Foto del docente

Fulvio Cammarano

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: HIST-03/A Contemporary History

Curriculum vitae



Full name: Fulvio CAMMARANO (1955)


Degree in History at the University of Bologna (1978)

Ph. D. in Modern History at the University of Turin (1990)

Present academic position: Full Professor in Storia Contemporanea (Modern History, XIX-XX century) at the University of Bologna (Dept. of Arts and Dept. of Political and Social Sciences)

Head of University of Bologna Librarian System (2011-2015)

Editor of the Historical Journal Ricerche di Storia Politica, published by Il Mulino (2004-2012)

Editorial Board of Ricerche di Storia Politica (2013- )

Visiting Fellow (University of Southampton, 1989)

Gastdozent of Italian and British History at the University of Passau (Germany), 1998

Head of the Department of Politica, Istituzioni, Storia (University of Bologna), 2004-2010

Editor of the Quaderni di storia (Le Monnier-Mondadori Education), 2009 -

President of Sissco (2015 - 2019)

Head of Bologna University Master in Journalism (2016 - )

Visiting Professor, Indiana University 2017

Contributor of several Italian newspapers

Research Fields: Italian and British Political History; Modern and Contemporary European Political Culture in XIX-XX Century


Main Publications:

See the Italian Version