

“Trasformazioni strutturali, posti di lavoro e competenze professionali”, Bologna, HerAcademy, Background Paper, Workshop on “Trasformazione dei sistemi industriali: come cambiano i modelli organizzativi e il mercato del lavoro”, N. 1/2017, pp. 1-45 (G. Antonelli ed.).

“Mercati del lavoro e occupazione dei laureati magistrali nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia”, in Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno, Monographic number on University, Vol. XXXI, N. 3, 2017, pp. 663-686 (with G. Guidetti, M. Timoteo and G. Pedrini).

“Introduction”, in G. Antonelli and G. Cappiello (eds.), Smart development in smart communities, London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 1-15 (with G. Campri).

“Smart cities, social goods and demand side outcomes in a regional policy perspective”, in G. Antonelli and G. Cappiello (eds.), Smart development in smart communities, London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 99-117.

“Smart development, local production systems and related variety”, in G. Antonelli and G. Cappiello (eds.), Smart development in smart communities, London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 121- 129 (with R. Leoncini).

“Smart development as a criss-crossed outcome of smart specialization and smart city strategies”, in G. Antonelli and G. Cappiello (eds.), Smart development in smart communities, London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 130-147.

“Government and governance for smart development in smart communities”, in G. Antonelli and G. Cappiello (eds.), Smart development in smart communities, London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 253-274 (with N. De Liso).

“Smart cities and local development. An European approach”, in M. Timoteo (ed.), Towards a smart development. A legal and economic enquiry into the perspectives of EU-China cooperation, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016, pp. 27-50 (with L. Cattani, N. De Liso, G. Guidetti, R. Leoncini, D. N. Manitiu, G. Pedrini and L. Zamparini).

“Assessing selection patterns and wage differential of high-skilled migrants. Evidence from the AlmaLaurea dataset on Italian graduates working abroad”, AlmaLaurea Working Papers, N. 76, Bologna, December, 2016, pp. 1-35 (with S. Binassi, G. Guidetti and G. Pedrini).

"Analisi dei mercati del lavoro tra ricerca e riforma delle istituzioni" in F. Pastore and D. Sciulli (eds.), Dalla scala mobile al Jobs Act: l'AIEL e il processo di riforma del mercato del lavoro, Napoli, AIEL, 2016, pp. 7-13.

“Scenari, metodi, prospettive di ricerca: una introduzione”, in Antonelli G. and Vittadini G. (eds.), Creazione e distruzione di posti di lavoro, Atlantide, Anno X, N. 3, 2014, pp. 9-18 (with G. Vittadini).

“Approaching an investigation of multi-dimensional inequality through the lenses of variety in models of capitalism”, Quaderni-Working Paper, Department of Economic Sciences, University of Bologna, N. 984, 2014, pp. 1-46 (with P. P. Calia and G. Guidetti). Presented at the Workshop on “Emerging Realities”, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University (Lund, 9-10 October 2014).

“Knowledge based competition, convergence in labour markets and models of capitalism in Europe”, Transcience. A Journal of Global Studies, Vol. V, N. 1, 2014, pp. 79-90.

“Convergenza tra mercati del lavoro e modelli di capitalismo in Europa”, Atlantide, Vol. X, N. 31, 2014, pp. 53-60.

“Politiche per la montagna in Emilia-Romagna: valutazione di 13 progetti di sviluppo dell’Appennino bolognese”, Rivista di Politica Economica, Vol. VII-IX, July-September, 2014, pp. 245-277 (with D.N. Manitiu and G. Pedrini).

“Dinamica economica strutturale e diseguaglianza multidimensionale”, in G. De Vergottini (ed.), Rendiconti dell’Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna per l’Anno Accademico 2012/2013, Bologna, Bononia University Press, Class of Moral Sciences, 2014, Vol. V, pp. 253-259.

“The new ISTAT’s macro econometric model: Improvements in statistical information availability and labour force projection”, Rivista di Statistica Ufficiale, N. 1, 2013, pp. 5-16.

“The Corporate University in the European utilities industry”, Utilities Policy, Vol. XXV, 2013, pp. 33-41 (with Giuseppe Cappiello and Giulio Pedrini).

“Governo e governance dei servizi di pubblica utilità per lo sviluppo umano: un’introduzione”, Economia dei Servizi, Vol. VII, N. 2, 2012, pp. 217-236.

“Politiche del lavoro e della crescita nell’economia dei servizi dopo la crisi globale: sviluppo umano o efficienza?”, Economia dei Servizi, Vol. VII, N. 1, 2012, pp. 3-23.

“Misurazione del capitale umano dal lato della domanda di lavoro. Un inquadramento teorico”, in L. Tronti (ed.), Capitale umano. Definizione e misurazione, Padova, Cedam-Kluwer, 2012, pp. 43- 74 (with R. Antonietti and G. Guidetti).

“Le scelte di investimento in capitale umano delle imprese italiane”, in L. Tronti (ed.), Capitale umano. Definizione e misurazione, Padova, Cedam-Kluwer, 2012, pp. 225-272 (with R. Antonietti and G. Guidetti).

“Sostenibilità dello sviluppo e natura dei beni economici dopo la crisi globale”, in G. De Vergottini (ed.), Rendiconti dell’Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna per l’Anno Accademico 2011/2012, Bologna, Bononia University Press, Class of Moral Sciences, 2012, pp. 173-184.

“Un economista politico: tematiche, metodo e implicazioni di politica economica”, in Antonelli G., Maggioni M.A., Pegoretti G., Pellizzari F., Scazzieri R. and Zoboli R. (eds.), Economia come scienza sociale: teoria, istituzioni, storia. Studi in onore di Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 9-22 (with R. Zoboli).

“Introduzione alla Parte prima”, in Antonelli G., Maggioni M.A., Pegoretti G., Pellizzari F., Scazzieri R. and Zoboli R. (eds.), Economia come scienza sociale: teoria, istituzioni, storia. Studi in onore di Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 25-35 (with M.A. Maggioni).

“Sviluppo sostenibile, complessità, conoscenza”, in Antonelli G., Maggioni M.A., Pegoretti G., Pellizzari F., Scazzieri R. and Zoboli R. (eds.), Economia come scienza sociale: teoria, istituzioni, storia. Studi in onore di Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 37-90. (with N. De Liso).

“Emerging powers development, global economic crisis and value chains restructuring”, in B. Rehbein (ed.), Globalization and inequality in emerging societies, Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp.175-193.

“Graduates' employment and employability after the ‘Bologna Process’ reform. Evidence from the Italian experience and methodological issues [] ”, AlmaLaurea Working Papers, N. 1, June, 2011, pp.1-26 (with A. Cammelli, F. Camillo, A. Di Francia, S. Ghiselli, M. Sgarzi).

“Introduzione”, in AlmaLaurea (ed.), L’istruzione universitaria nell’ultimo decennio. All’esordio della European Higher Education Area, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, pp. 15-17.

“Global economic crisis and systemic failure”, Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, Vol. XXVIII, N. 3, 2011, pp. 403-434.

“Mixed outcomes of the Bologna process in Italy”, in H. Schomburg and U. Teichler (eds.), Employability and mobility of bachelor graduates in Europe, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers, 2011, pp. 143-170 (with A. Cammelli, A. Di Francia, G. Gasperoni and M. Sgarzi).

“Organizational change, skill formation, human capital measurement: Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms”, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 24, N. 2, April 2010, pp. 206–247 (with R. Antonietti and G. Guidetti).

“High school graduates, skill formation and labour demand”, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali. Special Issue, Vol. CXVII, NN. 3-4, 2009, pp. 445-476 (with R. Antonietti and G. Guidetti).

“Systemic failure and new standards for global economic development”, in Research Center for Law and Economics (RCLE), The forces of economic growth: A law and economics perspective, Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law, 2009, pp. 409-416.

“Retribuzioni e potere d’acquisto dei laureati”, in AlmaLaurea (ed.), XI Rapporto sulla condizione occupazionale dei laureati italiani. Occupazione e occupabilità dei laureati. A dieci anni dalla Dichiarazione di Bologna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009, pp. 153-178 (with L. Campiglio).

Economia, Torino, Giappichelli, 2009, 3rd edition (with G. Cainelli, N. De Liso, R. Leoncini and S. Montresor).

“Scuola secondaria superiore, formazione del capitale umano e domanda di lavoro”, in AlmaLaurea (ed.), AlmaDiploma e la valutazione dell’istruzione secondaria superiore. Un progetto sperimentale, Bologna, AlmaLaurea, INVALSI - Progetto Finalizzato FINVALI2008, 2008, pp. 120-192 (with R. Antonietti and G. Guidetti).

“Nuovi mercati del lavoro, formazione, fallimenti sistemici”, in A. Brugnoli, G. Vittadini (eds.), La sussidiarietà in Lombardia. I soggetti, le esperienze, le policy, Milano, Guerini e Associati, 2008, pp.57-61.

“Formazione professionale e domanda di lavoro in Italia”, in G. Ghisla, L. Bonoli and M. Loi (eds.), Economia della formazione professionale: stato dell’arte, apporti empirici, letteratura critica, Novara, UTET-De Agostini, 2008, pp. 221-264 (with G. Guidetti)

Economia del lavoro e delle risorse umane, Novara, UTET-De Agostini, 2008 (with G. Guidetti)

“Principi economici di base nella valutazione dell’istruzione universitaria”, in A. Cammelli and G. Vittadini (eds.), Capitale umano. Esiti dell'istruzione universitaria, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008, pp. 17-59.

“Demand for skilled labour services, job design and the ‘revealed’ learning function”, in R. Leoncini and S. Montresor (eds.), Dynamic capabilities between firm organization and local systems of production, London, Routledge, 2008, pp. 107-135 (with M. Nosvelli).

“Knowledge endowment and composition as dynamic capabilities”, in R. Leoncini and S. Montresor (eds.), Dynamic capabilities between firm organization and local systems of production, London, Routledge, 2008, pp. 289-323 (with G. Pegoretti).

“Mercati del lavoro e servizi sociali”, Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, N. 1, April 2007, pp. 189-203.

“Domanda ed offerta di laureati: Una interazione complessa”, in AlmaLaurea (ed.), VIII Rapporto sulla condizione occupazionale dei laureati. I laureati di primo livello alla prova del lavoro, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, pp. 183-206 (with A. Di Francia and G. Guidetti).

“Efficacia ed efficienza del sistema scolastico: Il contributo dell’economia dell’istruzione”, in A. Paletta (ed.), Verso un quasi mercato?, Roma, Armando Editore, 2006, pp. 39-50.

“Qualità, caratteristiche e modalità di accesso degli utenti finali alle informazioni microeconomiche di fonte ISTAT”, Report for the ‘Commissione per la Garanzia dell'Informazione Statistica', Roma, Presidenza del Consiglio, Commissione per la Garanzia dell'Informazione Statistica, n. 05.05, 2005 (with G. Cainelli, G. Guidetti, C.N. Lauro and S. Montresor).

“Organizzazione della conoscenza e confini esterni nei sistemi locali di produzione”, in A. Lopes, M. Lorizio and F. Reganati (ed.), Istituzioni e imprese nello sviluppo locale, Roma, Carrocci Editore, 2005, pp. 299-336.

“L’evoluzione delle politiche del lavoro europee all’inizio del Terzo Millennio”, Istituzioni e Sviluppo Economico / Institutions and Economic Development, Vol. III, NN. 1-2, 2005, pp. 27-66 (with M. Nosvelli).

“Attività di erogazione delle fondazioni di origine bancaria. Impostazione di analisi ed evidenze empiriche di una recente ricerca condotta in Emilia-Romagna”, in Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Le fondazioni e le fondazioni di origine bancaria, Roma, Bardi Editore, 2005, pp. 253-271.

“Economic structure, organisation of knowledge, productivity”, in G. Huber, H. Krämer and H.D. Kurz (eds.), Einkommensverteilung, technischer Fortschritt und struktureller Wandel, Marburg, Metropolis Verlag [], 2005, pp. 209-235(with G. Pegoretti).

“Prefazione”, in M. Cavazza (a cura di), L’attività di erogazione delle fondazioni di origine bancaria in Emilia-Romagna, Rimini, Maggioli editore, 2004, pp. 9-20.

“Regional governance and economic development: A European perspective”, in G. Cainelli and R. Zoboli (eds.), The Evolution of Italian Industrial Districts, Heidelberg, Phisica-Verlag, 2004, pp. 33-54.

“Stuctural policies for structural change in Italy and the European Union”, in G. Antonelli and N. De Liso (eds.), European economic integration and Italian labour policies, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004, pp. 297-320.

Economia, Torino, Giappichelli, 2004 (with G. Cainelli, N. De Liso, R. Leoncini and S. Montresor).

“Human capital accumulation and structural policies in a knowledge-based economy”, in J.R. Teixeira (ed.), Globalisation, new technologies and economic relations, Brasilia University, Brasilia, 2003, pp. 11-61.

“La famiglia come organizzazione economica multidimensionale”, Istituzioni e Sviluppo Economico / Institutions and Economic Development, Vol. I, N. 1, 2003, pp. 67-108.

“Introduzione”, in G. Antonelli (ed.), Istruzione, economia e istituzioni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003, pp. 7-21.

Istruzione, economia e istituzioni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003 (ed.).

“Opportunita’ e problemi aperti delle organizzazioni non profit”, Non Profit, Vol. IX, N. 2, 2003, pp. 181-226 (with M. Nosvelli).

Economia, Torino, Giappichelli, 2003 (with G. Cainelli, N. De Liso, R. Leoncini and S. Montresor).

“Mercati e politiche del lavoro in Italia e in Europa”, in L. Paganetto and M. Lo Cicero (eds.), Una governance per l'Italia in Europa, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003 (with M. Nosvelli).

“Flessibilità e nuova economia reale”, in Sociologia del Lavoro, N. 90, 2003, pp. 57-66.

“Le risorse umane”, in A. Quadrio Curzio, M. Fortis and G. Galli (eds.), La competitività dell’Italia, Milano, Il Sole 24 Ore, 2002, pp. 85-124 (with S. Montresor).

“La cooperazione sociale”, in G. Vittadini (ed.), Liberi di scegliere, Milano, Etas, 2002, pp. 66-89 (with M. Nosvelli).

”The quality of educational system as it interacts with the economic system: Thinking about the Italian experience”, in E.S. Phelps and L. Paganetto (eds.), Finance, Research, Education and Growth, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

“Introduzione”, “Flessibilità e nuova economia reale”, in G. Antonelli and M. Nosvelli (eds.), Monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche del lavoro per una nuova economia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002, pp. 7-20 (with M. Nosvelli).

“Flessibilità e nuova economia reale”, in G. Antonelli and M. Nosvelli (eds.), Monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche del lavoro per una nuova economia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002, pp. 23-33; published also in Sociologia del Lavoro, N. 90, 2003.

“Strategie di accumulazione del capitale umano e formazione professionale in Emilia-Romagna”, in G. Antonelli and M. Nosvelli (eds.), Monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche del lavoro per una nuova economia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002, pp. 183-206 (with G. Cainelli).

“Capitale umano e nuova economia reale”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Tecnologia e società, Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2001, pp. 539-558.

“Politica formativa come politica economica: Limiti e efficacia”, in M.R. Carrillo and A. Zazzaro (eds.), Istituzioni, capitale umano e sviluppo del Mezzogiorno, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2001, pp. 221-255 (with G. Cainelli).

“Organizzazioni non profit. Alcuni insegnamenti della teoria economica alla luce dei riscontri empirici”, in CRISP (ed.), Rilevazione e interpretazione economica del non profit, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 2001, pp. 107-117.

Cooperative sociali e sviluppo economico in Lombardia, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 2001 (ed.).

“Il monitoraggio delle politiche del lavoro in Emilia-Romagna”, in Regione Emilia-Romagna, Istruzione, formazione, lavoro. Rapporto 2000, Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna, 2000, pp. 643-660 (with G. Guidetti and A. Montini).

“Monitoraggio delle azioni per l’istruzione, la formazione, il lavoro. Anno 1999”, in Regione Emilia-Romagna, Istruzione, formazione, lavoro. Rapporto 2000, Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna, 2000, pp. 47 (with M. Amadesi, S. Dalmastri, G. Guidetti, A. Montini and N. Tiozzo Caenazzo).

“I nuovi attori della formazione professionale”, in Fondazione Aristeia (ed.), Viaggio tra i perchè della disoccupazione intellettuale in Italia, Padova, Giuffrè, 2000, pp. 137-152.

“Ricerca e innovazione in un'economia di servizi”, in P. Garonna and S. Iammarino (eds.), L'economia della ricerca, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000, pp. 153-181 (with R. Zoboli).

“International Co-operation and Local Development”, Economia Politica, N. 1, Vol. XVII, 2000, pp. 5-20 (with S. Montresor).

