1996 Degree in Educational Sciences (Pedagogy)
(University of Bologna);
1996/97 Training Course in
"Counselling in educational and professional guidance" Faculty of
Education Sciences University of Bologna
2001 PhD in Psychology, University of
2001/2002 Post Doc researcher in the Department
of Psychology, University of Bologna
2001/02 Professor of Social Psychology,
Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio
2002/03 Professor of Interview and
questionnaire techniques, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy,
University of Parma.
2004/05 Professor of Community
Psychology, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of
From January 2005 appointed researcher in
Social Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of
From 2005 until 2008
- Professor of Psychology of educational and professional
guidance, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of
Professor of Social
Psychology, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of
From 2009
- Professor of Conflicts in the Social Groups and Mediation
Processes, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of
- Professor of Social Psychology, Faculty of Education
Sciences, University of Bologna.