Foto del docente

Franco Vazza

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/A Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science


Vazza, F, How complex is the cosmic web?, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 491, pp. 5447 - 5463 [Scientific article]Open Access

Wittor, D; Vazza, F; Ryu, D; Kang, H, Limiting the shock acceleration of cosmic ray protons in the ICM, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. LETTERS», 2020, 495, pp. L112 - L117 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gheller, C; Vazza, F, Multiwavelength cross-correlation analysis of the simulated cosmic web, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 494, pp. 5603 - 5618 [Scientific article]Open Access

O’Sullivan, S P; Brüggen, M; Vazza, F; Carretti, E; Locatelli, N T; Stuardi, C; Vacca, V; Vernstrom, T; Heald, G; Horellou, C; Shimwell, T W; Hardcastle, M J; Tasse, C; Röttgering, H;, New constraints on the magnetization of the cosmic web using LOFAR Faraday rotation observations, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 495, pp. 2607 - 2619 [Scientific article]Open Access

Rajpurohit, K.; Hoeft, M.; Vazza, F.; Rudnick, L.; van Weeren, R. J.; Wittor, D.; Drabent, A.; Brienza, M.; Bonnassieux, E.; Locatelli, N.; Kale, R.; Dumba, C., New mysteries and challenges from the Toothbrush relic: wideband observations from 550 MHz to 8 GHz, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2020, 636, Article number: A30 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

Hackstein, S; Brüggen, M; Vazza, F; Rodrigues, L F S, Redshift estimates for fast radio bursts and implications on intergalactic magnetic fields, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 498, pp. 4811 - 4829 [Scientific article]Open Access

Brunetti, Gianfranco; Vazza, Franco, Second-order Fermi Reacceleration Mechanisms and Large-Scale Synchrotron Radio Emission in Intracluster Bridges, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2020, 124, Article number: 051101 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access

Wittor, D; Vazza, F; Banfi, S, Shock waves in the magnetized cosmic web: the role of obliquity and cosmic ray acceleration, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 496, pp. 3648 - 3667 [Scientific article]Open Access

F Loi; M Murgia; V Vacca; F Govoni; A Melis; D Wittor; R Beck; M Kierdorf; A Bonafede; W Boschin; M Brienza; E Carretti; R Concu; L Feretti; F Gastaldello; R Paladino; K Rajphrohit; P Serra; F Vazza, Spectro-polarimetric observations of the CIZA J2242.8+5301 northern radio relic: no evidence of high-frequency steepening, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 498, pp. 1628 - 1637 [Scientific article]Open Access

Locatelli N.; Bernardi G.; Bianchi G.; Chiello R.; Magro A.; Naldi G.; Pilia M.; Pupillo G.; Ridolfi A.; Setti G.; Vazza F., The Northern Cross fast radio burst project – I. Overview and pilot observations at 408 MHz, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 494, pp. 1229 - 1236 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vazza, F.; Feletti, A., The Quantitative Comparison Between the Neuronal Network and the Cosmic Web, «FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS», 2020, 8, Article number: 525731 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access

Angelinelli, M; Vazza, F; Giocoli, C; Ettori, S; Jones, T W; Brunetti, G; Brüggen, M; Eckert, D, Turbulent pressure support and hydrostatic mass-bias in the intracluster medium, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 495, pp. 864 - 885 [Scientific article]Open Access

Savini, F.*; Bonafede, A.; Brüggen, M.; Rafferty, D.; Shimwell, T.; Botteon, A.; Brunetti, G.; Intema, H.; Wilber, A.; Cassano, R.; Vazza, F.; Van Weeren, R.; Cuciti, V.; De Gasperin, F.; Röttgering, H.; Sommer, M.; Bîrzan, L.; Drabent, A., A LOFAR study of non-merging massive galaxy clusters, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 622, Article number: A24 , pp. 1 - 32 [Scientific article]Open Access

Govoni F.; Orru E.; Bonafede A.; Iacobelli M.; Paladino R.; Vazza F.; Murgia M.; Vacca V.; Giovannini G.; Feretti L.; Loi F.; Bernardi G.; Ferrari C.; Pizzo R.F.; Gheller C.; Manti S.; Bruggen M.; Brunetti G.; Cassano R.; De Gasperin F.; Ensslin T.A.; Hoeft M.; Horellou C.; Junklewitz H.; Rottgering H.J.A.; Scaife A.M.M.; Shimwell T.W.; Van Weeren R.J.; Wise M., A radio ridge connecting two galaxy clusters in a filament of the cosmic web, «SCIENCE», 2019, 364, pp. 981 - 984 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gheller, C; Vazza, F, A survey of the thermal and non-thermal properties of cosmic filaments, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2019, 821, pp. 981 - 1002 [Scientific article]Open Access