“Lo sviluppo economico delle cooperative sociali in Lombardia: Alcuni riscontri empirici su potenzialità e limiti”, Non Profit, Vol. VI, N. 4, 2000, pp. 477-524 (with M. Cavazza Rossi and D. Gagliardi).

“Structural Change and Technological Externalities in the Service Sector. Some Evidence from Italy”, in J.S. Metcalfe and I. Miles (eds.), Innovation Systems in the Service Economy. Measurement and Case Studies, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 187-217 (with G. Cainelli, N. De Liso and R. Zoboli).

“I servizi di pubblica utilità alla persona: l'evoluzione economica”, in CRISP (ed.), I servizi di pubblica utilità alla persona, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 2000, pp. 39-49 (with M. Cavazza Rossi).

“Introduzione”, in IDSE-CNR (ed.), Trasformazioni strutturali e competitività dei sistemi locali di produzione. Rapporto sul cambiamento strutturale dell’economia italiana, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 1999, pp. 13-42 (with R. Zoboli).

“Dinamica della struttura produttiva: I servizi”, in IDSE-CNR (ed.), Trasformazioni strutturali e competitività dei sistemi locali di produzione. Rapporto sul cambiamento strutturale dell’economia italiana, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 1999, pp. 89-127 (with N. De Liso, G. Cainelli and R. Zoboli).

“Il monitoraggio delle politiche del lavoro in Emilia-Romagna: Primi elementi di analisi”, in Regione Emilia-Romagna, Istruzione, formazione, lavoro. Rapporto 1999, Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna, 1999, pp. 593-606 (with G. Guidetti).

Monitoraggio delle azioni per l’istruzione, la formazione, il lavoro. Anno 1998, Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna, 1999, pp. 57 (with G. Cainelli, P. Gigante, C. Gregori, G. Guidetti, G. Marzano and A. Montini).

“Introduzione”, in G. Antonelli and L. Paganetto (eds.), Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999, pp. 15-34 (with N. De Liso).

“Politiche attive del lavoro e fabbisogno di informazioni”, in G. Antonelli and L. Paganetto (eds.), Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999, pp. 229-234 (with G. Cainelli).

“Strategie di formazione e partecipazione: Un quadro di insieme”, in G. Antonelli and L. Paganetto (eds.), Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999, pp. 269-273.

“Fabbisogni formativi e mercati locali del lavoro”, in G. Antonelli and L. Paganetto (eds.), Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999, pp. 302-310 (with N. De Liso).

“Sostenibilità dei sistemi locali di produzione”, in G. Antonelli and L. Paganetto (eds.), Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999, pp. 391-395.

“Una nuova proposta di classificazione macroeconomica delle politiche del lavoro”, in G. Antonelli and L. Paganetto (eds.), Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999, pp. 499-507.

“Conclusioni”, in G. Antonelli and L. Paganetto (eds.), Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999, pp. 509-530.

“Struttura produttiva e fabbisogno di risorse umane qualificate in Italia”, Scuola Democratica, July 1998, pp. 19.

“Il problema della disoccupazione in Italia: come evitare impostazioni unilaterali”, Economia Politica, Vol. XV, N. 2, 1998, pp. 191-207.

“Crescita economica, coesione sociale, sistema formativo”, Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica, Vol. LI, N. 4, 1998, pp. 55-117.

“Conclusioni”, in D. Schilirò (ed.), Coordinamento della politica macroeconomica internazionale e occupazione, Messina, Intilla Editore, pp. 215-247, 1998.

“Cambiamento tecnologico e formazione in contesti economico-territoriali in trasformazione”, in Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Sviluppo tecnologico e disoccupazione: Trasformazione della società, Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1998, pp. 259-292 (with M.A. Maggioni).

“La specificità delle imprese non profit nella teoria economica”, in Roversi-Monaco F.A. (ed.), Le fondazioni casse di risparmio, Rimini, Maggioli Editore, 1998, pp. 169-226.

Apertura dei mercati locali del lavoro e fabbisogni formativi delle imprese: Risultati di un’indagine campionaria nella Provincia di Forlì - Cesena, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 1998 (with G. Guidetti, R. Leoncini, M. Nosvelli, L. Pombeni and L. Zamparini).

Qualità del sistema educativo in rapporto al sistema economico”, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 10, 1995, pp. 69. A revised version with the title “Sistema formativo e crescita economica: Un’analisi empirica del sistema italiano” has been published in Economia e Lavoro, Vol. XXXII, N. 1, 1998, pp. 9-53 (with R. Leoncini and M. Nosvelli).

“Imprese non-profit e politiche locali di sviluppo. Alcune evidenze empiriche dalla Provincia di Forlì-Cesena”, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 1, 1998, pp. 37 (with G. Cainelli, M. Nosvelli and C. Notari).

“Apertura dei mercati locali del lavoro e fabbisogno di risorse umane da parte delle imprese: Alcuni risultati di un’indagine campionaria nella Provincia di Forlì-Cesena”, Memorie di Ricerca, IDSE-CNR, Milano, November 1997, pp. 43 (with M. Nosvelli).

Cambiamento tecnologico e creazione/distruzione di capitale umano”, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 8, 1995, pp. 39. An amended version with the title “Cambiamento tecnologico e capitale umano:Una introduzione“ has been published in Economia e Lavoro, Vol. XXXI, NN. 3-4, 1997, pp. 5-24 (with R. Leoni).

“Formazione, competenze e lavoro in contesti economici in rapida evoluzione”, in P. Terna (ed.), La formazione e il lavoro al tempo delle reti telematiche, Torino, Rosemberg & Sellier, 1997, pp. 91-125 (with M.A. Maggioni).

“An Appraisal of the Economic Analysis of Technological Change: The Path to the Last Decade”, in G. Antonelli and N. De Liso (eds.), Economics of Structural and Technological Change, London, Routledge, pp. 1-51, 1997 (with N. De Liso).

“Broad Production Factors and Technological Systems”, in G. Antonelli and N. De Liso (eds.), Economic Analysis of Structural Change and Technical Progress, London, Routledge, pp. 86-106, 1997.

“Some Notes on Structural and Institutional Change”, Cozzi al. (eds.), Benessere, equilibrio e sviluppo. Studi in onore di Siro Lombardini, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 1996, Vol. III, pp. 1-34 (with N. De Liso).

“Cambiamento tecnologico e creazione/distruzione di capitale umano”, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 8, 1995, pp. 39 (with R. Leoni).

“Paths of Technological Change, Markets for Production Factors and the Social Cost of Knowledge", Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 6, 1995, pp. 34 (with G. Pegoretti).

“Struttura industriale e opportunità di investimento in Albania”, in G. Antonelli, G. Candela and A. Segrè, Una regione oltre Adriatico: Albania, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 4, 1995, pp. 27-46

“Risorse umane e modelli di capitalismo. Anomalie dell'Italia tra mercato e sistema”, Sociologia del Lavoro, NN. 59-60, 1995, pp. 80-117 (with P. Pini).

“System of Production and Technological Systems: An Analytical Approach”, Working Paper N. 01.01, CNR Strategic Project on "Technological Change and Industrial Development", 1992, pp. 40 (with N. De Liso). Published in Sviluppo Economico, N. 0, 1995, pp. 23-44.

“Dinamica economica-tecnologica e analisi fattuale storico-teorica: il caso delle biotecnologie”, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 4, 1990, pp. 97 (with N. De Liso). A revised version with the title “Alcune note per una analisi economica delle biotecnologie” has been published in Casadei E. (ed.), Studi in onore di Enrico Bassanelli, Milano, Giuffrè Editore, 1995, pp. 901-940.

“Risorse umane e modelli di capitalismo”, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 11, 1994, pp. 18.

“Creation and Destruction of Human Resources in the Process of Economic Growth: Some Thoughts on the Italian Experience”, Working Paper N. 01.05, CNR Strategic Project on "Technologichal Change and Industrial Development", 1993, pp. 38 (with R. Leoncini). Published in International Journal of Technology Management, Special Issue on Technology, Human Resources and Growth, Vol. 9, NN. 3-4, 1994, pp. 367-393.

“Cambiamento tecnologico e crescita economica: nuove acquisizioni e quesiti aperti nella riflessione teorica”, Economia Politica, Vol. X, N. 2, August 1993, pp. 175-202.

“Movimenti migratori e struttura produttiva. Una analisi degli effetti indotti e delle opzioni di politica economica in un semplice modello lineare”, in Regione Emilia-Romagna - CNEL, Il governo dei movimenti migratori in Europa: cooperazione o conflitto, Napoli, Jovene Editore, 1993, pp. 139-163.

“Struttura retributiva e costo del lavoro”, in Regione Emilia-Romagna - CNEL, Costo del lavoro, salario e garanzie del reddito, Napoli, Jovene Editore, 1992, pp. 91-105.

“Technological Change, Technological Systems, Factors of Production", in G. Pegoretti et al. (eds.), Technological Change, Innovation and Economic Growth, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1992, pp. 307-346 (with G. Pegoretti). A slightly modified version is also published in Annali Scientifici, University of Trento, Vol. V, NN. 5-6, 1992-93, pp. 85-135.

"Some Remarks Stemming from an Historical-Theoretical Analysis”, in IDSE-CNR (ed.), The Transition to Market Economy in Albania, Dynamis - Quaderni IDSE, N. 13, 1992, pp. 1-16 (with R. Duka, G. Guidetti, R. Leoncini, L. Minxhozi, A. Nati and L. Ruggerone).

“Economia del lavoro ed economia politica. Note in margine ad un recente convegno”, Economia Politica, Vol. VIII, N. 3, December 1991, pp. 389-397.

“Dinamica economico-tecnologica e analisi fattuale storico-teorica: il caso delle biotecnologie”, Dynamis Quaderni IDSE, n° 4, 1990, pp. 97 (with N. De Liso)

“Valore sociale, uso delle risorse ambientali, comportamenti di impresa”, Sinergie, Vol. VIII, N. 21-22, 1990, pp. 77-89.

“Principi, strumenti e modelli per la valutazione multipla delle foreste”, Materie Prime e Risorse Naturali - Temi di Ricerca, Bologna, Nomisma, 1990, pp. 78 (with G. Pegoretti and R. Zoboli).

“Sistemi economici, sistemi forestali, valore delle foreste”, Materie Prime e Risorse Naturali - Temi di Ricerca, Bologna, - Nomisma, 1990, pp. 83.

“Lavoro, tecnologia, ambiente nella dinamica economica strutturale”, in A. Quadrio-Curzio and R. Scazzieri (eds.), Dinamica economica strutturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1990, pp. 183-202.

“Struttura retributiva e teoria economica: alcuni problemi aperti”, Politiche del Lavoro, N. 7, 1989, pp. 8-15.

“Attività economica e ambiente: problemi e strumenti di analisi”, Materie Prime, Vol. 7, 1988, pp. 98-111.

“The Development of an Agro-Technological System between Market Pulls and Structural Pushes”, with A. Quadrio Curzio (eds.), The Agro-Technological System towards 2000: An European Perspective, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1988, pp. 1-16 (with A. Quadrio Curzio).

“Domanda e offerta di servizi lavorativi qualificati. Alcune considerazioni su premesse e caratteri di analisi e di politica economica”, Working Paper for the Mission oriented CNR Project "Economia", Sub-project V, Theme 5, Line B, Bologna, September, 1984. Published in Provincia di Bologna, Materiali per la programmazione della formazione professionale. Vol. I. Domanda di lavoro e offerta di formazione, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 1985, pp. 37-78.

Risorse umane e redditi da lavoro. Analisi economica dell'offerta di lavoro eterogeneo in Italia, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 1984, pp. 256.

“Problemi e strumenti di analisi del cambiamento tecnologico”, in Nomisma (ed.), Innovazioni tecnologiche e struttura produttiva: la posizione dell'Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1984, pp. 3-24.

“Human Resources and Labour Incomes. Demand for Education, Labour Supply and Comparisons between Private and Public Sector”, Labour, Vol.1, N. 2, Autumn, 1987, pp. 153-190. The Italian version has been published in Economia e Lavoro, Vol. 18, N. 1, January-March, 1984, pp. 17-41. Also reproduced in M. Schenkel (ed.), L'offerta di lavoro in Italia. Problemi di rilevazione, valutazione, costruzione di modelli di comportamento, Venezia, Marsilio Editori, 1985, pp. 429-465.

“Offerta di lavoro eterogeneo e distribuzione dei redditi da lavoro. Una analisi con applicazioni su scala regionale”, in U. Trivellato - A. Zuliani (eds.), Informazione statistica su scuola e mercato del lavoro e sulle politiche per l'occupazione giovanile, Roma, M.P.I. - Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1983, pp. 33-74.

“Income Distribution and Labour Factor Quality: Models and Applications at a Regional Level”, in B.A. Weisbrod and H. Hughes (eds.), Human Resources, Employment and Development, Volume 3 : The Problems of Developed Countries and the International Economy, London, Macmillan Press, 1983, pp. 167-177.

“La rilevanza economica della formazione delle forze di lavoro”, Scuola e Professione, April, 1980, pp. 18-21.

“L'inserimento dei giovani nel mercato del lavoro: l'esperienza particolare di Community Industry”, Scuola e Professione, Vol. 4, N. 3, May-June, 1976, pp. 207-221 (with G. Pegoretti).

“Processi formativi: proposta per un'indagine sulla spesa”, Scuola e Professione, Vol.2, N. 5, September-October, 1974, pp. 352-369 (with A. Cammelli and C. Filippucci).

“Economia dell'istruzione: dalla rivoluzione quantitativa alla rivoluzione qualitativa”, Scuola e Professione, Vol. 2, N. 1, January-February, 1974, pp. 3-11.

“Un modello economico riferito al mercato del lavoro qualificato per la valutazione della politica e della programmazione scolastica”, Quindicinale di Note e Commenti, Vol. 8, N. 175, December, 1972, pp. 999-1045.

7. Forthcoming works

“Capitale umano e sviluppo economico in Italia e in Europa: trappole e opportunità”, Libera Università per Adulti (Cervia, 5th of February 2018).

“Offerta e domanda di laureati in Italia e in Europa. Evidenze empiriche sul primo round del Bologna Process e scenari futuri”, “L’università forma il futuro”, Day for the modenisation of courses in higher education, CUN, CRUI, ALMALAUREA (Roma, 1th of February 2018).

“Job search e mercati del lavoro in rapida evoluzione. Il contributo di AlmaLaurea”, Università Cà Foscari (Venezia, 4th of Dicember 2017).

“Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution”, Workshop on “Programme design to address employability”, Ministry of Higher Education (Beirut, 29th of November 2017).

“Graduates and graduates jobs in Europe after a first round of the Bologna Process. Evidence from the past and future scenarios for employability”, Workshop on “Programme design to address employability”, Ministry of Higher Education (Beirut, 29th of November 2017).

“Trasformazioni strutturali, posti di lavoro e competenze professionali”, HerAcademy Workshop (Bologna 23rd of October 2017).

“Trasformazioni strutturali, posti di lavoro e competenze professionali. Una rassegna della letteratura”, CRISP, University of Milano Bicocca, 2017, pp. 1-151 (with M. De Crescenzo and A. Gallicchio).

“Alcune figure professionali ad elevata qualificazione descritte mediante la documentazione di AlmaLaurea”, Conference on “Titoli di studio e repertorio nazionale. Università Scuola e Repertorio nazionale dei titoli di istruzione e formazione e delle qualificazioni professionali”, RUIAP and Università della Calabria (Arcavacata, 9 June 2016) (with A. Di Francia and G. Guidetti).

“Strabismo offertista e trappola del sottosviluppo in capitale umano e sviluppo umano”, Seminar of Scuola Democratica, Il Mulino (Bologna, 24 November 2014).

“Smart specialization, smart cities, sviluppo locale”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, presented at the ERVET Seminar (Bologna, 14 July 2014).

“Convergenza tra mercati del lavoro e modelli di capitalismo in Europa”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, presented at the SPISA Seminar (Bologna, 8 July 2014).

“Alcuni commenti sul Rapporto”, Presentation of the VIII Report on “Sussidiarietà e … qualità dei servizi sociali”, Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà - ANT (Bologna, 8 July 2014).

“Smart communities e sviluppo locale: le città del domani. Introduzione”, HerAcademy Workshop (Bologna, 26 March 2014).

“Smart communities e sviluppo locale: obiettivi, attori, creazione di valore. Un’introduzione”, HerAcademy Workshop (Modena, 17 July 2013) (with G. Cappiello).

“Structural economic dynamics and multi-dimensional inequality”, Focus Asia Workshop on "Entrenched Inequalities: East and West", Centre for East and Spouth-East Asian Studies, Lund University (Lund, 27 March 2013).

