Vazza, F.; Dolag, K.; Ryu, D.; Brunetti, G.; Gheller, C.; Kang, H.; Pfrommer, C., A comparison of cosmological codes: Properties of thermal gas and shock waves in large-scale structures, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2011, 418, pp. 960 - 985 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F.; Brunetti, G.; Gheller, C.; Brunino, R.; Brã¼ggen, M., Massive and refined: II. the statistical properties of turbulent motions in massive galaxy clusters with high spatial resolution, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2011, 529, Article number: A17 , pp. A17 - 190 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F, The entropy core in galaxy clusters: Numerical and physical effects in cosmological grid simulations, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2011, 410, pp. 461 - 483 [Scientific article]
Vazza, Franco; Roncarelli, Mauro; Ettori, S.; Dolag, K., The scatter in the radial profiles of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters as diagnostic of the thermodynamical state of the ICM, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2011, 413, pp. 2305 - 2313 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F; Brunetti, G.; Gheller, C.; Brunino, R., Massive and refined: A sample of large galaxy clusters simulated at high resolution. I: Thermal gas and properties of shock waves, «NEW ASTRONOMY», 2010, 15, pp. 695 - 711 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F; Gheller, C.; Brunetti, G., The mixing and transport properties of the intra cluster medium: A numerical study using tracers particles, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 513, Article number: A32 , pp. A32 - A43 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F.; Brunetti, G.; Gheller, C., Shock waves in Eulerian cosmological simulations: Main properties and acceleration of cosmic rays, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 395, pp. 1333 - 1354 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F.; Brunetti, G.; Kritsuk, A.; Wagner, R.; Gheller, C.; Norman, M., Turbulent motions and shocks waves in galaxy clusters simulated with adaptive mesh refinement, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2009, 504, pp. 33 - 43 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F.; Tormen, G.; Cassano, R.; Brunetti, G.; Dolag, K., Turbulent velocity fields in smoothed particle hydrodymanics simulated galaxy clusters: Scaling laws for the turbulent energy, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. LETTERS», 2006, 369, pp. L14 - L18 [Scientific article]
Dolag, K.; Vazza, F.; Brunetti, G.; Tormen, G., Turbulent gas motions in galaxy cluster simulations: The role of smoothed particle hydrodynamics viscosity, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2005, 364, pp. 753 - 772 [Scientific article]