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Gian Maria Farnelli

Associate Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae

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Gian Maria Farnelli, Ph.D. (University of Verona, 2014) is Senior assistant professor (fixed term) at the Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna; visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2012). He has been entrusted with teaching modules of International Law at the School of Law of the University of Bologna (2015 – ongoing).

He has been a member of the Italian Legal team in the M/V Norstar case (ITLOS Case No. 25), Questions of jurisdictional immunities of the State and measures of constraint against State-owned property (Germany v. Italy) (ICJ) and research assistant in inter-state and investor-state disputes. He has been a member of the Italian delegation during the Fifth Intergovernmental Conference on the negotiation of an Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction.

He has been Editorial Assistant of the online journal Questions of International Law (2014 – ongoing); editorial secretary of the book series La ricerca del diritto nella comunità internazionale (Editoriale Scientifica) (2019 – in corso) and a member of the Editorial board of the Osservatorio sulle attività delle organizzazioni internazionali e sovranazionali, universali e regionali, sui temi di interesse della politica estera italiana (Study centre on activities of universal and regional international and supranational organizations concerning issues of interest for the Italian foreig policy)

His publications, in Italian and English, address issues of law of the sea, environmental law, State immunity, investment law and the law of international adjudication.