“Imprese di pubblica utilità, livelli di governo, cittadini: quali possibilità di collaborazione per lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture? Un’introduzione”, HerAcademy Workshop (Ferrara, 09 January 2013) (with G. Pedrini).

“Quale missione per scuola e università: generare siviluppo umano o ricercare l’efficienza”, Roud table on “Domanda e offerta di competenze: scenari e sfide, Conference on “Investire nei giovani: se non ora quando?”, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, AlmaLaurea (Venezia, 12 March 2013).

“Come analizzare i fabbisogni di capitale umano nella crisi tra ciclo e struttura”, Keynote speech in the Confernce on “I fabbisogni professionali e la formazione di capitale umano nella strategia di superamento della crisi”, Roma Tre University (Roma, 18 Dicember 2012).

“Inequality as a result of discriminate access to education and knowledge”, Joint Conference between Humboldt University and University of Bologna on “Social and economic inequality” (Berlin, 2-3 November 2012).

“Investigating the impact of different conceptions and measurement of inequality on economic trends: A causal reversal in the relationship between inequality and economic development?”, Joint Conference between Humboldt University and University of Bologna on “Social and economic inequality” (Berlin, 2-3 November 2012).

“Governo e governance dei servizi di pubblica utilità per lo sviluppo umano: una introduzione”, HerAcademy Workshop (Bologna, 10 July 2012) (with G. Pedrini).

“Public policies for development in an era of economic emergencies and rising inequality”, Progetto di ricerca “Per una fondazione teorica delle politiche di sviluppo economico delle aree montane: Unioni territoriali tra fallimenti di mercato e fallimenti sistemici”, Fourth research report, Bologna, SDIC, June 2012.

“Introduction”, in AlmaLaurea (ed.), Human capital and employment in the European and Mediterranean area, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012.

“Economic emergencies, inequality and public policies for development”, Guest lecture, Humboldt University (Berlin, 16 February 2012).

“Idee chiave e impianto del progetto HerAcademy”, HerAcademy Workshop (Bologna, 15 December 2011).

“Introduction to the International Conference on Human capital and employment in the European and Mediterranean area, Aula Magna Santa Lucia, University of Bologna – AlmaLaurea (Bologna, 10 March 2011).

“The Bologna process and internationalization: General and specific trends”, background paper prepared for the Internazional Conference on “The Schools of Law in the Bologna process and beyond”, Commission for International Relations, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 29 March 2010) (with E. Ferioli, E. Gerussi and K. Kozovska).

“Evoluzione istituzionale e nuove prospettive di analisi”, Research project “Per una fondazione teorica delle politiche di sviluppo economico delle aree montane: Unioni territoriali tra fallimenti di mercato e fallimenti sistemici”, Second research report, Bologna, SDIC, December 2009.

“Fondamenti teorici delle politiche pubbliche di sviluppo locale”, Research project “Per una fondazione teorica delle politiche di sviluppo economico delle aree montane: Unioni territoriali tra fallimenti di mercato e fallimenti sistemici”, First research report, Bologna, SDIC, Deceber 2009.

Valutazione e sviluppo locale. Principi teorici e applicazioni all’Appennino Bolognese, Bologna, Bononia University Press (mimeo, with G. De Prato).

“Graduates’ employment and employability after the ‘Bologna Process’ reform. Evidence from the Italian experience and methodological issues”, International Conference on “Development of competencies in the world of work and education” (DECOWE), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Ljubljana, 24-26 September 2009) (with A. Cammelli, F. Camillo, A. Di Francia, S. Ghiselli and M. Sgarzi).

“Determinanti del capitale umano dal lato della domanda di lavoro”, Third report of the IRER research project on “Il Capitale umano in Lombardia. III fase. Affinamento del modello di misurazione, approfondimento sulle scelte di policy, studi sulle modalità di apprendimento”, School of Development Innovation and Change, Bologna, February 2008 (with R. Antonietti R. and G. Guidetti).

“Capitale umano, cambiamento tecnologico e innovazione”, paper presented at the Conference on “Investimenti in capitale umano: misurazione, implicazioni ed effetti”, ISFOL (Roma, 16 giugno 2005), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, University of Bologna.

“La consapevolezza dei cittadini che le sorti del loro sviluppo sono legate a quelle dello sviluppo globale”, paper presented at the Conference on “Le città per i diritti dei popoli”, RegioneEmilia-Romagna (Bologna 14, September 2005).

“The historical roots of the Bologna law school and its new orientation in the new millennium”, Soochow Law Journal, Vol. II, N. 2, July, 2005, pp. 1- 24.

To Honour Lakhdar Brahimi: The Awarding of the Laurea Honoris Causae in Law by the University of Bologna, Bologna, Bononia University Press (mimeo, with G. De Prato).

“Rights, trade, international organisations and academia: A conceptual path to economic and institutional cooperation”, in G. Antonelli, G. De Prato (eds.), To Honour Lakhdar Brahimi, Bologna, Bononia University Press (mimeo, with G. De Prato). “The transfer of economic institutions in development, transition and reconstruction processes”, in G. Antonelli, G. De Prato (eds.), To Honour Lakhdar Brahimi, Bologna, Bononia University Press (mimeo, with A. Romagnoli). 8. Other published articles, working papers and notes “Basil Salig Yamey (4 May 1919 – November 2020). Un ricordo”, L’Industria, Year XLI, n. 4, October-December 2020 (with P. Bianchi). “Restructuring plus investment offers a way out for Greece”, Euro Insight, January 19, h. 14:33, 2015.

“Disuguaglianza, sostenibilità e molteplicità dei beni economici”, Conference on “Strumenti e politiche per la sicurezza alimentare”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 10 December 2013).

“Discussion of Ha-Joon Chang speech”, Roundtable on “Industry Renaissance” , LIV Riunione Scientifica Annuale della Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE) (Bologna, 24 October 2013).

“Disponibilità e utilizzo di micro-dati: problemi di accesso e uguaglianza di opportunità”, round table on “La riforma del sistema statistico nazionale”, XI National Conference of Statististics on “Conoscere il presente, progettare il futuro”, ISTAT, II parallel session (Roma, 21 February 2013).

“Opening remarks on IP economic profiles and research questions addressed to the speakers”, Introduction to the International Conference on “Knowledge, development and protection of intellectual property rights: Indigenous innovation in China”, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (Bologna, 8 June 2012).

“Economic emergencies, inequality and public policies for development”, Guest lecture, Humboldt University (Berlin, 16 February 2012).

“Note per il workshop”, Workshop on “Censimenti 2011: Contenuti, metodologie e innovazioni organizzative”, ISTAT (Roma, 09 November 2010).

“Il caso: ecco svelato il mistero dei disoccupati italiani”, Interview, Il Sussidiario, pp. 2 (Milano, 29 August 2011).

“AlmaLaurea Inter-university Consortium: Connecting universities effectively with labour markets and professionals”, Bologna Handbook, n. 17, September 2010, pp. 1-20 (with A. Cammelli, A. Di Francia and M. Sgarzi).

“Le capital humain à l’issue de l’enseignement universitaire. Basic economic principles in the evaluation of university education”, Colloque International sur “L’évaluation de la qualité et de l’équité des systèmes d’éducation et de formation: Quels enjeux pour la recherche et l’action?”, Instance Nationale d’Evaluation, Conseil Supérieur de l’Enseignement, Royaume du Maroc (Rabat, 20 April 2010).

“Il linguaggio economico della crisi”, Doctoral Programme in Economy and industrial relations law: Curriculum in Law and Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 05 March 2010).

“Appunto” for the Dean at the Conference on “Università e professioni”, School of Law, University of Bologna, (Bologna, 11 Februari 2010)

“La green economy nella seconda fase dello sviluppo cinese e le relazioni economiche con Italia ed UE, Workshop on “La seconda fase dello sviluppo cinese. La sfida ambientale”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna 27 November 2009).

“L’Università italiana alla vigilia di una nuova riforma”, Workshop on “L’evoluzione del sistema universitario italiano tra riforme, regionalizzazione e mobilità”, University of Eastern Piemonte “A. Avogadro” (Novara, 9-10 November 2009).

“Organizational change, skill formation, human capital measurement: Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms”, Workshop on “L’evoluzione del sistema universitario italiano tra riforme, regionalizzazione e mobilità”, University of Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”, (Novara, 9-10 November 2009).

“La green economy come fattore di sviluppo”, in Diario Europeo, n. 1-2, 2009, pp. 17-25 (with D. Antonelli).

“Contratti appesi alla crisi”, Centro Nord, Il Sole 24 Ore, 28 October 2009.

Speech for the round table on “Giovani e società: continuità, trasformazioni e ambivalenze”, International Conference on “I giovani, l’Europa, il Mediterraneo. Territori, identità, politiche, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna (Forlì, 26-28 March 2009).

“Formazione professionale e domanda di lavoro nel contesto italiano”, meeting organized by the EHB/IFFP/IUFFP, University of Italian Swiss, (Lugano, 16 March 2009).

Speech for the round table on “Possibilità economiche dei nostri nipoti?”, Scuola Superiore di Scienze Giuridiche, University of Bologna (Bologna, 15 May 2009).

“Emerging powers, development and consequences of the present economic crisis”, paper presented at the Prin - Openloc Conference on “Globalization, Local Development and Emerging Powers. The Role of Innovation Policies”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 6-7 February 2009).

“Società a partecipazione pubblica tra fallimenti del mercato e fallimenti dello Stato”, paper presented at the Conference on “Principi di riordino del quadro giuridico delle società pubbliche”, SPISA, Università di Bologna, 4 February 2009.

“Employability of bachelor graduates: Evidence from the Italian experience”, AlmaLaurea, Bologna, 2008, prepared for the Official Bologna Seminar on “Employability: The employers’ perspective and its implications, Luxembourg, 6-7 November 2008 (with A. Cammelli and A. Di Francia).

“Marco Biagi Hobituary”, Comune di Bologna (Bologna,19 March 2008).

“Il valore economico del bosco: Letteratura e spunti per riflessioni future”, paper presented at Ecoappennino (Porretta Terme 28 September 2007) (with A. Montini).

“Gli indicatori di efficacia e le soglie di qualità”, CNVSU Seminar on “Indicatori e le soglie per l’accreditamento dei Corsi di Laurea”, Faculty of Political Science, Third University of Roma (Roma, 21 June 2007) (with L. Fabbris).

“Perfezionare il modello di riferimento: quadro teorico, interpretazioni, prescrizioni”, comment presented at the Seminar on “Il Capitale Umano in Lombardia III Fase. Affinamento del modello di misurazione, approfondimento sulle scelte di policies, studi sulle modalità di apprendimento”, IRER (Milano, 28 May 2007) (with R. Antonietti and G. Guidetti).

“Metamorfosi della famiglia in quanto organizzazione economica”, in Costa M. (ed.), Metamorfosi del matrimonio e altre forme di convivenza affettiva, Bologna, Libreria Bonomo Editrice, 2007, pp. 99- 137.

“Note su cambiamenti nel sistema sociale ed economico, organizzazione e capitale umano”, Conference on “Orientamento, consulenza di carriera e accompagnamento al placement nel mercato del lavoro attuale”, CETRANS, Faculty of Psychology, Bologna University, Cesena Campus (Cesena, 19 December 2006).

“La discriminazione nei mercati del lavoro: teoria e indicazioni di policy”, Seminar Series on “I diritti di cittadinanza”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 21 November 2006).

“La politica industriale negli ultimi 20 anni in Italia”, Training course, METES Foundation (Bologna, 10 November 2006).

“Rapporto di ricerca su: Valutazione ex-ante, in itinere, ex-post dei progetti di sviluppo dell’Appennino Bolognese”, SDIC, March 2006 (with G. De Prato).

“Sviluppo locale? Non basta la parola”, interview with La Finestra, February 2006, pp. 8-9.

“Rischi anche per l’Italia da una liberalizzazione senza limiti”, interview with Valori, V, N. 32, September 2005, pp. 50-52.

“Situazione sempre più critica. Italia fanalino di coda”, Artigianato e Piccola-Media Impresa, N. 117, 2005, pp. 2-4.

“Sostenibile e insostenibile. Uno sguardo sulla situazione socioeconomica mondiale. Economia, cooperazione e giustizia sociale”, UNICEF Conference on “Un bilancio che riguarda tutti” (Milano, 24 October 2005).

“L'Italia nell'economia internazionale: i settori produttivi”, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione (Bologna, 26 maggio 2005)

“Evaluation methods and quality control”, EU Tempus Project Seminar on “Reform of the Law Faculty Curriculum of the University of Sarajevo”, University of Bologna (Bertinoro, 29 April 2005).

“Science and knowledge in the global economy: An outward strategy”, Science and Society Forum 2005 on “Science, society and the Lisbon Strategy”, European Commission (Bruxelles, 9-11 March 2005).

“Note per un approfondimento dei profili economici della Costituzione Europea”, Workshop on “Sfide europee: Costituzione, diritti, economia”, I.T.C. “Crescenzi” and I.T.G. “Pacinotti” (Bologna, 2 February 2005).

“The private sector role in economic development of the Afghan economy: the case of ICT”, Feasibility Study, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, October 2004.

“Introduzione”, Session ‘Organizzazione, Conoscenza, Produttività’, XXXV Riunione Scientifica Annuale, SIE (Bologna, 22 October 2004) (with F. Malerba).

“Effectiveness and efficiency of the school system: The economics of education contribution”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, 2004 (mimeo).

“Flessibilità e mercati del lavoro”, Department of Economic Science, University of Bologna (Bologna, 25 May 2004).

“Knowledge production and human resources in economic development”, European Commission, “The Europe of Knowledge 2020: A vision for university-based research and innovation”, Liège 25 - 28 April 2004.

“Il contributo delle organizzazioni non-profit allo sviluppo dell’economia della conoscenza”, Osservatorio sullo stato di attuazione del principio di sussidiarietà nella Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, novembre 2003.

“Conoscenze tecnologiche e capitale umano”, Seminar series on “Tendenze dell’economia”, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Napoli, 15 ottobre 2003)

“Ricerca e innovazione l’antidoto contro la recessione”, Artigianato e Piccola-Media Impresa, N. 170, 2003, pp. 2-4.

“La famille comme organisation économique multidimensionnelle”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, 2003 (mimeo).

“E’ incertezza su ripresa economica e conti pubblici”, Artigianato e Piccola-Media Impresa, N. 144, 2002, pp. 2-4.

“Sezione economica”, Relazione Finale, Bologna, Osservatorio sullo stato di attuazione del principio di sussidiarietà nella Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, May, 2002, pp. 26-70.

“Gustavo del Vecchio: uomo, intellettuale, economista”, in D. Mirri, S. Arieti (eds.), La cattedra negata. Dal giuramento di fedeltà al fascismo alle leggi razziali nell’Università di Bologna, Bologna, CLUEB, 2002.

“Le differenze di genere nella IV indagine AlmaLaurea sulla condizione occupazionale dei laureati”, Messina University, AlmaLaurea (Messina, 14 March 2002).

“Le scienze economiche nel cambiamento del sistema della ricerca scientifica in Italia”, Bologna Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, gennaio 2002 (with R. Leoncini and R. Zoboli), pp. 27.

“Comment on the paper by K. Drake”, Seminar on “Education expansion, employment and labour markets”, University of Toulouse (Toulouse, 9-10 November 2000).

“Diffuse relazioni tra imprese e istituzioni favoriscono lo sviluppo”, Artigianato e Piccola-Media Impresa, Anno XXI, N. 90, 2000, pp. 2-3.

“Sono i sistemi locali il vero fattore di cambiamento”, Artigianato e Piccola-Media Impresa, Anno XXI, N. 106, 2000, pp. 2-4.

“Aspetti macroeconomici dell’impatto e della performance dell’Euro nel 1999”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, gennaio 2000, pp. 25 (with S. Montresor). “Innovation and human capital in the new real economy. Some evidence and interpretative hints”, paper presented at the XXXX Congress of the European Regional Science Association, (Barcellona, 29 August – 1 September 2000) (with N. De Liso and R. Leoncini).

“Crescita economica e nuova economia: Quali evidenze sul piano globale e sul piano locale?”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, may 2000 (with N. De Liso and R. Leoncini).

“Cooperative sociali e sviluppo economico in Lombardia”, Quaderni Regionali di Ricerca, 17, N. 1, 2000, pp. 1-247 (with M. Cavazza Rossi, D. Gagliardi and P. Aimetti). “Diffuse relazioni tra imprese e istituzioni favoriscono lo sviluppo”, Artigianato e Piccola-Media impresa, Anno XXI, N. 90, 2000, pp. 2-3. “Sono i sistemi locali il vero fattore di cambiamento”, Artigianato e Piccola-Media impresa, Anno XXI, N. 106, 2000, pagg. 2-4. Indagine sul sistema del welfare locale nella Provincia di Forlì-Cesena, Forlì, Consorzio per la Formazione Professionale, 1999, pp. 128 (with R. Bianchi, G. Cainelli, N. Galli and M. Nosvelli). Indagine sui fabbisogni formativi nel settore della salvaguardia idrogeologica, Bologna, EFESO-IRECOOP, 1999, pp. 67 (with P. Fariselli). “Nuovi strumenti di politica del lavoro per l’integrazione tra formazione e informazione”, Memorie di ricerca, IDSE-CNR, Milano, April 1999, pp. 10 (with M. Nosvelli).

