Foto del docente

Gabriele Sirri

Adjunct professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Curriculum vitae

Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Bologna.
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi", University of Bologna.

Field of interest
experimental sub-nuclear physics, currently focused on neutrino and dark universe.

Work Experience
2011 – present Research Staff at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Bologna, permanent;
1st place at the INFN selection procedure for research staff for astroparticle physics;
2005 – 2011 Research Staff at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Bologna, fixed-term position;
2003 – 2005 Research Grants at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Bologna
2003 Research Grants at the Physics Department of Bologna University

Academic/Teaching experience
2012 – present Adjunct Professor at the School of Science, University of Bologna Teach: Practical Statistical Data Analysis for High Energy Physics for graduate students;
2007 – 2009 Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy, University of Bologna Taught: Physics Laboratory.

Research Activities

in progress

  • DUNE experiment at Fermilab (Chicago). (2016 - present)
    Neutrino mass ordering and CP violation, proton decay, Supernovae collapse.
  • SBN experiment at Fermilab (Chicago) (2019 - present)
    Search for Sterile Neutrino.
  • ENUBET ERC Grant Project (2016 - present)
    Monitored neutrino beams and high precision neutrino flux measurement.
  • EUCLID Space Mission (2015 - present)
    Search for Dark energy.
  • MoEDAL experiment an LHC (2009 - present)
    Search for Magnetic monopole.

Closed projects

  • Study of CP violation in the leptonic sector (2013)
  • NESSIE experiment proposal at CERN and FERMILAB (experimental proposal, 2011-2014).
  • Cross check of neutrino speed measurement on the CNGS beam (solution of the superluminal neutrino anomaly) (2012).
  • OPERA Gran Sasso experiment (2001-2015) for direct observation of ντ by oscillations νμ↔ντ in neutrinos beam from CERN to Gran Sasso Laboratories.
  • measurement of nuclear fragmentation with nuclear track detectors (2002 and 2008)
  • SLIM experiment at Chacaltaya Laboratory (Bolivia) for high-altitude search of massive penetrating particles in cosmic radiation (2003-2008)
  • Radon Measurements in Gran Sasso Laboratories (1997-1999)
  • MACRO experiment at Gran Sasso (1999-2000) for the study of rare phenomena in penetrating cosmic radiation.

Author of >100 publications on international scientific journals with referee. Reviewer of scientific journals. Coordinator of AstroParticle Physics Group at INFN Bologna. Member of the INFN Scientific Committee for AstroParticle Physics. 

Latest news

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