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Giada Gasparini

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CEAR-07/A Tecnica delle costruzioni


Michele Palermo, Stefano Silvestri, Giada Gasparini, Tomaso Trombetti, Un metodo semplificato per il dimensionamento e l’analisi di strutture equipaggiate con smorzatori viscosi A simplified method for dimensioning and analyzing equipped structures with viscous dampers, «PROGETTAZIONE SISMICA», 2017, 8, pp. 9 - 24 [articolo]

Baraccani, Simonetta; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Palermo, Michele; Trombetti, Tomaso; Silvestri, Elena; Lancellotta, Renato; Capra, Alessandro, A Structural Analysis of the Modena Cathedral, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE», 2016, 10, pp. 235 - 253 [articolo]

Palermo, Michele; Dib, Antoine; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Trombetti, Tomaso, Application of the Equivalent Static Analysis procedure for the seismic design of buildings with added viscous dampers, in: IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2016, pp. 1071 - 1075 (atti di: 19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, City Conference Centre (CCC), swe, 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Palermo, Michele; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Trombetti, Tomaso, Maximum corner displacement amplifications for inelastic one-storey in-plan asymmetric systems under seismic excitation, in: Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, Heidelberg, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Springer, 2016, pp. 243 - 254 [capitolo di libro]

Palermo, Michele; Silvestri, Stefano; Landi, Luca; Gasparini, Giada; Trombetti, Tomaso, Peak velocities estimation for a direct five-step design procedure of inter-storey viscous dampers, «BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING», 2016, 14, pp. 599 - 619 [articolo]Open Access

Pieraccini, Luca; Palermo, Michele; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Trombetti, Tomaso, Seismic horizontal forces exerted by granular material on flat bottom silos: experimental and analytical results, in: 19th IABSE Congress 2016, 2016, pp. 1063 - 1070 (atti di: 19th IABSE Congress 2016, Stoccolma, 21-23 Settembre 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Silvestri, Stefano; Ivorra, Salvador; Di Chiacchio, Laura; Trombetti, Tomaso; Foti, Dora; Gasparini, Giada; Pieraccini, Luca; Dietz, Matt; Taylor, Colin, Shaking-table tests of flat-bottom circular silos containing grain-like material, «EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS», 2016, 45, pp. 69 - 89 [articolo]Open Access

Baraccani, S.; Palermo, M.; Gasparini, G.; Silvestri, S.; Trombetti, T.; Dallavalle G., Structural Strengthening of the Portico of the Santa Maria Dei Servi Church In Bologna, in: Applied Mechanics and Materials, ITALIA, Giorgio Monti and Enzo Martinelli, 2016, pp. 354 - 360 [capitolo di libro]

Baraccani, Simonetta; Palermo, Michele; Gasparini, Giada; Silvestri, Stefano; Trombetti, Tomaso; Azzara, Riccardo M., The static and dynamic monitoring of the Asinelli tower in Bologna, Italy, in: 8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2016, 2016, pp. 310 - 318 (atti di: 8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2016), Bilbao, Spain, 5-8 July 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Palermo, Michele; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Baraccani, Simonetta; Trombetti, Tomaso, An approach for the mechanical characterisation of the Asinelli Tower (Bologna) in presence of insufficient experimental data, «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE», 2015, 16, pp. 536 - 543 [articolo]

Trombetti, Tomaso; Palermo, Michele; Dib, Antoine; Gasparini, Giada; Silvestri, Stefano; Landi, Luca, Application of a direct procedure for the seismic retrofit of a R/C school building equipped with viscous dampers, «FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT», 2015, 1, Article number: 14, pp. 1 - 7 [articolo]

Michele Palermo; Stefano Silvestri; Giada Gasparini; Tomaso Trombetti, Crescent shaped braces for the seismic design of building structures, «MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES», 2015, 48, pp. 1485 - 1502 [articolo]

Pieraccini, Luca; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Trombetti, Tomaso, EFFECT OF THE GRAIN SLIDING ON THE SEISMIC BEHAVIOR OF CIRCULAR SILOS: A THEORETICAL FORMULATION, in: Implementing Innovative Ideas in Structural Engineering and Project Management, 2015, pp. 263 - 268 (atti di: ISEC 2015 - 8th International Structural Engineering and Construction, Sydney, 23-28/11/2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Dib, Antoine; Palermo, Michele; Pieraccini, Luca; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Trombetti, Tomaso, Experiments on crescent shaped braces, in: ISEC 2015 - 8th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference: Implementing Innovative Ideas in Structural Engineering and Project Management, ISEC Press, 2015, pp. 269 - 274 (atti di: 8th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference: Implementing Innovative Ideas in Structural Engineering and Project Management, ISEC 2015, aus, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Trombetti, Tomaso; Tattara, Sabina; Palermo, Michele; Gasparini, Giada; Silvestri, Stefano; Pieraccini, Luca, Italy’s new forensic engineering research centre: A progress report, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. FORENSIC ENGINEERING», 2015, 168, pp. 17 - 24 [articolo]

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