Foto del docente

Gabriele Bitelli

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CEAR-04/A Geomatica


MetroArcheo 2023, Roma, 19-21/10/2023


Special Session "Geomatics for Cultural Heritage by integrating multi-source and multi-scale data", organized by G. Bitelli and M.G D'Urso

Main Topics:

  • Integration of Geomatics techniques for Cultural Heritage data acquisition and processing
  • Data fusion for advanced remote sensed techniques in Archaeology
  • 3D modelling, BIM and informative models of sites, monuments, objects
  • Development of sensors and special devices for surveying, monitoring, remote control
  • Medium and long-term monitoring and safety assessment of buildings, structures and infrastructures
  • Integrated techniques for damage and degradation evaluation for Cultural Heritage
  • Quality evaluation and standards in recording and documentation of Built Heritage
  • Instrumental calibration for 3D data acquisition
  • Multi-resolution and multi-temporal geospatial data management
  • Virtual/Augmented Reality and Digital Twins
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Historical BIM technology and point clouds based 3D modeling
  • Archives and geospatial data
  • GIS/HGIS structures and interface developments

Pubblicato il: 18 ottobre 2023