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Flavio Valerio Alessi

Research fellow

Department of Philosophy


Alessi, F. V., Covid-19, Between Coexistence and Convenience. Managing Meaning and Articulating the Pandemic Landscape., «E/C», 2024, 41, pp. 82 - 91 [Scientific article]

Alessi, F. V., Drawing You to Not Draw Back. The Semiotics of Portrait Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders, «RETI SAPERI LINGUAGGI», 2024, 2, luglio-dicembre 2024, pp. 291 - 304 [Scientific article]

Flavio Valerio Alessi; Luigi Lobaccaro, I destini del corpo. Anzianità, corporeità e significazione nel cinema contemporaneo, «CARTE SEMIOTICHE», 2024, Annali 10, pp. 31 - 49 [Scientific article]

Paolucci, C; Giorgini, F; Scheda, R; Alessi, FV; Diciotti, S, Early prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorders through interaction analysis in home videos and explainable artificial intelligence, «COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR», 2023, 148, Article number: 107877 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Alessi, Flavio Valerio, The Semiotic Construction of Sars-CoV-2: The Case of The Electron Cryomicroscope., «E/C», 2023, 17, pp. 202 - 219 [Scientific article]Open Access

Flavio Valerio Alessi, Tra credenze, dubbi, rischi e cause. Lo stile interpretativo dell'epidemiologia e del complottismo, «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI FILOSOFIA DEL LINGUAGGIO», 2021, Special Issue 2021, pp. 10 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

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