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Franca Franchi

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

Adjunct professor

Department of Mathematics


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Publications prior to 2004

F. FRANCHI: Sulla propagazione del calore con velocità finita in un fluido in moto;  Acc.Naz. Lincei, Rendiconti, serie VII, LXII (2), 212-219 (1977).
F. FRANCHI: Un teorema di unicità per l'equazione di propagazione del calore con velocità finita; Atti Acc.Sci. Torino, 111, 273-277 (1976-77).
F. FRANCHI: Sulla propagazione delle onde termiche; Atti Acc.Sci. Bologna, Rendiconti, serie XIII, tomo V, 266, 209-220 (1978).
F. FRANCHI: Un teorema di unicità per le equazioni di Boussinesq modificate in base all'equazione di Cattaneo-Fox; Acc.Naz. Lincei, Rendiconti, serie VIII, LXIV (3), 273-279 (1978).
F. FRANCHI: Sull'unicità delle soluzioni delle equazioni di Boussinesq modificate in base all'equazione costitutiva di Cattaneo-Fox in un dominio illimitato; Acc.Naz. Lincei, Rendiconti, serie VIII, LXV, (6), 275-281 (1979).
F. FRANCHI: Un teorema di unicità per la propagazione del calore per convezione forzata con velocità finita in un dominio illimitato; Atti Acc.Sci. Torino, 113, 33-37 (1979).
F.FRANCHI: Sulla propagazione di onde in un fluido viscoso non stokesiano;  Atti Acc.Sci. Bologna, Rendiconti, serie XIII, tomo VI, 267, 175-189 (1979).
F. FRANCHI: Sulla propagazione di onde d'accelerazione in un fluido termoviscoso non stokesiano che soddisfa il principio di oggettività; Boll. U.M.I. (5), 18-B, 1035-1053 (1981).
F. FRANCHI: On the Behaviour of  One-Dimensional Waves in Thermo-Viscoelastic Fluids; Meccanica, 17, 3-10 (1982).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: A Priori Bounds in the  Bénard Problem with Boundaries of Finite Conductivity; Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 32, 208-216 (1983).
F. FRANCHI, A. MORRO: Continuous Dependence and Uniqueness for Heat Conducting Viscous Fluids in Bounded Domains; Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 33, 145-158 (1984).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Bénard Convection and the Cattaneo Law of Heat Conduction;  Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 96A, 175-178 (1984).
F. FRANCHI: Growth Estimates in Linear Elasticity with Sublinear Body Force Without Definiteness Conditions on the Elasticities; Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 27, 223-228 (1984).
F. FRANCHI: Wave Propagation in Heat Conducting Dielectric Solids with Thermal Relaxation and Temperature Dependent Electric Permittivity; Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (4), 11, 443-461 (1985).
F. FRANCHI, A. MORRO: Domain of Influence in Nonlinear Heat Conduction; Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena (2), 33, 247-262 (1984).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Convection, stability and uniqueness for a fluid of third grade; Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, (5/6) 23, 377-384 (1988).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: A nonlinear energy stability analysis of a model for  deep convection; International J. Eng. Science, 30, 739-745 (1992).
F.FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Nonlinear stability for thermal convection in a  micropolar fluid with temperature dependent viscosity; International J. Eng. Science, 30 1349-1360 (1992).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Natural stabilization for fluids of third grade and of dipolar type; Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (5), 1, 77-90 (1992).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Continuous dependence on the body force for  solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations and on the heat supply in a model for  double diffusive porous convection; J. Math. Anal. Appl., 172, 117-129 (1993).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Stability and non existence results in the generaliezd theory of a fluid of second grade; J. Math. Anal. Appl. 180, 122-137 (1993).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Continuous dependence on modelling in penetrative convection with a nonlinear equation of state,   Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (5), 2 (1993).
