Foto del docente

Francesco Barbano

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/B Physics of the Earth System, Planets, Space and Climate


Keywords: Buondary layer in complex terrain Urban boundary layer Vegetation in Urban Environment Urban Heat Island Atmospheric Turbulence Mountain Meteorology

His research activity mainly focuses on the study of the dynamics and thermography of the atmosphere within the planetary boundary layer, paying particular attention to the turbulent structures developing on morphologically complex terrains:

  • non-stationary dynamics on sloping terrain: study of the transition/inversion of the anabatic/upvalley and katabatic/downvalley wind regimes at sunrise and sunset.
  • intermittent turbulence in a stable (nocturnal) boundary layer in valley: identification and quantification of the phenomena of intermittent turbulence that occur in a stable boundary layer.
  • low-level jet dynamics on complex terrain: formation and evolution of low-level jets and transient processes associated with their evolution.
  • ventilation in the presence of vegetation inside urban canopies: estimation of the impact that street canyon trees can have on ventilation and the transport of pollutants at the road scale.
  • evaluation of the urban heat island and its local scale characteristics; impacts on the street scale turbulence processes
  • turbulent processes characterizing the behavior of the fog in a coastal environment.

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