Tenured assistant professor at the University of Bologna since 2002, Francesca Cremonini is mainly interested in the methodology of the social sciences. Her research focuses on the study of social attitudes and secondary analysis through social indicators. Her current research topic is the reconciliation of family and work.
Academic training
She graduated in Political Science cum laude at the University of Bologna, in 1993
Received his PhD in Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Parma in 1997.
Teaching activity
Since 1998 Cremonini taught at the leveles of Bachelor and Master of Science, Specialized training and specialization courses for the School of Political Science, University of Bologna.
She is currently Professor of Methodology and Techniques of Social Research and Laboratory Quantitative 1, BA in Sociology, University of Bologna (School of Political Sciences, Forlì).
Since 2000 she held courses in methodology for graduate students at the PhD level at the Department of Sociology and Economic Law (formerly Department of Sociology), the University of Bologna.
Scientific activity
As a member of the research team, Cremonini participated in many national research programs including: two-year project “Jubilee 2000” (ex 40% - EF 1999-2000); "Presence, organization and development trends of the Centri Unificati di Prenotazione (CUP) in Italy. Empirical survey on national territory" (CNR - EF 1999); "The quality of the medical profession between general practitioner: problems and innovative paths" (CNR - EF 2000); two-year project "The perceived quality in health" (RFO - EF 1999-2000); two-year project "The doctor-patient relationship" (RFO - EF 2001-2002); annual project "Indicators of social inequality in health system" (RFO - ER 2005); two-year project "Alcohol and nutrition in young workers" (RFO - ER 2007).
Reviewer for the following academic journals: Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, Salute e Società.
Institutional and academic service
2013-present: member of the Committee on Quality Assurance, BA in in Sociology.
2014-present: member of the Committee for Admissions, School of Political Science of the University of Bologna (three-year degrees in Sociology and International Relations and Diplomacy).
199-2013: member of the Steeringf committee, PhD in Criminology.
She is currently responsible for coordinating the teaching methodology for the PhD in Sociology, Department of Sociology and Economic Law at the University of Bologna.
Membership in scientific and editorial committees
1992-present: member of the editorial board, of the "Theory, Epistemology, Method" section of the Laboratorio Sociologico book series, FrancoAngeli Publisher.
2002-present: member of the editorial staff of the academic journal “Salute e Società”, FrancoAngeli Publisher.