Foto del docente

Francesco Carbognin

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies


Keywords: Theory and Analysis of the Poetic Text, Metrics, Rhythm in Poetry, Stylistic Analysis, Intertextuality, Narratology, Reception Theory and History, 19th and 20th Century Poetry, Literature and Psychoanalysis, Literature and Philosophy

Analysis of the poetic text in its formal elements (metrical, syntactic-rhythmic, rhetorical and lexical).

Structural changes in lyric poetry in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Aspects of intertextuality in Modern and Contemporary Italian lyric poetry.

Reception theory and history.

Philosophical issues in poetry, with a focus on the categories of space and time developed by the main philosophical models of the XXth Century (phenomenology, psychoanalysis, existentialism).

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