“Strategie di accumulazione del capitale umano e formazione professionale in Emilia - Romagna”, in ERVET, Gli esito occupazionali delle formazione professionale, Bologna, ERVET, novembre 1998, pp. 59-87.

“La domanda di istruzione nella Provincia di Forlì-Cesena”, IDSE-CNR, Milano, December 1998, pp. 207 (with G. Manini ).

“Introductory notes to the Strategic Project on Unemployment in Italy”, IDSE-CNR, Milano, January, 1998, pp. 8.

“Sintesi di alcuni risultati del Progetto Strategico sulla disoccupazione in Italia”, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Bologna, March, 1998, pp. 8.

“Analisi e proposte di politica economica contro la disoccupazione”, Ricerca e Futuro, N. 8, 1998, pp. 36-41.

“Externalities and structural change of the service sectors in Italy. Some empirical evidence from a new data set”, paper presented at the Workshop on “Conceptualising and measuring service innovation”, ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (CRIC), University of Manchester, 20-21 May 1998, pp. 35 (with G. Cainelli and C. Notari).

“The unemployment problem in Italy: how to avoid partial approaches”, paper presented at the XV International Workshop on “Unemployment and regional disparities in Europe: New approaches in regional employment policies”, University of Reggio Calabria, 15-16 May 1998.

“Sistemi locali di produzione, diffusione e caratteristiche delle imprese non profit. Idee per una iniziativa ADAPT nella Provincia di Forlì - Cesena”, IDSE-CNR, Milano, May 1998, pp. 74 (with G. Cainelli, M. Nosvelli and C. Notari).

“Dimensione di impresa e struttura dell’occupazione”, paper presented at the XII National Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL), Cagliari, October 1998, pp. 47 (with G. Guidetti).

Special Issue on “Structural Change, Institutional Change, Models of Capitalism” dell’International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. XVII, 1998 (with M.A. Maggioni).

“Externalities and structural change of the service sectors in Italy. Some empirical evidence froma a new data set”, paper presentato nel Workshop su “Conceptualising and measuring service innovation ”, CRIC, University of Manchester, 20-21 maggio 1998, pp. 35 (with G. Cainelli e C. Notari).

“The unemployment problem in Italy: how to avoid partial approaches”, paper presentato al XV International Workshop on “Unemployment and regional disparities in Europe: New approaches in regional employment policies”, University of Reggio Calabria, 15-16 May 1998.

“Terzo settore e trasformazioni strutturali”, in Proceedings of the Conference on “Utilità sociale e non profit: Ruolo delle Fondazioni”, Centro Studi per la Ricerca e la Formazione sulle Fondazioni, Bologna, January, 1998, pp. 7.

“Mercati del lavoro, valorizzazione delle risorse umane e spese per l’assistenza”, Department of Economics Science, Bologna, September, 1997, pp. 27.

“Dimensione di impresa e struttura dell’occupazione”, Department of Economics Science, Bologna, September, 1997, pp. 47 (with G. Guidetti).

“Apertura dei mercati locali del lavoro e fabbisogno di risorse umane da parte delle imprese: Alcuni risultati di un’indagine campionaria nella Provincia di Forlì-Cesena”, IDSE-CNR, Milano, November 1997, pp. 43 (with M. Nosvelli).

“Comment” on E.S. Phelps semi-annual Report, “Enterprise and inclusion in the formal economy of Italy: The problems of high unemployment and stagnation”, IDSE-CNR, Milano, November 1997, pp. 10.

“Mercati del lavoro, valorizzazione delle risorse umane e spese per l’assistenza”, Department of Economic Science, Bologna, September, 1997, pp. 27.

“Disoccupazione: definizione, misurazione, interpretazione , politiche”, School of Law, Uiversity of Bologna, May, 1997, pp. 23 (with G. Guidetti, P. Pini and L. Rossi).

“Human Resources, Skills and European Industrial Economic Strategies”, Working Paper G-96/2, Centre on the Evolution in Eastern European Countries, University of Trento, pp. 13 (with N. De Liso).

“Implicazioni della definizione economica di bene pubblico ai fini della privatizzazione”, “Postgraduate School in Public Administration Studies” (SPISA), School of Law, University of Bologna, November, 1995, pp. 10.

“Risorse umane tra sistemi locali e sistemi tecnologici”, Lavoro e Sicurezza Sociale, Nuova Serie, N. 1, 1995, pp. 23-41.

“Modelli di capitalismo e sistemi di formazione”, ANP Notizie, NN 3-4-5, 1995, pp. 47-56.

“Ruolo delle risorse umane nella crescita economica”, ANP Notizie, NN 6-8, 1994, pp. 76-87.

“Structural and Institutional Change in Different Models of Capitalism”, Memorie di ricerca IDSE-CNR, Milano, mimeo, December, 1994, pp. 14.

“Effects of European Industrial Economic Strategies on Human Resources”, University of Bologna, mimeo, December, 1994, pp. 10.

“Technical Change and Economic Growth: Some Recent Acquisitions and Open Questions in the Economic Debate”, Memorie di ricerca IDSE-CNR, Milano, mimeo, March, 1994, pp. 22 (with N. De Liso).

“L'insegnamento dell'Economia Politica nella Facoltà di Giurisprudenza: natura della ricerca, rapporti con le discipline giuridiche e problemi della didattica”, University of Bologna, mimeo, February, 1994, pp. 24.

“Su alcune determinanti della competitività di sistema: sistema tecnologico, social capabilities, istituzioni e struttura economica”, Memorie di ricerca IDSE-CNR, Milano, mimeo, 1993, pp. 16 (with N. De Liso).

“The Transition Process in Albania: An Interpretative Analysis”, Memorie di ricerca IDSE-CNR, Milano, mimeo, 1992, pp.42 (with G. Guidetti and R. Leoncini).

“Natura ed effetti del cambiamento tecnologico: alcune considerazioni sulle capacità previsive della Rerum Novarum”", Vita e Pensiero, Vol. LXXIV, N. 9, September, 1991, pp. 607-18.

“Alcune riflessioni su problemi e prospettive delle relazioni tra il sistema universitario italiano e l'Europa”, Università Notizie, Vol. IX, N. 1, 1991, pp. 18-22 (with A. Quadrio Curzio).

“Economic and Social Impact of Biotechnology with a Special View to the Public Response and Government Policies to Facilitate the Public Involvement. Contribution by the Italian delegation”, Genève, ECE-UN, mimeo, September, 1990, pp. 11.

“Lavoro, tecnologia, ambiente” in C. D'Adda, R. Scazzieri (eds.), Economia, Milano, Garzanti Editore, 1990, pp. 160-72.

“The Transition Process from an Industrial and Technological Society to a Scientific and Information Society. Contribution by the Italian delegation”, Genève, ECE-UN, mimeo, September, 1989, pp. 5.

“Review of Changes in R&D Policies and Agreements on Scientific and Technological Cooperation. Contribution by the Italian delegation”, Genève, ECE-UN, mimeo, September, 1988, pp. 4.

Contribution to the issue of the report by R. Rummo (ed.), “La ricerca scientifica e tecnologica in Italia”, Roma, MURST, mimeo, August, 1988, pp. 145.

“Il sistema agro-tecnologico: una agenda di problemi aperti e di prospettive per l'indagine economica”, Bologna, mimeo, September, 1986, pp. 25 (with A. Quadrio Curzio).

“Dopo i secoli delle vacche magre troppi frutti nei campi del mondo”, Mondo Economico, N. 45, 1986, pp. 49-50 (with A. Quadrio Curzio).

“Agro-tecnologia a metà del guado”, Quarantacinque, Vol. VIII, N. 11, November 1986, pp. 21 (interview by P. Romagnoli).

“Biomasse come combustibili. Materie prime agricole e innovazione tecnologica per l'energia”, Materie Prime e Risorse Naturali - Temi di Ricerca, Bologna, Nomisma, 1984, pp. 23 (with R. Zoboli).

“Disoccupazione”, “Economia del Benessere”, “Mercato”, entries in Enciclopedia Sociologica Marzorati, Milano, 1979.

“Formazione, lavoro e scelte familiari”, Analisi, Vol. III, NN 6-7, June-July, 1979, pp. 76-77 (with A. Clementel).

“Le determinanti della distribuzione dei redditi da lavoro. Strumenti di analisi ed applicazioni al caso dell'Emilia Romagna”, Department of Economics, University of Trento, mimeo, February, 1978, pp. 40.

“Partecipazione e democrazia per una scuola rinnovata dopo i Decreti delegati. Notiziario”, Scuola e Professione, Vol. II, N. 6, November-December, 1974, pp. 528-538.

Referee for several scientific journals and adviser of various publishers.

Director of the series “Economics”, Publishing house Giappichelli, Torino.

Direttore of the series “Chinese law in action”, Publishing house Bononia University Press, Bologna.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the series on “Economics and Law”, Cisalpino Editoriale Universitario, Milano.

Member of the scientific committee of the journals: Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali (Il Mulino), Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics (Il Mulino), Persone, Imprese, Istituzioni (UMES Edizioni), Rivista Italiana degli Economisti. The Journal of the Italian Economic Association (Il Mulino). Editor of the special number of Economia del Lavoro, Vol. XXXI, NN. 3-4, 1997 publishing the proceedings of the X Annual AIEL Congress on “Cambiamento tecnologico e creazione/distruzione di capitale umano” (with R. Leoni).

Translation of several theoretical and applied works, and among them the selection of essays by Sir Harrod included in: Harrod R.F., Dinamica economica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1990 (with G. Pegoretti).

Periodic radio and television interviews on specialist topics.

9. Participation in conferences, seminars, workshops and scientific meetings

2024 Participant in the meeting organized by Dugersuren Bindirya (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business, Mongolian University of Science and Technology) on “International cooperation in teaching and research”. Also participated G. Battuvshin (Dean, Graduate School of Business, MUST); M. Banzragch (Vice-Dean responsible for educational policy and quality of GSB, MUST), B. Bat-Erdene (Researcher of GSB, MUST) (Ulaabaatar, 22 luglio 2024), P. Fariselli (Adjunct Professor, Bologna University).

Chairman of the session on “Economic analysis of law”, “International Conference on “Development of law and economics in the context of globalisation”, CUPL (Beijing, 14th of July 2024).

Chairman of the round table on “Laureati e mercati internazionali del lavoro: quali competenze”, AlmaLaurea National Conference on “Laureati e dimensioni internazionali: dall'università al mercato del lavoro” di presentazione del XXVI Rapporto di AlmaLaurea su “Profilo e condizione occupazionale dei laureati: percorsi di transizione”, Università di Trieste (Trieste, 13 giugno 2024).

Discussion and conclusion in the Transnational thematic seminar on “Adult education survey data and their use for policy making”, Firenze University (Firenze, 6th of June 2024).

Participant and discussant in the “Annual Network Meeting 2024”, European Network of Graduate Tracking, Third Annual Network Meeting (Liège, 15th and 16th of May 2023).

Introduction and discussion in the workshop of S. Bertini on “Crescita, produttività ed equità distributiva nell’evoluzione strutturale delle imprese italiane. Un’analisi su dati ISTAT del periodo 2008-2021“. Also discussants G. Guidetti and R. Leoncini, Bologna University - SDIC (Bologna, 10th of April 2024).

Introduction and discussion in the seminar of G. Guidetti, R. Leoncini and M. Macaluso on "Patterns of patenting activity in AI and robotics. A time series analysis”, Seminar series on “Innovation processes between economics and law”, Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna (Bologna, 21th March 2024).

2023 Introduction in the seminar by Sunsup Ra on "Empowering A Learning Society: Re-imagine learning systems for 21centuary learners", Seminar series on “Innovation processes between economics and law”, Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna (Bologna, 4th of December 2023).

Co-chairman in the round table on “Approaches, methodologies and tools: Established and innovative ways for exploring employment condition of graduates”, International Conference “Tracking graduates and their mobility: Comparing experiences in the international framework”, Boligna University (Bologna, 1th of December 2013) (with Paolo Federighi)

Chairman in the round table on “EU and China in comparison: Regulating AI in data driven economies”, International Conference on “Data driven economies and regulatory approaches: EU and China in relation and in comparison”, Bologna University - SDIC (Bologna, 10th and 11th of November 2023).

Participant in the “EUROGRADUATE 2022 project meeting”, DZHW-ROA (Hanover, October 4th 2023)

Speaker on “Paths of economic development: Europe and China in comparison”, Conference on "Culture as a bridge: The relevance of comparative approach", Bologna University - Renmin University (Bologna, 18th of September 2013)

Invited speaker on “Tracking graduates and their mobility: Applied and theoretical issues in conceptualizing and monitoring the transformation of higher education systems”, Asian Development Bank (Manila, 17th of July 2023).

Chairman in the session on “Theories of law, regulation and governance”, International Conference on “Law, Business and Economics”, CUPL (Beijing, 9th of July 2023).

Participant and discussant in the meeting on “Strengthening the support for the implementation of the European graduate tracking initiative”, European Network of Graduate Tracking, Second Annual Network Meeting, (Stockholm, 10th and 11th of May 2023).

Chairman in the round table on “Implicazioni su politiche e strategie di sviluppo locale”, workshop on “Offshoring, reshoring e strategie di sviluppo locale durante la polycrisi nella nuova geografia del commercio internazionale”, Bologna University - SDIC (Bologna, 21th of June 2021).

Introduction in the worksop on “Realtà e prospettive dei percorsi di cooperazione e sviluppo”, Università di Bologna - SDIC (Bologna 17° of April 2023).

Remembrance of Mario Telò, Comune di Cervia (Cervia, 24th of March 2023).

2022 Invited speaker on “Laureati e dottori di ricerca in ambito umanistico: un campo aperto per innovare”, Dipartimento di Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica (DIRIUM), University of Bari (Bari, November 25th 2022).

Chair of the round table on “Labor markets and and economics: New insights”, with the participation of Card D., Montobbio F. and Ottaviano G., Seminar on “Wage Determination: A Research Agenda for Labor Economics Issues”, University of Bologna (Bologna, October 27th 2022).

Remembrance of Boike Rehbein, Humboldt University (Berlino, 15th of July 2022).

Invited speaker at the Workshop “Percorsi formativi e professionali dei laureati e miglioramento dell’offerta didattica”, University of Firenze and ECORYS, (Firenze, 22nd of April 2022).

Introduction to the presentation of the book by Inguscio M. and Beccaria G. “Come potrebbe essere il domani. Perché la scienza può rendere il nostro futuro migliore”, Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna (Bologna, 10th of March 2022) (with Benedek G. and Montanari A.).

2021 Discussant in the round table on “L’incontro fra saperi e discipline”, Conference for the presentation of the XXIII AlmaLaurea Report on “Profilo e condizione occupazionale dei laureati: percorsi di transizione”, University of Bergamo (Bergamo, June 18th 2021).

Speaker in the webinar on “The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. A First Round of Reflection in Interdisciplinary Perspective”, University of Bologna and Confucio Institute (Bologna, March 17th 2021).

2020 Speaker in the Webseminar “Dove va l’Europa al tempo del Coronavirus”, PRIN “Where is Europe going? Paths and perspectives of the European federalizing process”, University of Roma La Spienza (Roma, April 16th 2020).

Participation to the kick-off meeting of the PRIN project on “Where is Europe going? Paths and perspectives of the European federalizing process”, University of Roma La Spienza (Roma, January 15th 2020).

2019 Conclusion, Almalaurea Conference on “University Degrees and Entrepreneurship”, Unioncamere (Roma, 16 December 2019).

Invited speaker on “Study profile and occupational condition of PhDs in Italy”, Proiect INVITE, University of Verona (Verona, 4 December 2019).

Participation to the Global Education Summit 2019 (Beijing, 26 November 2019).

Invited speaker on “Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution”, Renmin University (Beijing, 25 November 2019).

Invited speaker on “Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution”, China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL) (Beijing, 22 November 2019).

Invited speaker on “Formazione universitaria nelle discipline umanistiche e mercati del lavoro: elementi per una comparazione tra contesto nazionale, regionale e locale”, conference on "Studi Umanistici e Mercato del lavoro: quali prospettive?", Department of Human Studies, University of Bari (Bari, 12 November 2019).

