Foto del docente

Francesca Mantovani

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: SPS/07 General Sociology

Director of First Cycle Degree in Social Work

Curriculum vitae

Francesca Mantovani graduated in Political Science at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Bologna on 1999. She graduated with a thesis in urban and rural sociology about the association "Servizio Accoglienza alla Vita" in Ferrara, with attention to its relation to other local services (supervisor: Paolo Guidicini).
She obtained a PhD in Sociology at the University of Bologna with a thesis about Meridiana, a Common Interest Development complex in Casalecchio, a Bologna suburb (supervisor: Paolo Guidicini).
She also has a B.A. in Social Work (University of Bologna, 2003) and a M.A. in Social Work Planning and Management, with a thesis about vulnerability, territory and Social Work (University of Bologna, 2004.

Francesca Mantovani is a researcher at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bologna since 2006 (scientific sector SPS/10, sociology of territory and environment). In 2013, she moved to to scientific sector SPS/07).


Other training activities

She participated to a seminar about familiy custody organized within the Piano provinciale e qualificazione delle politiche di accoglienza e tutela minori (Ferrara, December 7 2004).

She participated to a seminar about Tutela minori in particolare sull’attività di contrasto alle forme di abuso e maltrattamento (Ferrara, 8 March 2005).

She participated to the course Progettualità in rete per lo sviluppo integrato e associato del territorio, organized by Fondazione San Giuseppe CFP and Cesta. She joined to the modules “La programmazione negoziata e la gestione associata fra i comuni” and “L’individuo al centro dei servizi alla persona” (Ferrara, 20 May 2005).

She participated to the conference Prevenzione e riduzione dell’interruzione volontaria di gravidanza: sociale, sanitario e Terzo settore nel percorso di Forlì (Forlì, 20 October 2012).

She participated to the seminar Livelli essenziali di assistenza e livelli essenziali delle prestazioni sociali tra diritti esigibili e vincoli finanziari (Bologna, 17 October 2012).

She participated to the conference Minori e Garanzie: i garanti regionali per un nuovo sistema di giustizia minorile (Bologna, 20 November 2012).

She participated to the conference L’affido di neonati e bimbi piccoli: la rilevanza del fattore tempo, (Catholic University of Milan, 4 December 2012).

She participated to the conference Verso un modello nazionale delle Comunità terapeutiche, organized by Comunitalia CT (Rome, 31 January 2013).

She participated to the conference Il servizio sociale e le sue voci, organized by the University of Milan Bicocca (Milan, 1 March 2013).

She participated to the conference Facciamo crescere il tutore volontario. Percorso di sensibilizzazione e formazione per tutore volontario, organized by the regional government of Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 7 March 2013).

She participated to the conference L’accompagnamento del minore nel procedimento giudiziario. Progetto “E dopo cosa succede?”, organized by Ausl Bologna (Bologna, 10 May 2013).

She participated to the conference Sintonizzarsi con il bambino/adolescente: la convenzione di Lanzarote e l’ascolto competente nella prospettiva, organized by the association Centro “Il Faro” (Bologna, 6 June 2013).

She participated to the conference La misura del Ritorno Volontario Assistito. Informazione e counseling al migrante. Il ruolo dell’assistente sociale, organized by the regional government of Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 30 January 2014).

She participated to the conference Il tirocinio come pratica situata, organized by the University of Milan Bicocca (Milan, 6 June 2014).

She participated to the conference La responsabilità dell’Assistente Sociale nei confronti dei colleghi e dell’organizzazione: come costruire processi di collaborazione rispettando le norme che governano i settori di intervento e le specificità del Codice Deontologico (Rimini, 15 December 2014).

She participated to the alcohol abuse prevention meeting Antiche risorse, nuovi legami. Auto Mutuo Aiuto e Cittadinanza Attiva, nella formazione universitaria dei futuri professionisti, organized by the regional government of Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 16 April 2014).

She participated to the alcohol abuse prevention meeting Antiche risorse, nuovi legami. L’alcologia fa scuola, organized by the regional government of Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 17 May 2016).

She participated to the alcohol abuse prevention meeting Antiche risorse, nuovi legami. Vite che insegnano,organized by the regional government of Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, 3 April 2017).


Other scientific and professional activities

She obtained her professional qualification in Social Worker (Section B).

She obtained her professional qualification in Social Worker (Section A).

She worked as a social worker at the Municipality of Copparo (Minor Area).

She is part of the Editorial Committe of the journal "Sociologia urbana e rurale" (FrancoAngeli press) since 2008.
She has been a member of the commissione for the State Examination Board for Qualification as Social Worker (Section A and Section B) in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Since October 2013 she is a member of Ordine degli Assistenti Sociali dell’Emilia-Romagna.
From 2014 she is responsible for the School of Political Sciences in Bologna, of PUP (Polo Universitario Penitenziario), a project at the Casa Circondariale di Bologna.

She is the coordinator of the Erasmus exchange program between the University of Bologna and the University of Málaga and between the University of Bologna and the Saxion University of Applied Sciences in relation to the 1st level degree couse in Social Work.

Since 2014 she has been a member of the Panel of Reviewers for of the journal "Sociologia urbana e rurale" (FrancoAngeli press).

Since 2016 he has been a member of the Panel of Reviewers for the journal "Sociologia e politiche sociali" (FrancoAngeli press).



In the academic year 2000-2001, she was a member of the examination board for Sociology at the University of Urbino. She also managed a seminar about the Chicago School in the history of sociology.

