Foto del docente

Francesco Ceccarelli

Full Professor

Department of Architecture

Adjunct professor

Department of Architecture

Adjunct professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-11/A History of Architecture

Short Bio

Francesco Ceccarelli is Full Professor of architectural history at the University of Bologna. The focus of his research is the early modern and modern Italian city, from the Renaissance through Neoclassicism. He has written numerous studies on Italian architects active between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries, from Leon Battista Alberti to Giovanni Antolini, and curated international exhibitions in architectural history, such as Une renaissance singuliere. La cour des Este à Ferrare (Brussels 2003 and Ferrara 2004). He has also co-edited volumes on the Sala Bologna in the Vatican, on Giovan Battista Aleotti, on villas and gardens in Renaissance Ferrara, and on Bolognese art and architecture in the age of Pellegrino and Domenico Tibaldi, as well as contributing significant chapters to Electa’s series on the history of Italian architecture. His monograph La città di Alcina. Architettura e politica alle foci del Po nel tardo Cinquecento, (Il Mulino, 1998 and 1999) – the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei awarded him the prestigious prize of the Ministero dei Beni Culturali in History and History of Geography in 2000.

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+39 051 20 9 33921

Dipartimento di Architettura
Via dell'Università 50, Cesena - Go to map

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