Participation to the fourth meeting of the Commission Expert Group on Graduate Traking,

Commissione Europea (Bruxelles, 8 and 9 October 2019).

Invited speaker on “Condizione occupazionale ed efficacia della laurea: i laureati in Ingegneria nel contesto nazionale”, conference on “Qualità dei laureati in ingegneria: opportunità e prospettive della certificazione EUR-ACE”, Agenzia QUACING (Roma, 26 September 2019).

Course on “Globalization, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights”, Summer School, China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL) (Beijing, 15-30 July 2019).

Visit to thr firm Hao Xiang Ni 好想你 and case discussion (Zehengzhou, Henan Pilot Free Trade Zone, 19 July 2019).

Chair and speaker in the round table on “Coerenza tra formazione universitaria e domanda di lavoro in ambito culturale”, conference on “Università e mercato del lavoro nell’ambito dell’industria culturale e creativa, Università of Basilicata and Inter-University Consortium AlmaLaurea (Matera, 5 July 2019).

Participation to the design of the projects on “Progettazione e implementazione di un nuovo sistema di data visualization per il portale AlmaLaurea” and “Domanda e offerta di competenze professionali in Italia: baseline e prospettive a dieci anni”, AlmaLaurea and SWG (Roma, 2 July 2019).

Participation to the third meeting of the Commission Expert Group on Graduate Traking,

Commissione Europea (Bruxelles, 11 and 12 June 2019).

Chair and speaker in the round table on “Verso nuove connessioni tra università e industria: l’università italiana e lo scenario internazionale”, annual conference of AlmaLaurea, University of Roma La Sapienza (Roma, 16 May 2017).

Submission of an abstract on “University-Industry linkages: The Italian experience in the European setting”, with Marina Timoteo conference of the journal Scuola Democratica (University of Cagliari 5-8 June 2019).

Discussion with the Chairman and Director of Svimez on possible forms of cooperation between AlmaLaurea and Svimez (Roma, 27 May 2019).

Invited speaker on “Città e comunità sostenibili tra sviluppo locale e sviluppo globale”, conference CERVIARCHITETTURA (Cervia, 11 May 2019).

Participation for the economic subjects to the meeting between the delegations of Renmin University and University of Bologna (Bologna, Sala dell’VIII Centenario, 2 May 2019).

Participation to the meeting of the Area Societal Transformations (Smart Secure and Inclusive Communities), Department for Higher Education and Research, Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR), for the National Research Plan 2021-27 (Catholic University of Milano, 18 April 2019).

Recording at the Laboratorio Multimediale of the Polythecnic of Milano (METID) of Lecture n. 3.2.2. Decent work and economic growth and Lecture n. 3.4.2. Reduced inequalities in international economic development, SDGs MOOC, in collaboration between the Polythecnic of Milano and the University of Bologna (Milano, 27 March 2019).

In troduction to the Workshop on “Job insecurity in labour markets, poverty and inequality.

Measurement and theoretical approaches”, jointly organized by Humboldt University, Bologna University and SDIC (Bologna, 25 March 2019) (with Rehbein B.).

Introduction to the lecture on “An international comparison of social inequalities” of Prof. Boike Rehbein, Humboldt University of Berlin (Bologna, 18 March 2019).

Introduction to the presentation of the book on “The innovators behind Leonardo. The true story of the scientific and technological renaissance” of Prof. Plinio Innocenzi, University of Sassari (Bologna, 11 March 2019).

Participation to the second meeting of the Commission Expert Group on Graduate Traking,

Commissione Europea (Bruxelles, 26 e 27 febbraio 2019).

Participation to the meetng of the Quality Circle on "Istruzione e Formazione", ISTAT - PSN 2020-2022 (Roma, 8 February2019).

Participation to the web assessment on “Valutazione delle Competenze”, Comitato Guida AICQ - Industria 4.0 (Bologna, 13 January 2019).

2018 Summer School on “Innovation, Institutional Change and Intellectual Property Rights”, in cooperation with China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) (Bologna, 3-10 September 2018).

Course on “Innovation, Institutional Change and Economic Growth”, Summer School, China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL) (Beijing, 14-31 July 2018).

Welcome in the round table on “The culture of work: from statistics on the job market to the job market of statisticians”, Società Italiana di Statistica – AlmaLaurea (Palermo, 22 June 2018).

Invited speaker at the Workshop on “Skills anticipation methods and practices: Identifying emerging technologies and skill needs for policy”, Cedefop, (Thessaloniki, 14th-15th of June 2018, with Giovanni Guidetti).

Invited lecture on “Innovation policy in the framework of Industry 4.0”, China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL) (Beijing, 29 maggio 2018).

Guest Speaker on “Assessing markets outcomes and curriculum design in the Bologna Process”, International Conference on “College Student Development and Employment: Reform and Innovation (CSDE), jointly hosted by the Institute of Economics of Education (IEE), Graduate School of Education (GSE), and the Student Career Center (SCC) of Peking University (Beijing, May 26th and 27th, 2018).

Invited speaker at the concluding round table of the Workshop on “Università, Alta Formazione e Smart Specialisation in Puglia: i progetti HESS e Targeted Support”, ARTI (Bari, 21th of March 2018).

Invited Speaker on “Formazione universitaria umanistica e mercati del lavoro: specificità e caratteristiche territoriali”, Conference on “Cogito... ergo work. Le prospettive occupazionali dei laureati in Lettere e filosofia. Indicazioni, percorsi, esperienze”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (Milano, 19th of March 2018).

Invited speaker at the Laboratory on “Industria 4.0: nuova struttura degli incentivi per nuove politiche industriali”, Regione Toscana (Firenze, 28th of February 2018).

Invited speaker on “Offerta e domanda di laureati. Dal quadro generale alla Provincia di Brescia”, Conference on “Il sistema produttivo bresciano e le sfide della trasformazione digitale. Quali competenze, quali lavori”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia (23rd of February 2018).

Invited lecture on “Capitale umano e sviluppo economico in Italia e in Europa: trappole e opportunità”, Libera Università per Adulti (Cervia, 5th of February 2018).

Invited speaker on “Offerta e domanda di laureati in Italia e in Europa. Evidenze empiriche sul primo round del Bologna Process e scenari futuri”, “L’università forma il futuro”, Day for the modenisation of courses in higher education, CUN, CRUI, ALMALAUREA (Roma, 1th of February 2018).

2017 Speaker on “Job search e mercati del lavoro in rapida evoluzione. Il contributo di AlmaLaurea”, Università Cà Foscari (Venezia, 4th of Dicember 2017).

Speaker on “Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution”, Workshop on “Programme design to address employability”, Ministry of Higher Education (Beirut, 29th of November 2017).

Speaker on “Graduates and graduates jobs in Europe after a first round of the Bologna Process. Evidence from the past and future scenarios for employability”, Workshop on “Programme design to address employability”, Ministry of Higher Education (Beirut, 29th of November 2017).

Speaker, Workshop on “Università, Alta Formazione e Smart Specialisation in Puglia: i progetti HESS e Targeted Support”, ARTI (Bari, 31th of October 2017).

Speaker on “Trasformazioni strutturali, posti di lavoro e competenze professionali”, HerAcademy Workshop (Bologna, 23rd of October 2017).

Invited visit to the Graduate School of Education, Peking University (Beijing, 16th July).

Course on “Innovation, Institutional Change and Economic Growth”, Summer School, China University of Law and Political Science (CUPL) (Beijing, 15-31 July 2017).

Chairman in the I Session on “The European Framework”, Annual Conference of AlmaLaurea, University of Parma (Parma, 16th of May 2017).

Discussant in the II Session on “The China Perspective”, Annual Conference of AlmaLaurea, University of Parma (Parma, 16th of May 2017).

Course on “Theories of Globalization”, Master of Global Studies, Humboldt University, (Berlin, 25th of April- 7 May 2017.

Lecture on “Economia, criteri etici e disuguaglianze multidimensionali”, Libera Università per Adulti (Cervia, 3rd of April 2017).

Speaker at the Workshop on “Smart working”, Info Easy (Imola, 22nd of March 2017).

Speaker on “Capabilities, competenze e sviluppo economico: tra capitale umano e sviluppo umano”, Conference on “Capabilities: Il Fondo sociale europeo e le politiche regionali per lo sviluppo e la coesione”, Regione Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 15th of March 2017)

Speaker on “Occupazione, reddito e mobilità dei laureati negli anni della crisi globale, Conference on “Scienza e coscienza a 1.000 euro al mese, Università di Padova (Padova, 17th of March 2017).

Speaker on “Come stanno cambiando le condizioni di studio e lavoro dei laureati italiani”, di Universitas-University Conference on “La bellezza: si può farne esperienza in Università?”, Università di Bologna (Bologna, 28th of January 2017)

Speaker at the Workshop on “Digital skills and mismatch” Info Easy (Imola, 19.01.2017)

2016 Workshop series on “Industry 4.0”, with the participation of Dr. Riccardo Illy, SDIC, Università di Bologna (Bologna, 28th of September 2016).

Lectures series on “Economic Inequality and Beyond”, Humboldt University, Berlin 14-25 June 2016).

“Alcune figure professionali ad elevata qualificazione descritte mediante la documentazione di AlmaLaurea”, Conference on “Titoli di studio e repertorio nazionale. Università Scuola e Repertorio nazionale dei titoli di istruzione e formazione e delle qualificazioni professionali”, RUIAP and Università della Calabria (Arcavacata, 9th of June 2016).

“I laureati italiani nel XVIII Rapporto di AlmaLaurea: tra mercati del lavoro statici e nuove opportunità internazionali”, National conference on “Università 2020”, AIDU, Università di Roma Tre (Roma, 27th of May 2016).

Comment to the invited speech on “Forecasting employment prospects for higher education graduates” by C. Warhurst and D. Luchinskaya, AlmaLaurea Conference, Università di Napoli Federico II (Napoli, 27th of April 2016).

“Governo e governance al servizio di smart development e smart community”, Università di Bologna, Scuola di Giurisprudenza (Ravenna, 15th of April 2016).

Workshop series on “Industry 4.0”, with the participation of Dr. Riccardo Illy, SDIC, Università di Bologna (Bologna, 22nd of March 2016).

Final Seminar of the Eurograduate Feasibility Study, DZHW (German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies), Humboldt University il (Berlino, 15th of March 2016).

Workshop series on “Industry 4.0”, with the participation of Dr. Riccardo Illy, SDIC, Università di Bologna (Bologna, 20rd of January 2016).

2015 “Introduction”, HerAcademy Workshop on “La filiera dell’ambiente, il ciclo dei rifiuti ed il sistema di regolazione del settore” (Bologna, 14 December 2015).

Workshop “Il sistema universitario: è già “buona università”?”, Round table, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli (Napoli, 11 December 2015).

“La meglio gioventù: discussione sul ruolo nella società e sulle prospettive delle Scuole per eccellenza”, Round table, Tenth anniversary of the Scuola Superiore dell’Università di Udine, (Udine 3 December 2015).

Speech in the round table on “Dalla scala mobile al Jobs Act: l'AIEL e il processo di riforma del mercato del lavoro [] ”, XXX National Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL), (Cagliari, 17 September 2015).

“Occupational structure, institutions and multi-dimensional inequality, Joint international Workshop of Bologna University and Humboldt University (Bologna, 16 February 2015).

2014 “Strabismo offertista e trappola del sottosviluppo in capitale umano e sviluppo umano”, Seminar of the journal Scuola Democratica, Il Mulino (Bologna, 24 November 2014).

“Approaching an investigation of multi-dimensional inequality through the lenses of variety in models of capitalism”, Workshop on Emerging Realities, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University (Lund, 9-10 October 2014).

“Smart specialization, smart cities, sviluppo locale”, ERVET Seminar (Bologna, 14 July 2014).

“Convergenza tra mercati del lavoro e modelli di capitalismo in Europa”, Presentation of the issue of Atlantide on “Fatti e non fatti d’Europa”, SPISA (Bologna, 8 July 2014).

“Alcuni commenti sul’VIII Rapporto”, Presentation of the VIII Report on “Sussidiarietà e qualità dei servizi sociali”, Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà, ANT (Bologna, 8 July 2014).

“Smart Communities e Sviluppo Locale: le città del domani. Una introduzione”, Workshop di HerAcademy su “Smart Communities e Sviluppo Locale: le città del domani”, (Bologna, 26 March 2014).

2013 “Disuguaglianza, sostenibilità e molteplicità dei beni economici”, Conference on “Strumenti e politiche per la sicurezza alimentare”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 10 December 2013).

Discussion of Ha-Joon Chang’s speech, Roundtable on “Industry Renaissance”, LIV Riunione Scientifica Annuale of the Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE) (Bologna, 24 October 2013).

Speaker and session Chairman in the International Conference on “Inequality, competition and social dumping. Crossroads of the smart development’s strategies in the global South and the global North”, II Joint Conference of Bologna University and Humboldt University in the framework of the FARB Project: “EU and China towards smart development. Strategies and instruments of legal and economic cooperation” (Bologna, 11-12 October 2013).

“Smart communities e sviluppo locale: obiettivi, attori, creazione di valore. Un’introduzione”, HerAcademy Workshop on “Smart communities e sviluppo locale: obiettivi, attori, creazione di valore” (Modena, 17 July 2013) (with G. Cappiello).

Speaker in the “Conference on the Future of the Global Studies Programme”, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies (Berlin, 25-27 May 2013).

Lettura sul tema “Dinamica economica strutturale e diseguaglianza multidimensionale”, Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Classe di Scienze Morali, 23 aprile 2013.

Speaker on “Structural economic dynamics and multi-dimensional inequality”, Focus Asia Workshop on "Entrenched Inequalities: East and West", Centre for East and Spouth-East Asian Studies, Lund University (Lund, 27 March 2013).

Partecipazione alla tavola rotonda su “Domanda e offerta di competenze: scenari e sfide, Conferenza sul tema “Investire nei giovani: se non ora quando?”, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, AlmaLaurea (Venezia, 12 marzo 2013).

Introduction on “Knowledge, innovation and sustainability”, Seminar on “Environmental innovations: concepts and evidence from European case studies”, Università di Ferrara (Ferrara, 21 January 2013).

Speaker on “La misurazione del capitale umano dal lato della domanda di lavoro”, Conference on “Misurare il capitale umano. Esperienze e prospettive”, Istat (Roma, 18 January 2013) (with R. Antonietti and G. Guidetti).

Discussant in the seminar on “Quale strategia regionale per la smart specialisation? Innovazione, ricerca e la specializzazione “intelligente” dei territori”, Regione Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 14 January 2013).

Introductory speech in the Workshop on “Imprese di pubblica utilità, livelli di governo, cittadini: quali possibilità di collaborazione per lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture?”, HerAcademy Workshop (Ferrara, 9 January 2013) (with G. Pedrini).

2012 Keynote speech in the Conference on “I fabbisogni professionali e la formazione di capitale umano nella strategia di superamento della crisi”, Roma Tre University (Roma, 18 December 2012).

Speaker and session Chairman in the Joint Conference between Humboldt University and University of Bologna on “Social and economic inequality”, Germany (Berlin, 2-3 November 2012).

Speaker and Chairman at the LIII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Economic Association (SIE) (Matera, 18-20 October 2012).

Participation to the CUCS meeting at the Ministero per la Cooperazione internazionale e l'Integrazione (Roma, 19 July 2012).

Participation to the meeting of the Commission for Users of the Statistical Information (CUIS), ISTAT (Roma, 12 July 2012).

Introductory speech in the Workshop on “Quale governo e governance dei servizi di pubblica utilità”, HerAcademy Workshop (Bologna, 10 July 2012).

Introduction and discussant in the International Conference on “Knowledge, development and protection of intellectual property rights: Indigenous innovation in China”, School of Law (Bologna, 8 June 2012).

Participation to the meeting of the Commission for Users of the Statistical Information (CUIS), ISTAT (Roma, 23 April 2012).

Chair of the meeting of the work group on “Research initiatives”, Commission for Users of the Statistical Information (CUIS), ISTAT (Roma, 18 aprile 2012).

Introduction and Co-Charman at the Conference on “Dopo la laurea: studi ed esperienze di lavoro in Italia e nel contesto internazionale”, Università di Roma La Sapienza, AlmaLaurea (Roma, 08 March 2012).

Guest Lecture on “Economic emergencies, inequality and public policies for development”, Humboldt University, Germany (Berlin, 16 February 2012).

Speaker on “Evoluzione degli studi sui sistemi locali di produzione, domande di ricerca presenti e future”, Round table of the Conference on “Le trasformazioni dei sistemi produttivi locali”, Banca d’Italia - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche (Bologna, 31th January – 1th February 2012).

2011 Participation in the opening meeting of the Commission for Users of the Statistical Information (CUIS), ISTAT (Roma, 19 December 2011).

