1971 Graduated with praise in Physical Education, Superior
Institute of Physical Education Bologna
1975 Diploma of Improvement in Biomechanics. Institute of Physical
Education Budapest.
1993 Graduated with praise in Medicine and Surgery Bologna
1973 Qualification by the Italian Republic for teaching physical
education in the secondary school
1994 Qualification for the profession of physician and surgeon by
the Italian Republic and so has been enrolled in the Italian Sport
Medicine Federation
From 2002 after competition he is called as full time professor of
II level in the Faculty of Sport end exercise Sciences of Bologna
University, in the disciplinary
sector of Theory, Technique and Didactics of the sport
Professional Experiences
1979 - 2001 Assistant Professor of Anatomy Applied to the Physical
Education. Superior Institute of Physical Education Bologna
1999-2001 Assistant Professor of Theory and Methodology of training
and Biomechanics. Superior Institute of Physical Education
2000-2008 He is teaching "Motor Evaluation in Sport" in the
Postgraduate School of Pedagogical Sciences
From 2002 he is teaching Theory and Methodology of training and
Sport Motor Evaluation in the first and second level of courses in
the Faculty of Sport end exercise
Sciences of Bologna University. From 2008 he is teaching Planning
and organization of the training, Sport Evaluation, and Analysis of
Performance in the second level Degree.
Research Activity
From 1972 he has developed research activity in the field of the
motor development appraising through motor test subjects in the
schools of different sport.
1980-2000 Director of the Biomechanics Laboratory which he found
setting the apparatuses and the software for the biomechanical
analysis of the sport movements with cinematographic and
optoelectronic methods.1984 Winner of study purse for this search
activity, by the Italian National Olympic Committee Rome
1982-1990 30 thesis which has followed as chairman in the
Biomechanics laboratory of Bologna have been rewarded with prizes
as good sport thesis of national level
From 1980 he collaborated for research with the Committee Olympic
Italian and different Sport Federations among which:
School of the Sport of the Italian Olympic
Committee, national level reliefs with over 10.000 young
people subjects (1980-88). Determination of the first Italian
national norms for motor evaluation of young pupils practising or
not practising sport between 7 and 16 years old.
Basketball Federation (1993-96). He has developed
researches from the minibasket, to the juvenile basket up to the
level of national teams.
From 1980 to 2002 he has been coordinator of the Study
Centre of the Italian Cycling Federation for the research,
the evaluation of the athletes and the planning of the training of
the absolute male and female National teams and junior he has
developed also researches on the bicycling for young people.
From 1996 he is Vice Chosen President of the Italian Physical
Education Federation.
From 2005 to 2009 he was Vice Chosen President of International
Association of Sport Kinetics.
He has belonged to the scientific organizer committee of 10
seminars or congresses on Physical Education and Sport to Rome,
Palermo, San Marino Republic, Oslo, Beijing, Bliala Podlaska,
Algiers, Magdeburg with Sport Federations, Universities and
International Sport organizations, and to Bologna and Rimini
congresses IASK for the Faculty of Sport end exercise Sciences