In the academic year 2003-2004 she supported teaching activity in the course "Introductory Workshop on Internships", in the 1st level degree of Social Work at the University of Bologna.

In 2006 she managed a training course as regards internships and employability empowerment at the San Patrignano therapeutic community in Coriano (FSE Course 2006-440 / Rer Ob.3 B, 48 hours).

During the academic years 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 she had two teaching modules in the course "Introductory Workshop on Internships", in the 1st level degree of Social Work at the University of Bologna.

In the academic year 2006-2007 she had a Course "Methods and Techniques of Social Work I" , in the 1st level degree of Social Work at the University of Bologna.

In the academic year 2007-2008 she had a teaching module of "Urban and rural sociology", in the 1st level degree of Sociology at the University of Bologna.

In the academic years 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 she managed the course "Introductory Workshop on Internships", in the 1st level degree of Social Work at the University of Bologna. has been the holder of the "Apprenticeship Laboratory" course under the Degree in Social Services. She  also had the course "Methods and Techniques of Social Work LM" in the 2nd level degree in Occupation, Market, Environment, Social Policies and Social Services (Omapsoss) and the responsibility for Omapsoss internships at the University of Bologna.

In 2011 she taught Environmental Sociology in a master for sustainable development and management of environmental systems at the University of Bologna-Diproval RE.

During the academic years 2011-2012,

2012-2013 and 2014-2015, she taught "Introductory Workshop on Internships" and "Pricniples and Foundations of Social Work" in the 1st level degree of Social Work at the University of Bologna. She also was the person in charge for the management of social work internships.



Since January 2000 She has been member of Ce.P.Ci.T. (Centro Studi sui Problemi della Città e del Territorio) of the University of Bologna, collaborating in particular on scientific and research activities, as well as the organization of seminars and conferences.

She has carried out consultancy and supervision activities in the project "Le identità inventate nell'età del benessere", conducted in agreement between Anglad (Associazione Nazionale Genitori Lotta alla Droga) and the Municipalities of San Giovanni in Persiceto, Sala Bolognese, And Sant'Agata Bolognese, in 2001-2002.

He participated in the National Research Program (Cofin, ex 40%) 2003-2005 on "Servizio sociale e territorio. L'impatto della Legge Quadro Nazionale 328/2000 nella ridefinizione dei compiti del Servizio Sociale" with a contract as a researcher.

In 2004 he was assigned a research assignment by the Social Services Department of the City of Bologna, concerning the census of social-welfare societies in the municipal area for the construction of the Social Counsel, as part of a pilot project ( Eusoda project), funded by the Emilia Romagna Region.

In 2005 he was assigned a research assignment by the Bologna Municipality to focus on the needs of Over 80 population in the San Donato District of Bologna.

He was a member of the research team (2005-2007) of a study commissioned by the Ministry of Health: a Follow-up for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction (Department of Public Health & University of Pavia and Department of Sociology at the University of Bologna) participating in the final report as well as statistical data processing.

She was part of the research group for the PRIN 2007 project "Mobilità territoriale, accessibilità ed equità sociale. Uno studio empirico inter-disciplinare comparato sulle aree metropolitane di Milano, Torino e Bologna", coordinated by Mario Boffi from the University of Milano-Bicocca.

She was part of the research group in "Oucome Comunità", a study on the definition and implementation of a model and system for evaluating the outcomes of therapeutic treatments commissioned by the Department of Anti-Drug Policies (2013-2015).

She was assigned a scientific consultancy within the project "La valutazione delle Cure parentali: strumenti per la diagnosi sociale", promoted by Centro il Faro and Ausl di Bologna.


Presentations and panels

She presented a paper at the presentation of the volume "I Grandi Anziani. Una ricerca nel Quartiere San Donato di Bologna", at the University of Bologna (Bologna, 7 May 2008).

She presented the paper "Un sogno abitativo borghese e il suo progetto: il caso Meridiana" at the conference "La città che cambia: bisogni, desideri, diritti" (University of Bologna, 8 May 2008).

She presented the paper “Rottamare la città: densità, centri storici e ricentramento urbano” at the I Conferenza nazionale dei sociologi del territorio (University of Milan Bicocca, 15-16 January 2009).

She participated with a presentation on “Sprawl, riqualificazione urbana e sostenibilitàat the V Festival dell’architettura Comunità/Architettura (Reggio Emilia, 26 November 2009).

She presented the paper “Città, sprawl e riqualificazione urbana” at the II Conferenza annuale dei sociologi del territorio (Alessandria, 25-26 February 2010).

She presented the paper "Formazione universitaria alla professione di assistente sociale" at the Conferenza nazionale dei responsabili dei Corsi di Laurea in Servizio Sociale as a delegate from the 1st level degree course in Social Work at the University of Bologna (Rome, 11 June 2012).

She participated to the anti-alcohol prevention meeting Antiche risorse, nuovi legami. Insegnare e imparare l’alcologia, organized by the regional government of Emilia-Romagna, with a contribution to the roundtable as teacher of the 1st level degree course of Social Work (Bologna, 28 April 2015).

She coordinated the work session “Il servizio sociale professionale al cospetto dell’utenza migrante: questioni organizzative, metodologiche e di prospettiva” within the IX ESPAnet Italia conference  Modelli di welfare e modelli di capitalismo. Le sfide per lo sviluppo socio-economico in Italia e in Europa (Macerata, 22-24 September 2016).

She participated as discussant at the presentation of the book by Milli Virgilio Codice per l’assistente sociale. Legislazione e casistica (University of Bologna, 4 April 2017).