F. FRANCHI, A. MORRO: Global existence and asymptotic stability of equilibrium in non-linear heat conduction J. Math. Anal. Appl. 188 (1994), 590-609.
F. FRANCHI: Stabilization estimates for penetrative motions in porous media; Math. Meth. in the Applied Sciences, 17, 11-20 (1994).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Thermal convection at low temperature, J. Non-Equilibrium Thermodyn. 19, 368-374 (1994).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Spatial decay estimates and continuous dependence on modelling for an equation from dynamo theory; Proc. Roy. Soc. London,  A, 445, 437-451 (1994).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Continuous dependence on the relaxation time and modelling, and unbounded growth, in theories of heat conduction with finite propagation speeds;  J. Math. Anal. Appl. 185 726-746, (1994).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Effects of errors in the initial-time geometry on the solution of an equation from dynamo theory in an exterior domain;  Proc. Roy. Soc. London,  A, 450, 109-121 (1995).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Structural stability for the Brinkman Equations in Porous Media; Math. Meth. in the Appl. Sci., 19, 1335-1347 (1996).
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: A comparison of the Graffi and Kazhikov-Smagulov models for top heavy pollution instability; Advances in Water Resources 24 (2001), 585-594
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Convection, Diffusion and Pollution: The Model of Dario Graffi; in "Proceedings of the Conference: Nuovi Progressi nella Fisica Matematica dall'Eredità di Dario Graffi"; Atti dei Convegni Lincei 177; Roma 2002, pp. 257-265
F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: Continuous dependence and decay for the Forchheimer equations; Proc. R. Soc. London A 459 (2003), 3195-3202
M.  FABRIZIO, F. FRANCHI, B. STRAUGHAN: On a model for thermo-poroacoustic waves; Int. J. Engn. Sci. 46 (2008), 790-798
G. AMENDOLA, M. FABRIZIO, F. FRANCHI: On the minimum free energy for a rigid heat conductor with memory effects; Non linear Dynamics and systems. 9(2009), 333-360
M. FABRIZIO, F. FRANCHI: Delayed thermal models. Stability and thermodynamics; Journal of Thermal Stresses, 37 (2014), 160-173,  published on line 19/12/ 2013 DOI 10.1080/01495739.2013.839619
F. FRANCHI, R. NIBBI, B. LAZZARI: Uniqueness and stability results for non-linear Johnson-Segalman viscoelasticity and related models; DCDS-B, 19 (2014), 2111-2132
F. FRANCHI, R. NIBBI, B. LAZZARI: The gravitational instability of a  non-ideal Johnson-Segalman viscoelastic plasma; preprint (2013).
F. FRANCHI, R. NIBBI, B. LAZZARI: A delayed hydrodynamic model for chemotactic processes in angiogenesis versus  astrophysical mechanisms; preprint (2014).
F. FRANCHI, R. NIBBI, B. LAZZARI: On the asymptotic stability for Kirchhoff plates with viscoelastic dissipation; in corso di stampa su Meccanica (2017).
F. FRANCHI, R. NIBBI, B.LAZZARI: Kirchhoff plates with viscous boundary dissipation; Meccanica, 49 (2014), 2247-2255
F. FRANCHI, R.NIBBI, B. LAZZARI: Mathematical models for the non-isothermal Johnson-Segalman viscoelasticity in porous media: stability and wave propagation; pubblicato on line dicembre 2014, in corso di stampa su the Appl.Sci. (2015).
M. FABRIZIO, F. FRANCHI: On a non-isothermal fractional Cahn-Hilliard model within a revisited Green-Naghdi type III theory; preprint.
M. FABRIZIO, F. FRANCHI: Delayed nonlinear rigid heat conduction theories: relations with lagging models and stability analysis; preprint.
F. FRANCHI, R. NIBBI, B. LAZZARI: The J.S. model versus a non-ideal MHD theory; Physics Letters A, 379 (2015), 1431-1436

F.FRANCHI, B.LAZZARI, R.NIBBI, B.STRAUGHAN: Uniqueness and decay in local thermal non-equilibrium double porosity thermoelasticity; Math Meth Appl Sci. 20181-9.

M.FABRIZIO, F.FRANCHI, B.LAZZARI, R.NIBBI: A non-isothermal compressible Cahn-Hilliard model for air pollution phenomena, Physica D (2018), 10.1016/j.physd.2018.05.003.