Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Bologna.
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi", University of Bologna.
Field of interest
experimental sub-nuclear physics, currently focused on neutrino and dark universe.
Work Experience
2011 – present Research Staff at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Bologna, permanent;
1st place at the INFN selection procedure for research staff for astroparticle physics;
2005 – 2011 Research Staff at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Bologna, fixed-term position;
2003 – 2005 Research Grants at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Bologna
2003 Research Grants at the Physics Department of Bologna University
Academic/Teaching experience
2012 – present Adjunct Professor at the School of Science, University of Bologna Teach: Practical Statistical Data Analysis for High Energy Physics for graduate students;
2007 – 2009 Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy, University of Bologna Taught: Physics Laboratory.
Research Activities
in progress
- DUNE experiment at Fermilab (Chicago). (2016 - present)
Neutrino mass ordering and CP violation, proton decay, Supernovae collapse.
- SBN experiment at Fermilab (Chicago) (2019 - present)
Search for Sterile Neutrino.
- ENUBET ERC Grant Project (2016 - present)
Monitored neutrino beams and high precision neutrino flux measurement.
- EUCLID Space Mission (2015 - present)
Search for Dark energy.
- MoEDAL experiment an LHC (2009 - present)
Search for Magnetic monopole.
Closed projects
- Study of CP violation in the leptonic sector (2013)
- NESSIE experiment proposal at CERN and FERMILAB (experimental proposal, 2011-2014).
- Cross check of neutrino speed measurement on the CNGS beam (solution of the superluminal neutrino anomaly) (2012).
- OPERA Gran Sasso experiment (2001-2015) for direct observation of ντ by oscillations νμ↔ντ in neutrinos beam from CERN to Gran Sasso Laboratories.
- measurement of nuclear fragmentation with nuclear track detectors (2002 and 2008)
- SLIM experiment at Chacaltaya Laboratory (Bolivia) for high-altitude search of massive penetrating particles in cosmic radiation (2003-2008)
- Radon Measurements in Gran Sasso Laboratories (1997-1999)
- MACRO experiment at Gran Sasso (1999-2000) for the study of rare phenomena in penetrating cosmic radiation.
Author of >100 publications on international scientific journals with referee. Reviewer of scientific journals. Coordinator of AstroParticle Physics Group at INFN Bologna. Member of the INFN Scientific Committee for AstroParticle Physics.