Foto del docente

Francesca De Crescenzio

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-03/B Design Methods for Industrial Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Francesca De Crescenzio graduated in 1998 in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Naples. Since 2002 she is Ph. D. in Design and Methods in Industrial

Engineering. From 2002 to 2015 she is Researcher in Design Methods in Industrial Engineering at the University of Bologna. Since september 2015 she is Associate Professor in Industrial Engineering at the University of Bologna - Department of Industrial Engineering. In April 2017 she gets the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale for Full Professor.

Research interests are currently focused on how higher levels of automations and new display technologies, mainly Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality, and on how these will transform the HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces) and the operational aspects of the future systems. In particular, most recently, application studies have been developed in the aeronautics domain. Through the participation to different Horizon 2020 projects the following researches have been conducted: Design and development of Virtual Reality Environments and Human Response models for optimising comfort and wellbeing in aircraft cabin interiors and experimental studies based on EEG (Electroencephalography) for the mitigation of OOTL (Out Of The Loop) effects in highly automated environments for Air Traffic Management. Finally, research and teaching activities are carried on concerning the use of Design Methods Additive Manufacturing and Reverse Engineering for industrial product development processes.

In 2004 she spent three months as visiting researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge - USA).

She was involved in several international collaborative projects sponsored by the European Commission. She has more than 60

publications in International refereed journals and conference proceedings. She is member of the organizing committee of national and international conferences

including AIDAA (Italian Association of Aeronautic and Astronautic), and CEAS (Council of the European Aeronautical Societies).

▪ Research delegate of the Department of Industrial Engineering (UNIBO)

▪ Coordinator of the GTA Transport at UNIBO (Thematic Group for the Competitive Research in Horizon 2020 on Transportation and Mobility)

▪ Co responsible of the Virtual Reality and Simulation Lab at the Department of Industrial Engineering and of the Prototyping Lab at the CIRI (Interdepartmental Center of Industrial Research) Aeronautica.


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