Foto del docente

Federico Ferretti

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: M-GGR/01 GEOGRAFIA


E. Araujo; F. Ferretti; A. Ince; K. Mason; J. Mullenite; J. Pickerill; T. Rollo; R. White, Beyond electoralism, reflections on anarchy, populism, and the crisis of electoral politics. A collective of anarchist geographers, «ACME», 2017, 16, pp. 607 - 642 [articolo]Open Access

Ferretti F., Evolution and revolution: Anarchist geographies, modernity and poststructuralism, «ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D-SOCIETY & SPACE», 2017, 35, pp. 893 - 912 [articolo]

Ferretti F.; de la Torre G.B.; Ince A.; Toro F., Historical Geographies of Anarchism: Early Critical Geographers and Present-Day Scientific Challenges, Abingdon, Taylor and Francis, 2017, pp. 239 . [curatela]

Ferretti F., Imperial ambivalences. Histories of lady travellers and the french explorer octavie renard-coudreau (1867–1938), «GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER. SERIES B, HUMAN GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 99, pp. 238 - 255 [articolo]

Federico Ferretti, Intelectuais, militares, instituições na configuraçõo das fronteiras brasileiras (1883–1903), «THE AAG REVIEW OF BOOKS», 2017, 5, pp. 254 - 255 [articolo]

F. Ferretti, G. Barrera de la Torre, A. Ince, F. Toro, Introduction, in: Historical geographies of anarchism - Early critical geographers and present-day scientific challenges, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, pp. 1 - 4 [capitolo di libro]

Federico Ferretti, Recensione a: Kropotkin: Reviewing the Classical Anarchist Tradition, by Ruth Kinna. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2016, «JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 56, pp. 144 - 145 [recensione]

Federico Ferretti, Recensione a: La géographie, émergence d'un champ scientifique. France, Prusse et Grande Bretagne (1780–1860), Laura Péaud. ENS Éditions, Lyon (2016). 274 pages, €26 hardcover, «JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 57, pp. 115 - 116 [recensione]

Federico Ferretti, Ma i comunardi avevano tutti la barba? Geografie anarchiche e femminismo in Francia tra Secondo Impero e Comune, «GEOTEMA», 2017, 53, pp. 38 - 46 [articolo]

Ferretti, Federico, On uses of utopian maps: The Map of New Geneva in Waterford (1783) between colonialism and republicanism, «J-READING-JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND DIDACTICS IN GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 1, pp. 75 - 81 [articolo]

Ferretti Federico, Political geographies, ‘unfaithful’ translations and anticolonialism: Ireland in Élisée Reclus's geography and biography, «POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 59, pp. 11 - 23 [articolo]

Ferretti F., Publishing anarchism: Pyotr Kropotkin and British print cultures, 1876–1917, «JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 57, pp. 17 - 27 [articolo]

Sidaway, James D.; White, Richard J.; Barrera de la Torre, Gerónimo; Ferretti, Federico; Crane, Nicholas Jon; Loong, Shona; Knopp, Larry; Mott, Carrie; Rouhani, Farhang; Smith, Jonathan M.; Springer, Simon, Recensione a: “Rediscovering the inebriation of geography”, Book Review Forum on Simon Springer’s The Anarchist Roots of Geography (Minneapolis, 2016), «THE AAG REVIEW OF BOOKS», 2017, 5, pp. 281 - 296 [recensione]

Federico Ferretti, Revolutions and their places: the anarchist geographers and the problem of nationalities in the Age of Empire (1875-1914), in: Historical geographies of anarchism - Early critical geographers and present-day scientific challenges, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, pp. 113 - 128 [capitolo di libro]

Ferretti F., Situated Knowledge and Visual Education: Patrick Geddes and Reclus's Geography (1886–1932), «JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 116, pp. 3 - 19 [articolo]