Foto del docente

Flavio Delbono

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-01/A Economia politica



The class of Regulation of Friday 8th March will begin at 12.15 and ends regularly at 14.00. We will make up the canceled hour in due time

Pubblicato il: 04 marzo 2024


Hello, due to an unforeseen event, I need to postone the begin of tomorrow class from 11 to 12, so that the new time schedule will be 12-14 (same classroom) Sorry for the last minute change FD

Pubblicato il: 27 febbraio 2024

Exercise session

To Clabe students who attended IO. The exercise session will be held by Miss Alessia Frapiccini Monday 19th, 15-17, Classroom 11.

Pubblicato il: 07 dicembre 2022

Correction exams 22/12/21

I have uploaded the corrections in the material of the course (after the slides)

Pubblicato il: 10 gennaio 2022


Messaggio in Italiano: titolo: Orienta|ME: un mentor per orientarsi nel mondo universitario testo: Questo progetto mette in contatto studenti delle scuole superiori con studenti dell'Università di Bologna in una serie di incontri informali uno-a-uno, per confrontarsi sulla scelta del corso di studi ...

Pubblicato il: 05 maggio 2021

Exercises sessions, IO, Clef

The TA dr Stefano Azzolina will carry out two online sesions dedicated to exercises: April 23rd, 10.00-12.30 May 21st, 10.00-12.30

Pubblicato il: 25 marzo 2021

Law and economics of regulation

Contrary to what I said in class today, with the exception of Erasmus students, the exam cannot be divided in two parts. Hence, the final essay will be examined by both Prof. Senzani and me and will be worth 6 credits.

Pubblicato il: 17 febbraio 2021

Next exams Industrial Organization Clabe

As decided by the University Board, students may choose between online (oral) exams or written exams in presence, given that we can assure the proper safety measures.

Pubblicato il: 30 novembre 2020

Template for the essay to be presented for the exam of "Law and Economics of Regulation"

This is the template to be followed:     Opinion-Paper [name] Title Abstract 1. Introduction [ framework & k-question ] 2. Definitions [ relevant concepts ] 3. Analysis [ legal / economic issues ] 4. Synthesis [ what does the topic show according to the case/subject? ] 5. Conclusion ...

Pubblicato il: 08 maggio 2020

Exam of Industrial Organization

Rules of the oral exam * At the present time, the oral (partial) exam of November 5th is scheduled at 1pm. However, depending on the number of students choosing the oral, I will inform them about the expected time and date (possibly the 6th). * I will connect you per group, at the scheduled time. * ...

Pubblicato il: 06 aprile 2020

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