Foto del docente

Gianandrea Pasquinelli

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Head of Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences


Pasanisi E, Ciavarella C, Valente S, Ricci F, Pasquinelli G, Differentiation and plasticity of human vascular wall mesenchymal stem cells, dermal fibroblasts and myofibroblasts: a critical comparison including ultrastructural evaluation of osteogenic potential, «ULTRASTRUCTURAL PATHOLOGY», 2019, 43, pp. 261 - 272 [Scientific article]

Rubbi I.; Pasquinelli G.; Cremonini V.; Fortunato F.; Gatti L.; Lepanto F.; Artioli G.; Bonacaro A., Does student orientation improve nursing image and positively influence the enrolment of nursing students in the university? An observational study, «ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE», 2019, 90, pp. 68 - 77 [Scientific article]

Ciavarella Carmen, Faggioli Gianluca, Pasquinelli Gianandrea, Endothelial mesenchymal transition as a driver of vascular graft calcification, in: Biomaterials and Digital Technologies for Future Individualized Patient Management in Vascular Surgery, Strasbourg, Geprovas, 2019, pp. 337 - 344 [Chapter or essay]

Ciavarella Carmen, Vasuri Francesco, Faggioli Gianluca, Gargiulo Mauro, Pasquinelli Gianandrea, Endothelial-mesenchymal transition represents a key process during atherosclerotic plaque calcification, in: European Society For Microcirculation (ESM)- European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO), 2019(atti di: 3rd ESM-EVBO Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, April, 15-18, 2019) [Poster]

Comai G.; Malvi D.; Angeletti A.; Vasuri F.; Valente S.; Ambrosi F.; Capelli I.; Ravaioli M.; Pasquinelli G.; D'Errico A.; Fornoni A.; La Manna G., Histological Evidence of Diabetic Kidney Disease Precede Clinical Diagnosis, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY», 2019, 50, pp. 29 - 36 [Scientific article]

Aiti A.; Rossi M.; Alviano F.; Morara B.; Burgio L.; Cioccoloni E.; Cavicchi O.; Pasquinelli G.; Bonsi L.; Buzzi M., Parathyroid tissue cryopreservation: Does the storage time affect viability and functionality?, «BIOPRESERVATION AND BIOBANKING», 2019, 17, pp. 418 - 424 [Scientific article]

Ciavarella C; Pasquinelli G, The Dual Nature of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): Yin and Yang of the Inflammatory Process, in: Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Dammam, Khalid Ahmed Al-Anazi, 2019, pp. 1 - 13 [Chapter or essay]

Ciavarella C, Sonetto A, Abhualin M, Gallitto E, Faggioli GL, Gargiulo M, Pasquinelli G, Vascular MSCs govern the atherosclerotic plaque calcification under inflammatory conditions, in: European Symposium on Vascular Biomaterials, 2019(atti di: European Symposium on Vascular Biomaterials, Strasbourg, France, October 1-19, 2019) [Poster]

Muscarella, Lucia Anna; Bisceglia, Michele*; Galliani, Carlos A.; Zidar, Nina; Ben-Dor, David Jonathan; Pasquinelli, Gianandrea; la Torre, Annamaria; Sparaneo, Angelo; Fanburg-Smith, Julie C.; Lamovec, Janez; Michal, Michal; Bacchi, Carlos E., Extraneuraxial hemangioblastoma: A clinicopathologic study of 10 cases with molecular analysis of the VHL gene, «PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE», 2018, 214, pp. 1156 - 1165 [Scientific article]

Bisceglia, M; Muscarella, La; Galliani, Ca; Zidar, N; Ben-Dor, D; Pasquinelli, G; la Torre, A; Sparaneo, A; Fanburg-Smith, Jc; Lamovec, J; Michal, M; Bacchi, Ce., Extraneuraxial Hemangioblastoma: Clinicopathologic Features and Review of the Literature., «ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY», 2018, 25, pp. 197 - 215 [Scientific article]

Rubbi, Ivan; Cremonini, Valeria; Butuc, Adriana; Cortini, Carla; Artioli, Giovanna; Bonacaro, Antonio; Pasquinelli, Gianandrea, Incidence and type of health care associated injuries among nursing students: an experience in northern Italy, «ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE», 2018, 89, pp. 41 - 49 [Scientific article]

Zazzeroni, L; Faggioli, G; Pasquinelli, G., Mechanisms of Arterial Calcification: The Role of Matrix Vesicles, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY», 2018, pii: S1078-5884(17)30734-7, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

Ravaioli, M; Baldassare, M; Vasuri, F; Pasquinelli, G; Laggetta, M; Valente, S; De Pace, V; Neri, F; Siniscalchi, A; Zanfi, C; Bertuzzo, Vr; Caraceni, P; Trerè, D; Longobardi, P; Pinna, Ad., Strategies to Restore Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Level After More than 20 Hours of Cold Ischemia Time in Human Marginal Kidney Grafts., «ANNALS OF TRANSPLANTATION», 2018, 23, pp. 34 - 44 [Scientific article]

Donati, M; Cenacchi, G; Biondi, R; Papa, V; Borel, N; Nepita, Ev; Magnino, S; Pasquinelli, G; Levi, A; Franco, Ol, Activity of synthetic peptides against Chlamydia., «PEPTIDE SCIENCES», 2017, 108, Article number: e23032 , pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]

Ciavarella, C; Gallitto, E; Buzzi, M; Ricci, F; Stella, A; Pasquinelli, G, AORTIC MSCS MEDIATE THE ATHEROSCLEROTIC DISEASE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH INCREASED EXPRESSION OF MMP-9 AND ENHANCED OSTEOGENIC DIFFERENTIATION, in: ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 2017, 263, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 85th Congress of the European-Atherosclerosis-Society (EAS), Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, APR 23-26, 2017) [Poster]

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