Introductory speech in the Conference on “Beni privati, beni pubblici e beni sociali”, HerAcademy Workshop (Bologna, 15th of December 2011).

Chairman in the round table on “La cooperazione Universitaria e i modelli di networking per la partecipazione attiva ai programmi europei e internazionali per lo sviluppo”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 14th of December 2011).

Speaker at the Intergovernmental body for labour market monitoring meeting of the European Commission on “Matching supply of and demand for skills” (Zagreb, 5 December 2011).

Speaker on “Crisi, ricchezza netta delle famiglie e capitale umano”, Seminar on “Capitalismo finanziario, crisi economica e soggetti deboli”, Gramsci Institute Bologna (Bologna, 29th of November 2011).

Opening speech in the Conference on “Climate change in an EU-China perspective: The legal frame work for a sustainable global market”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 18-19th of November 2011).

Speaker on "Capitale umano e ricchezza netta delle famiglie: Un volano per la crescita economica in Italia?", Round table on “Debito pubblico e politiche di crescita in Italia”, LII Scientific Annual Meeting, Italian Economic Association (SIE) (Roma, 14th – 15th of October 2011).

Speaker at the Meeting of Directors General for Higher Education, European Union (Krakow, 11-12th of October 2011).

Speaker at the General Assembly of the T.I.M.E. Association, University of Trento (Trento, 06th of October 2011).

Speech on “Human capital as a gateway to economic and social success: Concepts, measurement and perspectives after the global economic crisis”, Round table on “Employabilité, insertion et suivi de l’insertion des lauréats de l’Enseignement Superieur”, Séminaire International “Employabilité et insertion professionnelle des lauréats de l’Enseignement Superieur – État des lieux et perspectives (Rabat, 27-28 September 2011).

Participation to the Meeting amongst CMI-World Bank, Union pour la Méditerranée and AlmaLaurea (Marseille, 21 September 2011).

Lecture on “Sostenibilità dello sviluppo e natura dei beni economici dopo la crisi globale”, at the Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Classe di Scienze Morali (Bologna, 22 March 2011).

Speker at the International Conference on “Human capital and employment in the European and Mediterranean area”, University of Bologna - AlmaLaurea (Bologna, 10 March 2011).

2010 Speaker in the Round table of the Workshop on “Censimenti 2011:contenuti, metodologie e innovazioni organizzative”, ISTAT (Roma, 09 November 2010).

Presentation of the book “La struttura delle rivoluzioni economiche” by Sergio Ortino, Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 08 November 2010).

Presentation of the book “Sociologia del turismo balneare” by Asterio Savelli, Cervia Library (Cervia, 23 October 2010).

Speaker at the International Conference on “Employability and mobility of bachelor graduates in Europe. Results of the Bologna process”, INCHER, University of Kassel, Germany (Berlin, 30 September - 1 October 2010).

Lecture on “Systemic failure and public policies after the crisis”, MiDIC Summer School 2009-2010 on “Development and innovation in front of the crisis”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 02 July 2010).

Introduction and Co-Chairman in the Conference on “L’istruzione universitaria nell’ultimo decennio. All’esordio della European Higher Education Area”, University of Bologna, AlmaLaurea (Bologna, 28 May 2010).

Speaker at the Colloque International on “L’évaluation de la qualité et de l’équité des systèmes d’éducation et de formation: Quels enjeux pour la recherche et l’action?”, Instance Nationale d’Evaluation, Conseil Supérieur de l’Enseignement, Royaume du Maroc (Rabat 20 - 21 April 2010).

Speaker and Co-chairman in the International Conference on “The Schools of Law in the Bologna Process and beyond”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 29 March 2010).

Speaker at the Cerimony for the celebration of the X anniversary of the Master course in Development Innovation and Change (MiDIC), School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 26 - 27 March 2010).

Chairman and speaker at the International Conference on “The Schools of Law in the Bologna Process and beyond”, School of Law, University of Bologna, (Bologna, 29 March 2010).

Co-Chairman in the Conference on “Investimenti in capitale umano nel futuro di Italia ed Europa”, University of Cosenza, AlmaLaurea (Cosenza, 19 March 2010).

Invited speech at the Seminar on “Il linguaggio economico della crisi”, Doctoral programme on Economy and industrial relations law: Curriculum in Law and Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 05 March 2010).

Speaker in the Workshop on “Progetto riforma dell’università: Dieci anni dopo. Scelte degli atenei e delle famiglie, ed esiti sul mercato del lavoro, Fondazione Giovanni Agelli (Torino, 25 January 2010).

2009 Speaker in the Workshop on “La seconda fase dello sviluppo cinese. La sfida ambientale”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 27 November 2009).

Speaker in the round table of the Workshop on “L’evoluzione del sistema universitario italiano tra riforme, regionalizzazione e mobilità”, University of Eastern Piemonte “A. Avogadro”, (Novara, 9-10 November 2009).

Speaker on “La green economy come fattore di sviluppo”, at the Confartigianato Meeting on “I protagonisti dello sviluppo” (Cervia, 23 October 2009).

Lecturer of the Course on “Research and innovation policy in the EU. European higher education and the Bologna process. An economic analysis”, Master in European Studies, UCAM, Murcia, Spain (University of Murcia, 2-3 October 2009).

Participant at the Lectio Magistralis of James J. Heckman on “Investing in our young people”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano, 28 September 2009).

Speaker at the International Conference on “Development of Competencies in the World of Work and Education” (DECOWE), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Ljubljana, 24-26 September 2009).

Speaker and Session Chairman at the International Conference on “The forces of economic growth: A law and economics perspective, Research Center for Law and Economics (RCLE), China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing, 17-19 September 2009).

Introductory speech at the seminar of Prof. Wang Hui of the Qinghua University di Beijng, China “Paths of Chinese Modernisation: A Rethinking of May 4th”, MiDIC, University of Bologna (Bologna, 9 June 2009).

Session co-chairman at the Conference on “Valutazione dei percorsi formativi nell’Università. A dieci anni dalla Dichiarazione di Bologna”, University of Padova, AlmaLaurea (Padova, 27 May 2009).

Speaker in the Round table on “Possibilità economiche dei nostri nipoti?”, Scuola Superiore di Scienze Giuridiche, University of Bologna (Bologna, 15 May 2009).

Speaker at the Meeting on “Cooperazione e università: due mondi a contatto”, Corso di laurea in Sviluppo e Cooperazione Internazionale, University of Bologna (Bologna, 04 May 2009).

Speaker at the Opening Cerimony of the Master in Development Innovation and Change (MiDIC), University of Bologna (Bologna, 03 April 2009).

Speaker in the Round table of the 4th Conference on “Young People & Societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean”, University of Bologna (Forlì, 26-28 March 2009).

Speaker at the Conference on “Economia della formazione professionale”, Università della Svizzera Italiana and EHB/IFFP/IUFFP (Lugano, 16 March 2009).

Speaker at the Conference on “Occupazione e occupabilità dei laureate. A dieci anni dalla Dichiarazione di Bologna”, University of Bari, AlmaLaurea (Bari, 12 March 2009).

Chairman at the Cerimony of inauguration of the Bologna Confucio Institute (Bologna, 02 March 2009).

Key-note speaker in the Session on”Emerging Powers: The new socio-economic scenario”, PRIN-OPENLOC Conference on “Globalization, local development and emerging powers. The role of innovation policies”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 6-7 February 2009).

Speaker in the Round table on “Principi di riordino del quadro giuridico delle società pubbliche”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Studi sull’Amministrazione Pubblica (SPISA), Assonime and Istituto Italiano di Scienze Amministrative (IISA) (Bologna, 04 February 2009).

2008 Official Bologna Seminar on “Employability: The employers’ perspective and its implications, Ministère de la Culture,de la Recherche et de l'Education Supérieure and European Commission, Luxembourg (Abbaye de Neumünster, 6-7 November 2008).

Interview by the OECD Economic Deparment Mission to Italy in preparation for the 2009 Economic Survey, University of Bologna (Bologna, 16 September 2008).

Speaker at the ISA-RC33 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Napoli University (Napoli, 1-5 September, 2008)

Lecturer of the Course on “Education, research and innovation in Europe”, Master in European Studies, UCAM, Murcia, Spain (University of Murcia, 27-28 June 2008).

Speaker at the V Conference of the German Graduate Surveys Network on “International Systems and Experiences with Graduate Surveys as Tools for Higher Education Development and Quality Assurance”, INCHER, Kassel University (Kassel, Germany, 4-5 June 2008)

Speaker at the Workshop on “Assessment of the University-based Research”, Research Director General, European Commission (Bruxelles, 21 April 2008).

Speaker at the International Cooperation Day Conference, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna (Bologna, 8 April 2008).

Speaker at the Workshop on “Emerging powers and networks”, University of Freiburg (Freiburg, 25-26 March 2008).

Marco Biagi Hobituary, Comune di Bologna (Bologna, 19 March 2008).

Speaker at the debate on “Le politiche di coesione e di sviluppo in italia: 2007-2013”, Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 13 March 2008).

2007 Speaker in the Seminar on “Knowledge endowment and composition as dynamic capabilities”, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 29 november 2007) with Giovanni Pegoretti.

Speaker at the Workshop on “Emerging powers and networks”, Fundação Joaquim Nabuco (Recife, 08-11 October 2007).

Speaker at the First exibition on technologies, energetic saving and energy from renewable resources”, Ecoappennino (Porretta Terme, 28 September 2007) (with Anna Montini).

Opening address at the Workshop on “Libertà religiosa e diritti umani nell’Est Europa”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 21 September 2007).

Lecturer of the Course on “Human capital, technological change and innovation in Europe: Economic theory and public policies”, Master in European Studies, UCAM, Spain (University of Murcia, 13-14 July 2007).

Speaker at the Seminar on “L’accreditamento dei corsi di studio: Possibili indicatori e soglie”, Comitato Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema Universitario – Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, 21 June 2007).

Panel Chair at the Conference on “Dall’università al lavoro in Italia e in Europa”, University of Bologna, AlmaLaurea (Bologna, 2-3 March 2007).

Speaker at the Workshop on “Emerging powers and Europe”, Jawaharlal Nerhu University (New Delhy, 20-22 February 2007).

Speaker at the the Conference on “Giovani, innovazione e lavoro”, University of Salento (26 February 2007).

Session Chairman at the Conference on “Quasi mercati, partnership e reti per la governance dei sistemi educativi”, Fondazione Alma Mater (Bologna, 2 February 2007).

Discussan at the PRIN-MIUR Workshop on “New forms of labour division, infrastructures, internationalisation and local development: Economic policy outlooks”, Research Project PRIN-MIUR 2005, University of Salento (Lecce, 26 - 27 January 2007).

Chair of the Workshop on “Emerging powers, value chain, networks”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 20 January 2007).

2006 Speaker at the the Conference on “Orientamento, consulenza di carriera e accompagnamento al placement nel mercato del lavoro attuale”, CETRANS, Faculty of Psychology, Bologna University, Cesena Campus (Cesena, 19 December 2006).

Speaker at the distance learning Seminar on “Discrimination in labour markets”, Universities of Bologna, Firenze, Navarra and Pais Vasco (Bologna, 24 November 2006).

Speaker at the Seminar Series on “I diritti di cittadinanza”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 21 November 2006).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Economics of production and incomes policy”, METES Foundation (Bologna, 10 November 2006).

Chairman and speaker at the International Workshop on “Higher Education in Legal Studies and Professional Prospects for Law Graduates in Europe” and the Faculty Conference on “The Internationalization of the School of Law”, School of Law, University of Bologna, (Bologna, 12-13 October 2006).

Speaker in the Round table on “Il management delle università tra istanze di modernità ed efficacia e rispetto di regole giuridico-contabili, Ufficio Dirigenziale Sviluppo Risorse Umane, University of Bologna (Bologna 9 October 2006).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Attività d’impresa e passaggio generazionale”, School of Law, University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus (Ravenna, 21 September 2006).

Discussant in the Conference on “La specializzazione territoriale del sistema produttivo italiano, Department of Statistics, University of Bologna (Bologna 29-30 May 2006).

Speaker at the Conference on “Lo sviluppo locale: Regole, strumenti, risorse”, Lecce University (Lecce 12-13 May 2006)

Presentation of the research report on “Valutazione ex-ante, in itinere, ex-post dei progetti di sviluppo dell’Appennino Bolognese”, Fondazione CARISBO (Bologna 6 April 2006). Speaker at the International Conference on “The economic reform in Albania: Its present reality and perspectives”, University of Tirana (Tirana, 23 March 2006).

Speaker at the Conference on “Dall’università al lavoro”, University of Roma “La Sapienza”, AlmaLaurea (Roma, 23 February 2006).

2005 Speaker at the IRER Workshop on “Il capitale umano in Lombardia”, IRER (Milano, 12 December 2005)

Speaker at the Final Conference on “Dynamic capabilities, firm organization and local systems of production”, Research Project PRIN-MIUR 2003, University of Bologna (Bologna, 25 - 26 November 2005).

Speaker at the distance learning Seminar on “Change in the household as an economic organisation”, Universities of Bologna, Firenze, Navarra and Pais Vasco (Bologna, 25 November 2005).

Speaker at the SARFaL Meeting on “Appropriate quality assessment for the production of knowledge in the field of legal and socio-economic studies”, School of Law and Department of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 18-19 November 2005).

Speaker at the Seminar Series on “Metamorfosi del matrimonio e forme di convivenza affettiva”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 10 November 2005).

Invited seminar on “Capitale umano, cambiamento tecnologico e innovazione”, University of Bari (Bari, 8 November 2006).

Speaker at the UNICEF Conference on “Un bilancio che riguarda tutti” (Milano, 24 October 2005).

Speaker in the round table “Cervia città dello sport”, Adriatic Golf Club (Milano Marittima, 22 October 2005).

Presentation of the book by Cafaggi F., Reti d’imprese tra regolazione e norme sociali. Nuove prospettive tra diritto ed economia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 (Bologna, 18 October 2005).

Speaker at the IRER Workshop on “Il capitale umano in Lombardia”, IRER (Milano, 6 October 2005)

Speaker and Co-chairman at the Conference on “Le città per i diritti dei popoli”, Incontro pubblico con i rappresentanti dei popoli ospiti in regione, Regione Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 14 September 2005).

Speaker at the Meeting on “Le fondazioni dall’origine bancaria ad oggi”, Centro Studi sulle Fondazioni della Associazione Federativa delle Casse di Risparmio dell’Emilia-Romagna, (Bologna, 23 June 2005).

Speaker at the PRIN-MIUR Workshop on “Dynamic Capabilities between Firm Organisation and Local Production Systems”, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale (Novara, 20-21 June 2005).

Speaker at the Conference on “Investimenti in capitale umano: misurazione, implicazioni ed effetti”, ISFOL (Roma, 16 giugno 2005).

Speaker at the International Conference on Comparative Law, Law School, Soochow University (Taipei, June 2005).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Economia applicata”, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione (Bologna, 26 maggio 2005).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Politica economica, organizzazioni non profit e principio di sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, May 2005).

Speaker at the EU Tempus Project Seminar on “Reform of the Law Faculty Curriculum of the University of Sarajevo”, University of Bologna, Institute for the Central Eastern Europe and the Balkans (Bertinoro, 29 April 2005).

Participant in the International Conference on “Post-conflict transitions: A conversation with national leaders”, New York Center on International Cooperation and International Peace Academy (New York, 28-29 March 2005).

Speaker at the Science and Society Forum 2005 on "Science, society and the Lisbon Strategy", European Commission (Bruxelles, 9 - 11 March 2005).

MIUR Workshop on “Dynamic Capabilities between Firm Organisation and Local Production Systems”, University of Padova (Padova, 18-19 February 2005).

Speaker at the Workshop on “Sfide europee: Costituzione, diritti, economia”, I.T.C. “Crescenzi” and I.T.G. “Pacinotti” (Bologna, 2 February 2005)

2004 Speaker in the round table on “Le fondazioni di origine bancaria: Problemi e prospettive”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma, 26 novembre 2004).

“Effectiveness and efficiency of the school system: the economics of education contribution”, Invited speech for the Seminar on “Verso un quasi mercato? Problemi di governance, accountability and management delle istituzioni scolastiche”, Faculty of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 19 November 2004).


Participation to the official opening of the Academic Year 2004-2005 of the University of Bologna (Bologna, 6 November 2004).

Laudatio for the award of the honorary degree in Law to Lakhdar Brahimi, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on Peace and Security, University of Bologna (Bologna, 5 November 2004).

Coordination and speaker in the round table on “National Ownership and Transferability of Political, Legal and Economic Institutions in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations: The Role of the United Nations and Academia”, School of Development Innovation and Change, University of Bologna (Bologna, 4 November 2004).

