Foto del docente

Francesco Spinelli

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-03/A Arboriculture and Fruitculture

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.docx 23KB )

NOTE: the updated CV is attached as PDF file


 1/3/2011 – Researcher, vice-coordinator of the ERASMUS MUNDUS IMaHS: International Master in Horticultural Sciences

 1/9/2008 – 1/3/2011

- Teacher of Natural Sciences - Istituto Technico commerciale  “R.Serra” /I.P.I. Versari (Pubblic Secondary School)

 1/1/2002 – 1/3/2011 - Post Doctoral Researcher -  Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Department of Fruit Tree and Woody Plant Sciences

Research Topics and Activities:

Effect of plant hormones and other natural compounds on fruit trees production and resistance induction against plant diseases.

BioVOCs produced during the plant-pathogen interactions: their biological role and perspective for e-nose based disease diagnosis.

Psudomonas syringae pv actinidia an emerging kiwifruit pathogen in Italy and New Zealand

Support to coordination of the International Master in Horticultural Sciences (IMaHS)

-Professor in the International Master in Horticultural Sciences: “Ecosystem and Environmental Stress Physiology


 1/1/2000 - 29/5/2003

- PhD - Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Department of Fruit Tree and Woody Plant Sciences

Thesis: “Changes in plant metabolism induced by dioxygenase inhibitors and their effect on the epiphytic microbial community and Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora) control”

1999 Working Practical training (12 moths) to become Professional Biologist - Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Department of Developmental and Experimental Biology  - Section of Botany and Plant Physiology .

1993 - 12/1998 Degree in biology (with honours), major in Ecology -Faculty of Mathematical, physical and natural sciences - Alma Mater Studiorum -  University of Bologna

Master Thesis:  “Interaction between soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi and some collembolan species”

1989- 1993. College Degree (with honours) -  Scientific High School “Augusto Righi”, Bologna



- (2001/ 2002 and 2004/2005 - 13 months) HortResearch, Rukura Research Centre, Private Bag 3123 Hamilton (NZ)


- (2002 – 2 months) Max-Planck-Institut f. Zellbiologie c/o BBA, Schwabenheimer,         Str. 101 D-69221,  Dossenheim Germany

        REFEREE: PROF. K. GEIDER ( //

- (2002 – 2 months) BASF Agricultural Center - Global Research Crop Protection APR/HB - Li 444, 67114 Limburgerhof Germany

                    REFEREE: DR. W. RADEMACHER (

-  (2008 – 1 month ) Radboud University - Life Science Trace Gas Facility, Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED  (The Netherlands)




-          Member of the Organizational Committee of the 11th International Symposium on Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Production. 20-23/09/2009, Bologna – Italy.

-          Member of the Scientific Board of the WORLD JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ISSN: 1817-3047 {Print }1817-5082 {Online}(from Feb. 2006)

-          Scientific Referee for BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY (from November 2005)

-          Scientific Referee for CROP PROTECTION (from October 2006)

-          Scientific Referee for ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY (from May 2007)

-          Scientific Referee for PLANT CELLS REPORTS (from May 2007)

-          Scientific Referee for JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD CHEMISTRY (from October 2007)

Awarded with the Goidanich Prize in Plant Pathology (University of Bologna, 2004)