Giada Gasparini was born in Bologna, in December 16th, 1974.
She is an Associate Professor in Construction Design (SSD ICAR/09) since 2019 and a Researcher (Assistant Professor) since 2008, in the Department DISTART, Faculty of
Engineering of the University of Bologna, where she is the
assistant of Prof. Claudio Ceccoli and Prof. Tomaso Trombetti for
the practical exercises of the classes of Construction Design LS
and Seismic Design LS. She holds the chairs of
Laboratory of Construction in Architecture IIA and
Construction Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the
University of Bologna. In June 2001 she graduates with distinction
in Civil Engineering at University of Bologna. In 2005 he becomes
PhD Doctor in Structural Mechanics with a dissertation thesis
titled The ALPHA Method, a simplified method for the analysis of
torsional problems in eccentric systems subjected to seismic input:
theory and application. In 2005 she is the recipient of
a Research Assign at the University of Bologna, with a research
project titled Analysis of torsional effects on eccentric
structures under seismic excitation, supervised by Prof.
Claudio Ceccoli. Since 2001 she's been active in the field of
seismic engineering, with specific reference to the following
research topics: (1) analysis of the torsional effects induced by
the seismic action in structures characterised by plan eccentricity
between the centre of mass and the centre of stiffness, (2) optimal
damper insertion of viscous dampers into structures for the
mitigation of the seismic effects, (3) structural reliability
analyses (4) study and application of the innovative methodology of
the Performance Based Seismic Design, (5) analytical developments
to assess the action induced by grain on flat-bottom silos due to
seismic input, and (6) experimental research upon large
lightly-reinforced concrete walls. She published more than 70
scientific papers, some of them on the most relevant international
2000: Degree in Civil Engineering (Structures division),
University of Bologna. Dissertation title: Analisi dei fenomeni
torsionali indotti dall'azione sismica su strutture reali isolate
alla base. Thesis supervisors: Prof. Claudio Ceccoli, Dott. Tomaso
2001: Professional qualification (Engineers Register of the
Province of Bologna with n. 6226/A)
2002-2005: Ph.D. in Structural Mechanics (XVII course),
Department DISTART, University of Bologna. Dissertation title:
ALPHA Method, a simplified method for torsional problems analysis
induced by earthquake ground motions on eccentric systems: theory,
numerical and experimental validation. Thesis
supervisors: Prof. Claudio Ceccoli, Dr. Tomaso Trombetti.
2003: Organiser (together with Prof. Claudio Ceccoli, Prof.
Tomaso Trombetti and Dr. Stefano Silvestri, University of Bologna)
of the II level Master-Course "ingegneria strutturale nel terzo
millennio", approved by University of Bologna and supported by the
European Social Fund (through the Consorzio Symposium).
2005-2008: Recipient of the Research Grant entitled "Torsional
phenomena induced by earthquake ground motions on systems
characterized by non coincidence between centre of mass and centre
of stiffness", Department DISTART, University of Bologna.
Supervisor: Prof. Claudio Ceccoli.
2005-2007: Recipient of three grant for tutorship of the course
"Laboratorio di Costruzione dell'Architettura IIA, Faculty of
Architecture, University of Bologna.
2006: Organiser (together with Prof. Claudio Ceccoli, Prof.
Tomaso Trombetti and Dr. Stefano Silvestri, University of Bologna,
and with Associazione ISCOM Emilia Romagna) of the High Education
Course "Nuove normative per la progettazione
strutturale e relativi criteri di applicazione", available in the
catalogue of the Regione Emilia Romagna.
2008: Researcher (Assistant Professor) since 02/11/2008,
Department DISTART, Tecnica delle Costruzioni, University of
2008: Co-Chairman in three sessions of the 14th World Conference
on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE), Beijing, China, October 12-17,
For years 2008-2009, 2009-2010 holds the chair of "Strutture
nell'Architettura "Tecnica delle Costruzioni",
Faculty of Architecture, University of Bologna.
Since year 2009-2010 holds the chair of "Progetto delle
Strutture A", component of the integrated course "Laboratorio di
Costruzioni nell'Architettura IIA", Faculty of Architecture,
University of Bologna.
In 2010 is a member of the Proposing Team (Additional User) of
the research Assessment of the seismic behaviour of flat bottom
silos containing grain-like materials (ASESGRAM), European
Project SERIES Transnational Access Use of shaking tables.
The research aims at studying the seismic behavior of Silos through
shaking table test to be developed at the University of Bristol
In 2010 is a member of the Proposing Team (Additional User) of
the research "Seismic behavior of structural systems composed of
cast in situ concrete walls (SESYCOWA)", European
Project SERIES Transnational Access Use of shaking tables.
The research aims at studying the seismic behavior of building
structures made of lightly reinforced concrete walls. The
experimental shaking table tests have been performed at the
EUCENTRE in Pavia.
Since 2011: Member of the Interdepartmental Centre for the
Industrial Research (CIRI) - Buildings and Constructions,
(Director: Prof. Marco Savoia, University of Bologna).
In January 2012 plans and proposes the project "Dentro la
Pietra: viaggio inedito nel cuore della Garisenda", which is
selected and approved by the University of Bologna (Research Area
ARIC) and financed by Fondazione del Monte.
Dal 2012 is member of working group of Unit "Structures" in the
research project ITALICI (development of innovative bricks
capable of providing resilience for concrete frames building
structure in which they are to be used as infill) of INDUSTRIA
2015, financed by the Italian Ministry of Research and Economic
Since 2012 she is reviewer for international "Journal of Testing
and Evaluation", ASTM International.
In 2012 plans together with Prof. Tomaso Trombetti the
Interdepartmental Center "Osservatorio Claudio Ceccoli" on faults and defects on the building constructions,
2012: Confirmation in the role of Researcher at the
Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna
In 2013 is nominated member of the Evaluation Board
(Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Field BO-FE) to support the
Officer in Charge of distributing the contributions to the
agricultural and agro-industrial activities in Bologna and Ferrara,
after the seismic events of 20 and 29 may 2012. (Regional Decree n.
5 del 30/01/2013 of the Head of Emilia Romagna Region).
On 09/10/2019 she becomes Associate Professor at Department DICAM, University of Bologna.