Chairman and speaker at the session on "Organizazione, Conoscenza, Produttività", XXXV Scientific Annual Meeting, Italian Economic Association (SIE) (Bologna, 22 October 2004) with F. Malerba.

Chair and speaker in the Conference on “Pluralismo scientifico e valutazione della ricerca economica”, Società Italiana degli Economisti, Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, CERIS CNR (Milano, 28 September 2004).

Speaker and Session Chairman at the X Meeting of the International Schumpeter Society, Bocconi University (Milano, 9-12 June 2004)

Discussant in the PRIN-MIUR Workshop on “Dynamic Capabilities between Firm Organisation and Local Production Systems”, University of Lecce (Lecce, 25-26 June 2004).

Speaker at the Conference on “Istituzioni, Governance e Sviluppo Locale”, University of Foggia (Foggia, 4-5 June 2004)

Discussant in the IRER Seminar on “Il capitale umano: definizione e metodi di misurazione”, IRER (Milano, 26 May 2004).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Mercato del lavoro e flessibilità”, Department of Economic Science, University of Bologna (Bologna, 25 May 2004).

Speaker at the Conference on “Knowledge production and human resources in economic development”, European Commission, “The Europe of Knowledge 2020: A vision for university-based research and innovation” (Liège 25 - 28 April 2004).

Speaker on “Unione Europea: situazione e opportuntà offerte dal quadro economico e dall’allargamento” (Cervia, 23 March 2004).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Organizzazioni non profit e principio di sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2004).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Politica economica, livelli di governo e sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2004).

Member of the Expert Evaluator Pannel on “Understanding knowledge” under the Programme “Citizens and governance in knowledge based society” (Bruxelles, 1 - 5 March 2004).

Teleconference with Centro Studi Confindustria in the framework of the Focus Group on “Firm Local Systems, Innovation and Technology” (Bruxelles, 05 March 2004).

  • 2003Discussant in the PRIN-MIUR Workshop on “Dynamic Capabilities between Firm Organisation and Local Production Systems”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 17 December 2003).

IV International Colloquium on “Globalisation, New Technologies and Economic Relations”, University of Brasilia (Brasilia, 4-5 December, 2003).

Session Chairman in the Conference on “Local Knowledge, Learning Processes and the Role of Institutions”, CRENOS, University of Cagliari (Cagliari 7-8 November 2003).

Speaker at the Semineat series on "Tendenze dell’economia", Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Napoli, 15 ottobre 2003)

Workshop on “Non Profit: Not a Sector but a Method”, Meeting (Rimini, 28 August 2003).

Member of the Expert Evaluator Pannel in the Programma Marie Curie European Fellowship, European Commission (Bruxelles, 28 April – 31 December 2003).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Organizzazioni non profit e principio di sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2003).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Politica economica, livelli di governo e sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2003).

  • 2002Speaker at the PRIN-MIUR Workshop on “Local Systems, Social Capital, Economic Development: The Role of Knowledge”, Project on “Infrastructures, Competitiveness, Levels of Governement: Knowledge and Development of the New Economy”, University of Trento (Trento, 13 December 2002).

Discussant in the PRIN-MIUR Workshop on “Firm and Social Capital. Analysis, Theory and Economic Policy”, Project on “Infrastructures, Competitiveness, Levels of Governement: Knowledge and Development of the New Economy”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 19 October 2003).

Speaker on “Macroeconomic policy and employment policy in the EU”, Group de Refléxion, Confédération Europeenne des Syndicats, Observatoire Social Européen (Bruxelles, 3 June 2002).

Speaker at the Conference on “IV indagine AlmaLaurea sulla condizione occupazionale dei laureati. Indagine 2001”, AlmaLaurea (Messina, 14 March 2002).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Organizzazioni non profit e principio di sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2002).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Politica economica, livelli di governo e sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2002).

  • 2001Closing Cerimony of the EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme (Beijing, 19 December 2001).

Series of Seminars on “Sussidiarietà e decentramento”, Consorzio Scuole Lavoro (Bologna, November 2001).

Sessions chairman in the International Conference on “New trends and perspectives in European studies” (Beijing, 10-13 July 2001).

Conference on “La Cattedra negata: dal giuramento di fedeltà al fascismo alle leggi razziali”, University of Bologna (Bologna, 12 June 2001).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Organizzazioni non profit e principio di sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2001).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Politica economica, livelli di governo e sussidiarietà”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, March 2001).

“Capitale umano e nuova economia reale”, Meeting on“Technology and new society”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma, 5-6 April 2001).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Quale futuro per l’Università”, Student Office, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 3 April 2001).

“Immigrazione: Scelta o condanna”, I mercoledì di Irnerio, Law Faculty, University of Bologna (Bologna, 21 February, 2001).

Speaker at the PRIN-MURST Workshop on “Institutional Structures and Technological System”, Project on “Infrastructures, Competitiveness, Governement’s Level: From the Italian to the European Economy”, University of Lecce (Lecce, 19-20 January 2001).

2000 Speaker at the workshop “Cooperazione sociale e istituzioni: Analisi e prospettive in Lombardia, Seminario regionale su “Cooperazione sociale e sviluppo economico in Lombardia”, Regione Lombardia (Milano, 12 December 2000).

Discussant in the round table “Entrare nel mondo del lavoro: Quali strategie?”, Salone dell’Orientamento (Forlì, 24-25 November 2000).

Comment on the paper by K. Drake Seminar on "Education expansion, employment and labour markets", University of Toulouse (Toulouse, 9-10 November 2000).

Discussant in the PRIN-MURST Workshop on "Infrastrutture, Territorio, Settori Produttivi", Project on “Infrastructures, Competitiveness, Governement’s Level: From the Italian to the European Economy”, University of Verona (Verona, 16 October 2000).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Formazione professionale e ruolo dei nuovi centri per l’impiego”, Provincia di Forlì-Cesena (Forlì, 10 October 2000).

Speaker at the Convention on “Professioni legali, ruolo degli operatori giuridici e formazione del giurista“, School of Law (Ravenna, 30 September 2000).

Introduction and conclusion, Workshop on “Monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche del lavoro per una nuova economia”, Department of Economica (Bologna, 15 September 2000).

Speaker on “Innovation and human capital in the new real economy: Some evidence and interpretative hints”, XXXX Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Barcelona (29August– 1 September 2000).

Discussant in the Conference on "Diffusione e caratteristiche dei gruppi di piccole e medie imprese nelle aree distrettuali. Dove va il distretto industriale?", Fondazione Giordano Dell'Amore e IDSE-CNR (Milano, 23 June 2000). Comment on the papers of the Session on “Immigration and crime: Economic and sociological perspectives”, Fifth Biennial Conference “International Perspectives on Crime, Justice and Public Order”, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, University of Bologna (Bertinoro, 5 June 2000). Speaker at the PRIN-MURST Workshop on "Sussidiarietà, Territorio e Livelli di Governo", Project on “Infrastructures, Competitiveness, Governement’s Level: From the Italian to the European Economy”, Cattolic University of Milano (Milano, 26 May 2000). Speaker on “L’Euro e il turismo”, Libera Università per Adulti e la Terza Età (Cervia, 6 March 2000). Discussant in the Meeting on “Tecnologie informatiche e fonti amministrative nella formazione dei dati economici”, Department of Statistical Science (Bologna, 28-29 February 2000). Discussant in the Seminar on “L’integrazione tra i sistemi nell’era dell’autonomia: Scuola e formazione”, Provincia di Forlì-Cesena (Forlì, 27 January 2000). Co-chairman and concluding speaker at the Convention on “Le scienze sociali e la nuova crisi balcanica”, CNR (Roma, 27 June 2000).

1999 Speaker at the PRIN-MURST Workshop on “International division of labour and structural change in local economic systems”, Project on “Infrastructures, competitiveness, government’s levels: From the Italian to the European economy”, Department of Economics, University of Trento (17 December 1999).

Speaker at the Conference on “Institutions, human capital and development in Southern Italy” (Portici, 14 December 1999).

Speaker at the Conference of the Migration Council of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Rio de Janeiro, 29 November – 2 December 1999).

Speaker at the Conference on “The local welfare system” (Forlì, 26 November 1999).

Presentation of the main results of the research project on “The growth of social cooperative firms in Lombardy”, IREF (Milano, 25 November 1999). Preparatory meeting of the Conference of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei on “Technology and Society”(Roma, 5 November 1999).

XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian Economic Association (SIE) on "Education: Economics and Institutions” (Ancona, 29-30 October 1999).

Chair and Speaker on “International co-operation and local development” at the International Workshop of the School of Development, Innovation and Change (SDIC) (Bologna, 25-26 October 1999).

Conference and round table of the CNR Strategic Project on “Misure e parametri per la politica economica e sociale Sottoprogetto 2: Indicatori di capitale umano” (Roma, 23-24 June 1999).

Organization of the course on “Theory of Economic Development” with Prof. Mark Tomlinson of the University of Manchester (Faculty of Law, Bologna, 5-12 May 1999).

Discussant in the PRIN-MURST Workshop on “Industrial and compensation policies for development: from the local to the global level”, Project on “Infrastructures, competitiveness, government’s levels: From the Italian to the European economy”, Department of Economics, University of Ferrara (Ferrara, 30 April 1999).

Conference on “Authonomy and integration. Processes and experiences for school and vocational training” (Forlì, 27 April 1999).

Workshop on “A new methodology for monitoring labour policies ata a regional level”, Emilia-Romagna Region (Bologna, 16 April 1999).

Session Chair of the international workshop on “Understanding the Labour Market.Models of Duration, Labour Market Histories, Job Search and Matching” (Venezia, 15-16 January 1999).

1998 Presentation of the First Annual Report on “Structural transformation, competitivity and local production systems in Italy”, IDSE-CNR (Milano, 18 December 1998).

Chair of the economic session in the First International Conference on “I servizi di pubblica utilità alla persona”, Inter-University Research Center on Personal Public Services (CRISP) (Milano, 20 November 1998).

XXXIX Scientific Meeting of the Italian Economic Association (SIE) on "The Economics of Research" (Milano, 22- October 1998).

Chair of the session on “Education, growth and labour market”, XIII National Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL), (Trieste, 1-3 October 1998).

“Arriva l’Euro”, Libera Università per Adulti e la Terza Età (Cervia, 5 ottobre 1998).

Discussant in the seminar on “Convergence of European labour markets: problems and toolboxes”, XI International Congress of IIRA (Bologna, 24 September 1998).

Discussant in the X Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar on “Unemployment in Europe before and after EMU”, CEIS, University of Roma Tor Vergata (Roma Tor Vergata, 6-7 June 1998).

Workshop on “Conceptualising and measuring innovation in the service sector”, ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (CRIC), University of Manchester (Manchester, May, 1998).

Organization of the course on “Knowledge, Competences and Capacities” with Prof. Brian John Loasby of the University of Stirling (Faculty of Law, Bologna, 18 February - 15 May 1998).

Chair of the concluding conference of the CNR Strategic Project on “Unemployment and the Low Participation Rate in Italy: Specific Determinants and Appropriate Policies”, CNR (Roma, 20 March 1998).

Organization of the course on “Technological Innovation and Economic Growth” with Prof. Stanley Metcalfe of the University of Manchester (Faculty of Law, Bologna, 17 - 14 February 1998).

Speaker at the Conference on “Social utility and non profit: The role of foundations”, Centro Studi per la Ricerca e la Formazione sulle Fondazioni (Bologna, 30 January 1998).

Chair of the workshop on the CNR Strategic Project on “Unemployment and the Low Participation Rate in Italy: Specific Determinants and Appropriate Policies”, CNR (Roma, 16 January 1998).

1997 Discussant of the semi-annual Report by E.S. Phelps on “Enterprise and inclusion in the formal economy of Italy: The problems of high unemployment and stagnation”, CNR (Roma, 24 November 1997).

Chair of the workshop on “Labour policies and educational policies”, IDSE-CNR (Milano, 11 November 1997).

Presentation to the Italian Economic Association (SIE) of the CNR Strategic Project on “Unemployment and the Low Participation Rate in Italy: Specific Determinants and Appropriate Policies”, CNR (Roma, 16 October 1997).

XII National Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL), (Cagliari, 2-4 October 1997).

Chair of the workshop on “Social expenditure, economic compatibilities and growth model: Which are the main questions for the reformers?”, Department of Economics (Bologna, 29 September 1997).

Panel on “Is it convenient for Italy to enter the EMU?”, (Mirandola, 20 May 1997).

Discussant in the workshop on “The Economic Effects of Employment Regulation: What are the Limits?”, IDSE-CNR (Milano, 30 May 1997). Discussant in the workshop on “Medium-long Term Dynamics of Industrial Employment in OECD Countries”, Ateneo Project, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 28 May 1997). Session chairman at the 1997 International Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL) on “International Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and Employment”, University of Messina (Messina, 22-23 May 1997). Monday seminars, Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venezia (Venezia, 12 May 1997) (with G. Pegoretti). Workshop on “Thinking about the Works of the National Commission for the Analysis of Macroeconomic Constraints on Social Expenditure”, Ateneo Project, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 5 May 1997).

Conference on “A Prototype Youthstart – Janus”, Regione Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 29 April 1997).

International Conference on “Training and the Labour Market: Prospects for Vocational Guidance”, Centro per le Transizioni al Lavoro e nel Lavoro (Cesena, 18-19 aprile 1997). Conference on “EU Action Employment: Now, Horizon, Youthstart, Integra”, Provincia di Forlì-Cesena e Regione Emilia-Romagna (Forlì, 7 April 1997).

Conference on “The Evaluation of the Training System Effectiveness for its Understanding and Improvement”, Provincia di Forlì-Cesena (Forlì, 20 February 1997).

Discussant in the CIRFID Conference on “The Citizensip Income”, School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 24 January 1997).

International conference of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei on “Technological Development and Unemployment: the Change in Society”(Roma, 16-18 January 1997).

1996 Chair of the Workshop on “The Italian Economy and its International Position: A Reassessment of Employment Policies”, Ateneo Project, Department of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 13 December 1996).

Chair of the Conference on “Employment, Local Labour Markets and Global Economic Change”, CNR Stategic Project on “Unemployment and the Low Participation Rate in Italy: Specific Determinants and Appropriate Policies” (Roma, 11 December 1996).

Conference of the Giorgio Rota Commitee on “Training and Labour in the Age of Information Networks” (Torino, 23 November 1996).

XI National Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL), University of Napoli (Napoli, October 1996).

Conference on “Istitutional and Structural Change”, Human Capital and Mobility Programme, European Commission and Polish Academy of Science (Warsaw, Jablonna 6-8 Sempteber 1996).

VIII Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar on “Finance, Research, Education and Growth”, CEIS, University of Roma Tor Vergata (Mondragone, 25-27 June 1996).

Chair of the seminar series on “European Integration and German Unification” held by Ronald Schettkat (WZB, Berlin) at the School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 3-5 June 1996).

Workshop on “Economic Growth and Human Resources Formation” IDSE – CNR (Milano, 17 May 1996).

International Conference on “The Economic Reform in Albania: Its Present Reality and Perspectives”, University of Tirana (Tirana, 23 March 1996).

1995 Conference on "The Quality of the Educational System", CEASCO - ANP (Torino, 4 December 1995).

XI International Conference on “Input - Output Techniques”, University of Delhi (New Delhi, 27 November – 1 December 1995).

Speaker at the Conference on "A Region on the Other Side of Adriatic See", Chamber of Commerce (Rimini, 24 November 1995).

Speaker at the Workshop on "Public Services", University of Bologna, “Postgraduate School in Public Administration Studies” (SPISA), School of Law, University of Bologna (Bologna, 9 November 1995).

Scientific coordinator of the X Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economics (AIEL), University of Bologna (Bologna, 5-7 October 1995).

Summer Workshop on "Discontinuous Institutional Change and the Economic System: Theory and Evidence", EACES - Department of Economics, University of Trento (Castel Ivano, 8-13 July 1995).

Speaker at the Seminar on “Human Resources and Economic Development”, ANP (Bra, 21 April 1995).

Speaker at the Workshop on "Sustainable Development and Models of Capitalism", IDSE-CNR (Milano, 6 April 1995).

Speaker at the Conference on “School Autonomy and Innovation”, ANP (Venezia, 11 March 1995).

Workshop of the TESI project on “Social and Economic Transformation in Italy”, University of Ancona (Ancona, 13-14 January 1995).

1994 Workshop on "The Economic Analysis of Institutional and Structural Change as an Integrated Dynamic Process", Human Capital and Mobility Programme, IDSE-CNR (Milano, 16-17 December 1994).

Chair of the seminar series on "Concepts and Analytical Tools in Economic Dynamics", IDSE, Milano (Academic Years 1993 – 94).

