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Federico Ravaldi is a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Bologna University, where he teaches Big Data Techniques. Areas of interest and research include Decision Support Systems, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse and, particularly in recent years, Big Data Analytics and Location Intelligence.
He graduated in Computer Engineering and then worked in the field of research at a Interuniversity Consortium . He's Owner, Founder & CEO of Iconsulting Spa, which he founded seventeen years ago, a company specializing in Big Data Analytics with offices in Bologna, Milan, Rome and London.
He is the creator of the Better Decisions Forum format and designed INDYCO, the ICONSULTING innovation center core product, which was given the prestigious international award Gartner Cool Vendor in Big Data. He currently teaches the Performance Management course at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He is also the Director of the Big Data module of the Master in Data Science and the Director of the Open Program in Big Data Analytics for Bologna Business School (BBS).
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