Foto del docente

Gaetano Lacalandra

PhD Student

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: L-FIL-LET/10 Italian Literature

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 139KB )


Doctoral candidate in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (cycle 37) for the DESE Curriculum (Doctorat d'études supérieures européennes) at the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna.

He obtained:

Bachelor's Degree in Classical Literature at the University of Bologna (March 2016).

Master's degree in European Literary Cultures (July 2018) from the University of Bologna and the Université de Strasbourg as part of an Erasmus Mundus programme that awarded him an Italian-French double degree.


He is a teacher of Italian for foreigners and a CELI examiner, for which he holds the following qualifications:

Master's Degree I in Didactics of Italian as a non-maternal language - University for Foreigners of Perugia (July 2020).

DILS-PG II - Certification in Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language - CVCL (Centro Valutazione Certificazioni linguistiche), University for Foreigners of Perugia (September 2020).

CELI (CErtificati di Lingua Italiana) Examiner's Certificate - CVCL (Centro Valutazione Certificazioni linguistiche), University for Foreigners of Perugia (October 2020).

He was an Italian language assistant in a high school and two middle schools in Marseille (France) in the academic year 2019/2020 following selection in the MIUR call for Italian Language Assistants in 2019.


He did a EURES internship with a scholarship at the Dante Alighieri in Porto (May - August 2019) working on organising Italian culture events and teaching Italian language.



23-24/06/2023 participated in the doctoral conference '(Re)Imagining Tomorrow: Agency and Possibility in Literature and Media for Children and Young Adults' - Graduate Conference at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada).

19/06/2023 participated in the conference 'La diversité dans la littérature jeunesse française' organised by Rice University - Rice Global Paris Center in Paris.

25/01/2023 participated in the online conference 'The G-Book Project. Literature for Children and Yas from a gender perspective: literary and translation issues' organised by the Department of Interpretation and Translation (DIT) - University of Bologna (Forlì Campus) / MeTRa - Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Mediation and Translation by and for Girls.

31/10 - 4/11/2022 participated in the online conference 'YASA2022. YA Studies Around The World: The Conference' organised by YASA - Young Adult Studies Association.

26-27/10/2022 attended the doctoral conference 'Gender and discursive strategies between implicit and explicit in literature, language and translation' organised by LILEC - Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures - UNIBO at Bologna.

22/10/2022 participated in the conference "Why read today? Perceptions and practices of reading" organised by Hamelin - Cultural Association at the Salaborsa Library in Bologna.

1-2/07/2022 took part in the conference 'Diversity & inclusion: incubator on dissemination, sustainability and new perspectives' organised by LILEC - Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures - UNIBO at Bagno di Romagna (FC).

9-12/12/2021 participated in the online conference 'USSE: Utopian Possibilities: Knowledge, Happiness & Wellbeing' organised by the Utopian Studies Society - Europe.


24/06/2023 gave the talk entitled '"Avere il futuro alle spalle": An Italian Trans Teenager Girl Struggling with the Future in Un'Alice come un'altra' in the panel 'Daring to Dream: Queer Adventures and Gender Identity' as part of the conference '(Re)Imagining Tomorrow: Agency and Possibility in Literature and Media for Children and Young Adults' - Graduate Conference at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada).

17/12/2022 gave the talk entitled 'Utopian Impulse and LGBTQ+ Representation in Italian, British, and French Young Adult Fiction', as part of the International Conference 'Re-construction and Responsibility: An Itinerary through Diversities and Inclusion', the final conference of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LILEC) Excellence Project.

22/07/2022 gave the talk entitled 'Con le ali sbagliate (With Wrong Wings) by Gabriele Clima, 2020' as part of the online conference 'Global YA Networking Event: Key Readings, Key Concepts' organised by YASA - Young Adult Studies Association.



Co-editor of issue 18 (2024) of the journal Rilune - Revue des littératures européennes of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LILEC) - University of Bologna, entitled 'Eu-topie. Geocriticism of the utopian mode in contemporary European literatures'.

Member of the scientific-editorial committee of the Graduate Conference 'Gender and discursive strategies between implicit and explicit in literature, language and translation (26-27 October 2022)' of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LILEC) - University of Bologna.


18/03/2023 moderated a public meeting entitled 'ADOLESCENT3 TRANS* IN COMICS. How trans* adolescents live and tell their stories in the Italian media' at the Cassero LGBTI+ Center in Bologna, with the participation of authors Noah Schiatti and Alec Trenta and activists and authors Lucas Califano of Gruppo Trans and Ren Arman Cerantonio of the Cassero LGBTI+ Center.


19/11/2022 attended the training course 'Dentro David Almond' organised by Hamelin - Cultural Association at its premises in Bologna.

12/11/2022 gave a talk entitled 'Trash dystopian surprise: The nest - Il nido (2019) by Roberto De Feo' as part of the panel '"Fa ridere ma fa anche pensare": la distopia trash tra Italia, USA, Germania e Giappone' as part of the third edition of "I Sabati del Lilec" at Biblioteca Salaborsa.
Master's degree in European Literary Cultures (July 2018) from the University of Bologna and the Université de Strasbourg as part of an Erasmus Mundus programme that awarded him an Italian-French double degree.

24-25/09/2022 participated in the national meeting on the prevention, contrast and management of all gender-based violence at school entitled Educating to differences VIII: for a school free from gender-based violence at the IPSIAS Di Marzio-Michetti in Pescara. She presented her doctoral thesis project focusing on the issues of representation of the LGBTQ+ community in Young Adult literature and its dissemination in schools; she also called for the creation of a network between academic, school and association environments for dissemination and training purposes.

17/06/2022 gave a talk entitled 'Trash Dystopian Surprise: The nest - Il nido (2019) by Roberto De Feo' as part of the panel ""Fa ridere ma fa anche pensare": la distopia trash tra Italia, USA, Germania e Giappone" at the event "Trash Dystopia Beyond Japan" at the NipPop 2022- Apopcalypse Dystopian Japan festival in Bologna.


winner of the grant from the French Embassy in Italy in support of a foreign research stay at the USPN (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) for October-November 2023.

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