Euroconference on "Industrial Economic Strategies for Europe Preparing for the Turn of the Century", Human Capital and Mobility Programme, University of Bologna (Forlì, 2-3 December 1994).

Conference on "Educational Research Autonomy and School Development" (Firenze, 25 October 1994).

Session chairman at the VII World Conference of Social Economics, University of Verona (Verona, 3 August 1994).

Speaker at the Workshop on "Out of Equilibrium Analysis. Modelling and Simulation", CNRS-LATAPSES (Sophia Antipolis-Valbonne, 26-27 maggio 1994) (with N. De Liso).

Seminar on "Tecnological Change and Economic Growth: Some Recent Acquisitions and Open Questions in the Economic Debate", LATAPSES-CNRS (Sophia Antipolis-Valbonne, 10 March 1994) (with N. De Liso).

Seminar on "The Teaching of Economics in the School of Law: The Nature of Research Activity, the Relationships with Law Subjects and the Educational Issues", University of Bologna (Bologna, 25 February 1994).

Workshop of the CNR Strategic Project on "Tecnological Change and Industrial Development", CNR (Roma, 17 January 1994) (with N. De Liso).

1993 Speaker at the Workshop on "The Economic Analysis of Institutional and Structural Change as an Integrated Dynamic Process", Human Capital and Mobility Programme, University of Siena (Siena, 12-14 November 1993).

Speaker in the workshop “Economic Development and dualism in Italy”, IDSE – CNR and Development Research Center of the People’s Republic of China (Milano, 21 September 1993).

Chair of the round table on topic “The economic transition in Russia and the role of Europe”, IDSE – CNR (Milano, 27 May 1993).

Speaker at the Workshop on "Structural Dynamics, Trade Cycle and Employment", IDSE (Milano, 23 April 1993).

Seminar on "Production System and Tecnological System", Department of Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, 29 March 1993) (with N. De Liso).

Coordinator of Research Unit on topic “System competitiveness and technological change”, Strategic Project CNR on “Technological change and Industrial Development” (Academic Years 1992 – 94).

1992 XXXIII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Economic Association (SIE) on "New and Old Theories of Growth" (Roma, 30-31 October 1992).

Workshop on "Systems of Innovation", European Commission, University of Bologna and LATAPSES-CNRS (Sophia Antipolis-Valbonne, 5-6 October 1992) (with N. De Liso).

II EACES Conference on "Problems of Transforming Economies", University of Groningen (Groningen, 24-26 September 1992) (with R. Leoncini).

Chair of the seminar on "Migrations and European Integration: the Position of Italy", University of Bologna – IDSE-CNR (Milano, 5-6 June 1992).

Conference on "Governing Migration Flows in Europe: Cooperation or Conflict", Emilia-Romagna Region- CNEL (Bologna, 28-29 May 1992).

Coordinator of the seminar series on "Research Programmes in Labour Economics", IDSE-CNR, Milano.

Speaker at the Workshop on “Structural Dinamics, Trade Cycle and Employment”, IDSE-CNR (Milano, 14 April 1992).

Coordinator of the seminar series on "Theory of Production", IDSE-CNR (Milano, February-March 1992).

1991 Session chairman at the VI National Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL), University of Bergamo (Bergamo, 10-11 October 1991).

Speaker at the Conference on "Labour Cost, Real Earnings and Income Support", Emilia-Romagna Region - CNEL (Bologna 17-18 April 1991).

Speaker at the SPES workshop on: "The Dynamics of Industrial Structural Change and International Integration in the EC", IDSE-CNR (Milano, 22-23 March 1991).

Speaket at the Conference on "Research, Innovation and Economic Growth", University of Trento (Trento, 21-22 February 1991) (with G. Pegoretti).

Session chairman at the international conference on "Underdevelopment and Migration", University of Verona (Verona, 14-16 February 1991).

Conference on "The New Europe and the Italian University", USPUR - University of Ancona (Ancona, 4 February 1991).

Speaker at the SPES workshop on "The Dynamics of Industrial Structural Change and International Integration in the EC", University of Bologna (Bologna, 18-19 January 1991).

1990 Speaker at the Seminar on "The Economic Analysis of New Materials", IDSE-CNR (Milano, 14-15 November 1990).

Speaker at the Conference on "Firm and Environment", University of Napoli (Napoli, 18 June 1990).

Speaker at the Seminar on "Technological Systems and Structural Dynamics", University of Trento (Trento, 7 April 1990).

Speaker at the SPES workshop on "The Dynamics of Industrial Structural Change and International Integration in the EC", CEPREMAP (Parigi, 8-10 January 1990).

1989 International conference on "Economic Analysis, Structural Change and Technical Progress", IDSE-CNR (Milano, 23-24 November 1989).

Speaker in the Work group on "Institutional Opportunities" of the International Conference on "Global Natural Resources Monitoring and Assesments: Preparing for the 21st Century", IUFRO – FAO (Venezia, 24-30 Sempteber 1989).

1988 XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Italian Economic Association (SIE) on "Structural Economic Dynamics" (Roma, 27-28 October 1988).

Seminar on "Comparative Agrarian Reforms in LDC", University of Bologna (Bologna, 20 May 1988).

1986 Coordinator of the international conference on "The Agro-Technological System towards 2000: a European Perspective" (Bologna, 18-20 May 1986). 1985 Speaker at the Conference on "Personal Income Distribution: Problems of Determination, Classification and Measurement", University of Brescia. 1983 Coordinator of the International Conference on "Technological Innovation and Production Structure: The Italian Case" (Milano, 2-3 December 1983).

Co-chairman of the VIII Annual Colloquium on Economic Psychology of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, University of Bologna (Bologna, 8 July 1983).

1982 Speaker at the Seminar on "Segmentation and Equilibrium in Italian and Hungarian Labour Markets", University of Trento (Trento, 20 May 1982). 1980 Speaker at the International Conference on "Statistical Information on Education, Labour Market, and Youth Employment Policies", Fondazione Giorgo Cini, (Venezia 5-7 November 1980).

Speaker at the VI World Congress of the International Economic Association on "Human Resources, Employment and Development" (Mexico City, 4-8 Agust 1980).

1979 Collaboration with the CERI - OECD Research on "Structure and Performance of University Education in Europe", for the part referring to the University of Trento. 10. Other activities


National Expert in the European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI), European Commission and ECORYS.


National Expert in the European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI), European Commission and ECORYS.


Member of the selecting commission of the public bid for a permanent and full time position as “Responsabile dell’Ufficio di Amministrazione e Contabilità” at AlmaLaurea.


National Expert in the European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI), European Commission and ECORYS.


Member of the Commission Expert Group on Graduate Tracking, Commissione Europea.


Member of the Commission Expert Group on Graduate Tracking, Commissione Europea.


Member of the Commission Expert Group on Graduate Tracking, Commissione Europea.

Member of the commission for the final exam, Research Doctorate Programme in “Development Economics and Local Systems - DELoS” (University of Trento, 11 July 2018).

Member of the panel for the appointment of the research team on the project “Analisi, revisione e sviluppo delle metodologie di indagine relative alle rilevazioni sulla condizione occupazione dei laureati utilizzata dal Consorzio AlmaLaurea” (Milano, 25 th of January 2018).


Participant to the works of the plattform Urban@bo sponsored by the University of Bologna, Bologna Municipality, Metropolitan City of Bologna and Centro Nazionale di Studi per le Politiche Urbane.


Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “European Law and Economics”, University of Bologna (June).


Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “European Law and Economics”, University of Bologna (September).

Member of the Dissertation Committee for the Final Defense in the Doctoral Programme “European Law and Economics”, University of Bologna (January).


Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “European Law and Economics”, University of Bologna (September).


Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “European Law and Economics”, University of Bologna (November).

External Member of the Electoral Board for the selection of Professor and Director in the Institute for Employment Research, Warwick University, UK (October and November).


Member of the selection Committee for research fellows at the Faculty of Economics, University of Perugia.

Member of the national selection Committee for full professorships confirmation in Economics, February - September 2011.


Member of the selection Committee for research fellows at the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy.


Member of the selection committee for full professorships at the University of Foggia, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), with resignation on 24/06/2010.

Member of the selection committee for associate professorships at the University of Val d’Aosta, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics).

Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “Law and Economics”, University of Bologna.

Member of the evaluation panel on the research activity of the Department of International Studies, Third University of Roma.


Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the University of Bari, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), October-December 2008.

Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “Law and Economics”, University of Bologna.


Member of the National Commission for the Diplomatic Competition, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Rome (May-November).


Member of the national selection committee for full professorships confirmation in Economics, September 2006.

Member of the selection committee for full professorships at the University of Bari, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), January-March 2006.


Member of the selection committee for associate professorships at the University of Padova, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), October-December 2005.

Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “Law and Economics”, University of Bologna.

Member of the national selection committee for full professorships confirmation in Economics, Roma, October 2005.

Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the University of Foggia, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), January-March 2005.


Member of the selection committee for full professorships at the Catholic University of Milano, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), July-October 2004.

Member of the evaluation panel on “Understanding knowledge” - FP6 (Bruxelles, 5 – 9 March 2004).


Member of the evaluation panel of Marie Curie Fellowships - FP6, Economic, Social and Human Sciences (Bruxelles, April 2003).

Member of the selection committee for associate professorships at the University of Foggia, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), March-April 2003.


Member of the selection committee for full professorships at the University of Lecce, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), June–September 2002.

Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), University of Bologna, Ravenna campus, June-September 2002.

Advisor of the Regional government of Emilia-Romagna in the field of labour and training policies.

Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “Law and Economics”, University of Bologna.


Member of the selection committee for associate professorships, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), Faculty of Political Science, University of Bari, June-September 2001.

Member of the selection committee for full professorships, Scientific Sector SECS/P-01 (Economics), School of Law, University of Padova, October 2000- February 2001.

Advisor of the Regional government of Emilia-Romagna in the field of labour and training policies.

2000 Member of Scientific Board on “Sicurezza Urbana - Comune di Bologna” (December 2000).

Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the Faculty of Lw, University of Bologna, Scientific Sector P01A (Economics), May-June 2000.

Member of the Association “Cesare Vivante” for the promotion of studies in Law and Economics, (from March).

Advisor of the Regional government of Emilia-Romagna in the field of labour and training policies.


Member of the Steering Committee on “Social sciences and the new Balkan crisis” of the National Research Council (CNR), Roma.

Member of the Selection Committee of the Collegio di Eccellenza, University of Bologna.

Member of the evaluation panel of Marie Curie Fellowships, Economic, Social and Human Sciences, European Commission (Bruxelles 17-18 June 1999).

Member of the national selection committee for research fellowships confirmation in Economics (1998-99), Roma.

Advisor of the Regional government of Emilia-Romagna in the field of labour and training policies, Bologna.


National coordinator of the MURST research project on “Infrastructures, competitivity, government levels: From the Italian to the European economy”.

National coordinator of the research subproject on “Social welfare, market and labour policies”, CNR Stategic Project on “Italy and Europe: Governance and policies for the economic and social development”.

Member of the ISTAT Scientific Committee for the Statistic Report on Emilia-Romagna Region, Bologna.

Member of the selection Committee of the Post-Doctoral Scholarships, University of Bologna.

Coordinator of the research project on “Monitoring Labour Policies in the Emilia-Romagna Region”, Department of Economic Sciences, University of Bologna.

Member of the National final examination Committee for the Doctoral Programmes in Economics.


Member of the Scientific Committee of the Project Janus I and II, AECA, Bologna.

National coordinator of the CNR research unit on “Social security, labour market and policies”, CNR Strategic Project, “L’Italia verso l’Europa: Governance e politiche per lo sviluppo economico e sociale” (from november).

Member of the Executive Committee of the “Associazione per la Promozione della Cultura delle Fondazioni”, Bologna (from June). 1996-1997 Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “Economics and Institution”, University of Bologna. Scientific collaboration with Regione Emilia-Romagna and ERVET on “Valutazione dell’efficacia occupazionale dei corsi di formazione del FSE”, Bologna. Member of the Scienfic Committee for the Iniziativa Comunitaria Youthstart, “Progetto regionale per la formazione professionale e l’inserimento lavorativo dei giovani nell’Unione Europea - Janus”, Bologna.


National coordinator of the CNR Strategic Project “Unemployment and the low activity rate in Italy: Specific determinants and appropriate policies” (from November 1996 to december 1997).

Co-Coordinator of the Ateneo Project on “The Italian Economy and its International Position: A Reassessment of Welfare and Employment Policies”, Department of Economic Science, University of Bologna.

Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship, Scientific Sector P01 (Economics), Faculty of Political Science, University of Cagliari, June 1996.

Invited speaker at the International Conference on “The Economic Reform in Albania: Its present Reality and Perspectives”, University of Tirana (Tirana, 23 March 2006).

1995-1997 Member of the selection committee for a research directorship, IDSE-CNR, Milano. Study mission to the University of Asmara (Eritrea) in the framework of a cooperation programme between the University of Asmara and the University of Bologna (1-8 March 1995). 1994-1997 Member of the Royal Economic Society. 1993-1995 Member of the Economic and Social Sciences Experts Panel of the "Human Capital and Mobility" Programme, and the "Training and Mobility of Researchers" Programme, Economic Commission, Bruxelles. 1993-1994 Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the University of Pavia, Group N. P01 (Economics), Faculty of Economics. 1992-1995 Member of the National selection Committee for full professorships, Group N. P0112 (Economics), Roma. 1992-1994 Scientific coordinator of the Research unit on "Economic System's Competitiveness and Technological Change", CNR Strategic Project on "Technological Change and Industrial Development". 1992-1993 Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Economical Observatory of Verona (December 1992- October 1993). 1992 Research mission to Albania in the framework of a CNR research’s project on Albanian Economic System (Tirana, 8 – 15 February 1992).


Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the University of Calabria- Arcavacata, Group 20 (Economics), Faculty of Economics and Social Science.


Member of the National Commitee for Doctoral studies in “Economics”.

Member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL).

Invited speech at the VII USPUR Conference on “La nuova Europa e l’Università Italiana” (Ancona, 04 February) (with A. Quadrio Curzio).


Participation to the workshop on “Studi per una carta dei valori economici ed ecologici delle foreste in Italia” (Monte San Savino, Arezzo, January 1990).

1989-1990 Member of the selection Committee for the admission to the Doctoral Programme in “Structure and Economic Behaviour”, University of Bologna.


Member of commitee for assignment of study’s prize “Giorgio Forti”, University of Bologna


Invited speech at the conference on waste to energy plants organized by the Brescia Municipality.


Member of the commitee for the cultural initiatives of the IX Centenary of University of Bologna.

Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the Catholic University of Milan, Group 20 (Economics), Faculty of Political Science.

Member of the selection commitee for a scholarship’s assignment AROC, Department of Organization and Political System, University of Bologna.

Member of the European Economic Association (EEA).


Planning of a national report on the state of agriculture in Italy, Gruppo di San Martino (Nomisma, Bologna, November) (with G. Medici and A. Quadrio Curzio).


Local coordinator in different Universities (Bologna, Napoli, Verona) of the national research project on “Technological Systems and Dynamic Structure”.


Discussant in the seminar organized by the University of Trieste followed by the founding meeting of the Italian Association of Labour Economics (AIEL), September.

Inivited speech at th workshop on “Economia e ambiente: contributo ad una politica dei beni culturali e naturali in Italia” (Roma, Italia Nostra, November) (with S. Brusco).

since 1984

Member of the Italian Economic Association (SIE).


Senior Adviser on Science and Technology, Representative of the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific and Technological Research at the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), United Nations, Geneva.


National Research Council (CNR) Representative in the Steering Committee of the European Science Foundation, Additional Activity "Migration", Strasbourg.

Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the University of Firenze, Group 20 (Economics), Faculty of Political Science.

Member of the selection committee for a research fellowship at the University of Napoli Federico II, Group 20 (Economics), Faculty of Economics.


Speech on “Politica economica e prove da maghi della pioggia” in the seminar on “Economia e politica in Italia”, University of Modena.


Participation to the closing seminars of the Summer School of Economics at Marina di Aurisina (Trieste) promossa ed organizzata da Pierangelo Garegnani, Jan Kregel e Sergio Parrinello.


Invited speaker at the International Conference on "Informazione statistica su scuola e mercato del Lavoro e sulle politiche per l’occupazione giovanile", Fondazione Giorgo Cini, (Venezia, 5-7 November).

Invited speaker at the Sixth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Session on Education and Human Resource Development (Mexico City, 4-8 August).


Collaboration with OCSE-CERI on “Structure and management of the University’s teaching in Europe”, comparative part referring to the University of Trento.

1977-1982 Member of Technical and Scientific Board of the Quarterly journal “Economia, Istruzione e Formazione Professionale”. 1973-1976 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Scuola e Professione”.