Foto del docente

Gianandrea Pasquinelli

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Head of Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences


Keywords: adult mesenchymal stem cells endothelial progenitors angiogenesis vascular wall vascular injury electron microscopy multiorgan donor biomaterials nanostructure kidney glomerular diseases

Scientific Interests
- Cell Biology of the vascular wall and vascular resident adult stem cells. Contribution to vascular wall homeostasis and pathology.
- Biomaterials, vascular devices and nanomaterials. In vitro and in vivo interaction between adult stem cells and nano and microdimensional scaffolds.
- Electron Microscopy Technologies. TEM and SEM applications in medicine.

Selected references on vascular wall Stem Cells.
- Pasquinelli G, Tazzari PL, Vasey C, Foroni L, Buzzi M, G Storci, Alviano F, Ricci F, Bonafè M, Orrico C, Bagnara GP, Stella A, Earl R. Thoracic aortas from multiorgan donors are suitable for Obtaining resident angiogenic mesenchymal stromal cells. Stem Cells. 2007 Jul, 25 (7): 1627-34.
- Pasquinelli G, Pacilli A, F Alviano, Foroni L, Ricci F, Valente S, Orrico C, Lanzoni G, Buzzi M, Louis Tazzari P, Pagliaro P, Stella A, Paul G. Bagnara Multidistrict human mesenchymal vascular cells: pluripotency and stemness characteristics. Cytotherapy. 2010 May, 12 (3) :275-87.
- Vasuri F, Resta L, Fittipaldi S, Malvi D, Pasquinelli G. RUNX-1 and CD44 as markers of resident stem cell derivation in undifferentiated intimal sarcoma of pulmonary artery. Histopathology. 2012 Jun 13;61(4):737-743.
- Ciavarella C, Alviano F, Gallitto E, Ricci F, Buzzi M, Velati C, Stella A, Freyrie A, Pasquinelli G. Human Vascular Wall Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Contribute to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Pathogenesis Through an Impaired Immunomodulatory Activity and Increased Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9. Circ J. 2015;79(7):1460-9.
- Muscari C, Bonafè F, Martin-Suarez S, Valgimigli S, Valente S, Fiumana E, Fiorelli M, Rubini G, Guarnieri C, Caldarera CM, O Captains, Arpesella G, Pasquinelli G. Restored perfusion and reduced inflammation in the infarcted heart after grafting stem cells with a hyaluronan-based scaffold. J Cell Mol Med 2013 Apr, 17 (4):518-30.
- G. Pasquinelli. Lo studio morfologico ed immunocitochimico della parete vascolare. Cap.2. In: Metodologie di Ricerca in Chirurgia Vascolare. G. Faggioli (ed.). Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino, Giugno 1996, pp: 7-22. 1996.
- G. Pasquinelli, S. Valente. Capitolo 5 - Sistema vascolare e cellule staminali del sistema vascolare. In: Cellule Staminali - II edizione. Gian Paolo Bagnara. Esculapio Editore, Bologna. pp: 51-77. 2016. ISBN 978-88-7488-997-6.
- S. Valente, G. Pasquinelli. Phenotypic and functional mapping of mesenchymal stem cells harvested from different portions of the human arterial tree. In: Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Isolation, Characterization and Applications. A cura di Phuc Van Pham. InTech. Rijeka. 2017. ISBN 978-953-51-3615-6.

Selected references on Biomaterials and Nanomaterials interaction with Stem Cells.
- Foroni L, G Dirani, Gualandi C, Focarete ML, G. Pasquinelli. Paraffin embedding allows effective analysis of proliferation, survival, and immunophenotyping of cells cultured on poly (l-lactic acid) electrospun nanofiber scaffolds. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2010 Aug, 16 (4):751-60.
- Pasquinelli G, Vinci MC, Gamberini C, C Orrico, Foroni L, Guarnieri C, Parenti A, Gargiulo M, Ledda F, Caldarera CM, Muscari C. Architectural organization and functional features of early endothelial progenitor cells cultured in a hyaluronan-based polymer scaffold. Tissue Eng Part A. 2009 Sep, 15 (9):2751-62.
- Pasquinelli G, Orrico C, Foroni L, Bonafè F, Carboni M, Guarnieri C, Raimondo S, Penna C, Geuna S, Pagliaro P, Freyrie A, Stella A, Caldarera CM, Muscari C. Mesenchymal stem cell interaction with a non-woven hyaluronan-based scaffold suitable for tissue repair. J Anat. 2008 Nov, 213 (5):520-30.

Selected references on Electron Microscopy Technologies.
- C. Scala, G. Pasquinelli, G. Cenacchi (1995). Microscopie in Biologia e in Medicina. p. 1-568, BOLOGNA:Clueb, ISBN: 88-8091-197-X
- C. Scala, Pasquinelli G (1987). Microscopia Elettronica a Scansione in Biologia. p. 1-237, BOLOGNA:Clueb.
- Manara GC, Ferrari C, Badiali De Giorgi L, Pasquinelli G (1995). Pre-embedding immunogold-silver staining of plasma membrane-associated antigens. In: Hayat MA. Immunogold-silver staining. Principles, methods, and applications. p. 247-255, BOCA RATON:CRC International Press.
- C Scala, Cenacchi G , Ferrari C , Pasquinelli G , Preda P , Manara GC. A new acrylic resin formulation: a useful tool for histological, ultrastructural, and immunocytochemical investigations. J Histochem Cytochem. November 1992,40(11):1799-804.
- Pasquinelli G et al, Development of a Rotation Device for Microvascular Endothelial Cell Seeding. Cells and Materials. 1992,2(4):291-297.

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